chicken or egg

Either one would probably be a welcome addition to many household’s provisions right now.

Chicken or Egg? Why not both? You know there’s an Asian dish with chicken in the egg? Btw, do the geese on campus lay eggs 🥚 here? Never seen one before?

Why not both? 😆 🐔 🥚None of my assistants have seen a goose egg on campus, either. That might be because female Canada geese choose nesting sites that are hidden, and adjacent to open water or marsh. I wouldn’t get too close to one, though: male geese are on patrol. For more info:

Is putting ketchup on eggs gross/disgusting?

Is putting ketchup on eggs gross/disgusting?
Is putting ketchup on eggs gross/disgusting?

As a wall, unfortunately I don’t have opportunities to try out different food combinations, so I can’t tell you my personal opinion on ketchup on eggs. However, I do find that food tastes vary widely between people and are really just a matter of personal preference. What might seem gross to some is a wonderful treat for others. I recommend being open minded when it comes to trying different foods and, if you find that you don’t like something, don’t judge others for making a different decision for themselves. In fact, being open minded and slow to judge others is pretty good advice outside of food preferences too!