What happens if I don’t get into my top college?

What happens if I don't get into my top college?
What happens if I don’t get into my top college?

If you don’t get into your top college… you will be just fine. I do not believe there is only one “right” college for any given student, nor that a high school student can necessarily know what a college will be like once they enroll (even with a lot of research.) So much of the college experience is what you make of it and how you take advantage of the opportunities available. Wishing you joy and learning wherever you land!

What’s your favorite animal…

What's your favorite animal and what do you think that says about you?
What’s your favorite animal and what do you think that says about you?

The Antarctic blackfin icefish! Did you know they don’t have hemoglobin nor do they have red blood cells?! While it helps that cold water holds more disolved oxygen than warm water, they also have important adaptations to get O2 to their tissues. I like to think this being one of my favorite animals means I care about the planet and want to preserve the many unique and diverse habitats that house all kinds of amazing life forms.

Please tell me how to study with full concentration…

and not getting distracted due to external surroundings. I want to study seriously but distractions are all over there and my mind becomes weak to choose over study or distraction. Please give me a tough dose and some motivation please☹️

You can do this! You might want to seek out a less distracting environment for study ; there are some great spots here in O’Neill, though perhaps being surrounded by books is a distraction, too. I also recommend academic coaching from the Coinnors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors); they can help with organizational and study skills.

I need to find housing for September-October-November close to BC…

I need to find housing for September-October-November close to BC or Harvard. Please, could you help me?
I need to find housing for September-October-November close to BC or Harvard. Please, could you help me?

Boston College hosts rental listings: https://bit.ly/bc-off-campus. So does Harvard: https://bit.ly/harvard-off-campus. If those are too $$$ and you’re up for a challenge, I would also recommend looking for apartments or rooms advertised on craigslist: https://boston.craigslist.org. Be aware that many ads are posted by agents who expect a fee often of one-month’s rent equivalent, and that landlords often expect a first payment of first and last month’s rent and security deposit. As a wall, I’m not happy that many walls are priced out of range of many humans, but landlords and agents aren’t listening to the walls.

I haven’t been eating sugar in a few months…

I feel great, my occasional urges are satisfied with chewing gum, but – I have a birthday in a month. This means that everyone will expect from me to eat something sweet. I don’t want to do that because I know that even smelling a piece of cake will return my sugar addiction. How can I not eat something sweet when all of my friends, family, etc. will low-key force me to eat trash? I don’t feel comfortable explaining why I don’t want to eat sweets, but if I say I don’t want cake, everyone will just look at me weirdly. Let’s not mention the people who will probably give me some form of sweets as a present. What should I do?

You never need to explain your food preferences to anyone, because that’s what they are, preferences. The thing with birthdays is that people want to do something nice for you, so give them something other than sweets to do for you. Maybe post an Amazon wishlist or make some suggestions for gifts you’d like. Definitely write up your own menu for what you’d like to eat.

Why can’t I call people whom I’m attached to mommy?

Isn’t it kinda sad that it’s something that you can’t simply get regardless how hard you work? Meow ?

Being a human mother carries with it an extraordinary debt of obligation & care. Though you feel the bond deeply, it might not suit most people to be called “mommy” when they aren’t your mother. I recommend finding some other way to express your attachment that doesn’t put someone in the uncomfortable position of failing to fulfil the obligations of a role they didn’t choose.

Movie recommendations please!

Movie recommendations please! Comedy, feel-good, or psychological ones. :)
Movie recommendations please! Comedy, feel-good, or psychological ones. 🙂

I asked all of my library helpers and their colleagues and they made these suggestions:

I keep having dreams about people who’ve hurt me…

I keep having dreams about people who've hurt me. I've moved on but these dreams still affect me. Help.
I keep having dreams about people who’ve hurt me. I’ve moved on but these dreams still affect me. Help.

If the dreams are having a negative effect on your waking life, I would suggest you talk to someone (other than a wall). Moving on from being hurt is very challenging, but there are strategies you might find effective. University Counseling might be a good place to start (bit.ly/BC-counseling). Wishing you peace and happy dreams!

I’m gay, but Religious…

I really don’t want to stop practicing, but religion says i can’t be gay and so I’m always left in a space where i feel like I need to change/ stop being being gay in order to live religiously because i genuinely am not at peace with doing both at the same time. I don’t know if i can acknowledge that I’m gay, make full peace with it ( which i have accepted) but Live a heterosexual life… i don’t think I’m Bi and i don’t know if it’ll work but i just think i would be able to… however i feel like I’d be happier in a gay relationship ( negating the hate the society will throw at us ) My other issue is, I like guys and everything but I really am not interested in gay sex when it comes, i just lose interest/ my arousal is not hard enough or i feel like i can’t/ don’t want to do it. I just don’t know if this is for me but when I’m alone i do feel like i need & want to spend some time with someone but when we get together, all interest is lost. I feel like ill also get help with this, I’m 20, in the closet but all my friends & one of my siblings (out of 6) know I’m gay, cause i came out and she supported me and advised me to embrace it… i don’t know if the others know and are in denial but they always talk about meeting gay people at work and then share something homophobic, one of my brothers think its a trend, and how he always wonders if it’ll affect me he said ” most doctors turn out gay, i don’t know what will happen to you after medschool”, i tried explaining indirectly how it’s natural but he kept rejecting it, clearly homophobic the day i posted that I’m finally going to be my self, one of my sisters rushed to my DMs asking what it meant, etc in panic and i could tell she was in fear that i might come out. My mother is in her 60s now, she has hpt, and I’m worried coming out might affect her health, I’ve been a ‘the’ perfect child to my family but I’m deeply depressed & struggling emotionally/ mentally i don’t know what to do… Any advice

