One of the joys of posting your questions to an almost-omniscient Wall is that you remain anonymous. Even if you were to post your name, I would redact it (that’s policy.) Not to say someone couldn’t read a post and think, hmmmm, that sounds just like Cousin Louie, but they’d only be guessing. The more personal info you divulge, the more likely someone is to think they recognize you, so I think you’re safe, but you could always put in a few false leads to throw readers off!
This is ALL anonymous, right? So I won’t be punished for posting questions, right? (Or sectioned, or hospitalized, or whatever?)

Yes, this is all anonymous. I will never punish anyone for asking questions here. The only questions that are out of bounds are ones that betray the anonymity of non-public figures or use language that could harm someone, and my response to those questions is to redact the problem material, not to punish.