Do I have a shot with Rina Lipa?

Do I have a shot with Rina Lipa?
Do I have a shot with Rina Lipa?

I’m going to say this as gently as I can, my dear friend: my guess is no. It’s not every day one bumps into their celebrity/fashion model/aspiring actresses crushes. That said, I’ve been wrong before, and you never really do know where life will lead you 😉

Your move, wall

Your move, wall [tic tac toe board with "o" in lower left corner]
Your move, wall [tic tac toe board with “o” in lower left corner]
tic tac toe board with an O in the lower left corner and an X in the center
[tic tac toe board with x in the top left corner, an o in the top right corner, an x in the center, and an o in the bottom left corner]
[tic tac toe board with x in the top left corner, an o in the top right corner, an x in the center, and an o in the bottom left corner]

It looks like someone else has taken up the mantle. I’m happy to sit back and watch it all unfold now.

How do you type on a post-it note??

How do you type on a post-it note?? #puzzled
How do you type on a post-it note?? #puzzled

It’s my most envied skill! My helpers use a printed template with boxes for the Post-Its to feed into the printer and then they type in the answers on another template with the same layout.

How do I do long distance relationships?

How do I do long distance relationships?
How do I do long distance relationships?

Communicate on a daily schedule. AND communicate extra. You have to work hard to replace all the easy, unconscious contact you get in person. And visit as often as your budget allows. (Flight hack: find out which days/times are crowded & fly them, and volunteer to be bumped for $. You’ll get free flights out of free flights.) I wish you luck & persistence & many free flights!

Why am I so bad at my major?

Why am I so bad at my major?
Why am I so bad at my major?

Possible reasons: 1) you really aren’t and are being too hard on yourself, 2) In your major, you take higher level classes than in other areas, so they will, of course, be more challenging, and/or 3) related to #2, there are certain objectively difficult concepts/hurdles in any discipline that must be understood to advance. You may be on the way to doing this. If you struggle too much, maybe chat with your major advisor?

How do I get over a guy?

How do I get over a guy?
How do I get over a guy?

I’m sorry about your heartbreak. The good news is that hearts, especially young ones, can mend pretty quickly. To speed that process along, find your friends, find your family, and remind your heart of all the other kinds of love it experiences.

Why don’t I love myself anymore?

Why don't I love myself anymore?
Why don’t I love myself anymore?

I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. Try to treat yourself with the respect you grant your friends. If you say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend, that can really damage your trust in yourself. If this feeling is persistent or getting in the way of being your best self, consider counseling: