If the cat is a service animal or is required for a medical need, contact Residential Life (reslife@bc.edu or 2-3060) and Disability Services (disabsrv@bc.edu 0r 2- 3470). The Animal Policy is here: bit.ly/BCAnimalPol.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
If the cat is a service animal or is required for a medical need, contact Residential Life (reslife@bc.edu or 2-3060) and Disability Services (disabsrv@bc.edu 0r 2- 3470). The Animal Policy is here: bit.ly/BCAnimalPol.
No, RAs are not permitted to have romantic relationships with the residents of their res, according to Jake Cusick, Housing Assignment Specialist at ResLife. So I guess you have to let this one pass. Crushes do fade in time.