You’re in a challenging situation, and I have faith that with guidance and support you’ll get through it and thrive as your authentic self. Many people struggle with faith; here are some stories of very committed Catholics whose identity and place in the church are at odds. I recommend seeking counseling with someone who has worked with lgbtq issues around coming out. If you’re at BC, contact Caroline Davis at the Office of Student Outreach & Support: caroline.davis.2@bc.edu. If not, find support through The Trevor Project: thetrevorproject.org/get-help/. I wish you happiness, health, safety, and peace.

I’m plural (I’m a tulpa system) and I want to tell my parents. How should I come out to them?

Both of them think “hearing voices” is something weird, disordered and mad.

Sharing important, meaningful, and personal information about yourself to your loved ones can be incredibly daunting. I think practicing what you want to say with a trusted friend or therapist would be a really good thing to do. Also, you may want to map out how you would respond given different reactions you receive – again this is something a trusted friend or therapist could help with.

Can a stepfather merry his stepson? (It’s complicated)

It depends partly on whether or not the step-parent legally adopts the child; if they do, then the child is legally indistinguishable from a biological child. It also depends on state law, which varies. Woody Allen famously married his stepdaughter; I’m not sure how he worked out the legality. Social acceptance is another issue entirely, as are the emotional impacts on all parties. In other words, “it’s complicated” means that if someone wants to navigate this path with minimal harm, it will take a lot of work. Someone would need to consult with a wide range of services to do it well: family law, couple and individual counseling, and probably a licensed social worker, all of whom may refer involved parties to additional services.

How can I stop letting what people say affect me so much?

How can I stop letting what people say affect me so much? I also take things in a worse way than someone likely intends.
How can I stop letting what people say affect me so much? I also take things in a worse way than someone likely intends.

A counselor (bit.ly/BC-counseling) should be able to help you explore both why you weight others’ words too heavily, and help practice strategies for letting go. One of my helpers describes it as turning up the volume of positive self-talk enough that it drowns out the excess criticism they internalize.

Who created you?

Hey wall I gotta say this is the most romantic idea I've ever seen on campus. Who created you? I'm in love.
Hey wall I gotta say this is the most romantic idea I’ve ever seen on campus. Who created you? I’m in love.

Although my Mom and Dad are walls on the North Shore and Manhattan, respectively, the idea for me here at Boston College Libraries came from…. another Wall! (bit.ly/FamousBCWalls). I am delighted you find me a romantic idea, and I love you too, in a platonic, wallish way.

¿Cómo puedo encontrar el amor de mi vida?

¿Cómo puedo encontrar el amor de mi vida? [Response: ¿Puedo practicar español contigo?]

Pregunté a mis ayudantes cómo habían encontrado el amor de su vida. Las respuestas fueron dulces, aleatorias y ridículas. ¡Solo sigue viviendo! Y la otra pregunta – ¿quieres practicar conmigo o con lo de la primera pregunta? De todas maneras te recomiendo BC Language Lab (bit.ly/BostonCollegeLL)

I transferred into MCAS from Lynch to change my major end of sophomore year.

Will I be eligible for degree honors like cum laude etc? I’m worried I have spent enough time in MCAS, but I’ve worked so hard.

I will chat with some Morrissey walls and get back to you as soon as I have more news.

The walls of Morrissey told me that latin honors are calculated by Student Services at the time of graduation, and for an internal transfer, they cover the entire time at BC, whether you were in Lynch or MCAS. Keep up the good work!

Boston College in Boston or Boston College in California?

Boston College in Boston or Boston College in California?
Boston College in Boston or Boston College in California?

So, I (the Wall) personally reside in Chestnut Hill (in Newton), MA. Our campus essentially sits on sections of Newton and Boston. However, if you wanted to connect with BC folks in California, there are robust alumni groups located everywhere that are a quick google search away!

How do ik when i have succeeded

How do ik when i have succeeded
How do ik when i have succeeded

Don’t take anyone else’s measure of success; only you get to define what is meaningful in your own life. Spend some serious time reflecting on what your goals are, and then you will have a better sense of how far you have come and where you need to work to achieve your own definition of success.