How do you convince people that individual actions matter?

How do you convince people that individual actions matter?
How do you convince people that individual actions matter?

It’s necessary to have hope – the faith that one’s actions will influence results. When people are either optimistic (i.e. “things will improve regardless of my participation”) or pessimistic (“things will get worse regardless of my participation”), it can be hard to shake them out of a sitting-on-the-sidelines mindset. Remind them of things they *have* had an influence on, no matter how small.

How do I not get stressed about making the “right” decision for post-grad?

How do I not get stressed about making the "right" decision for post-grad?
How do I not get stressed about making the “right” decision for post-grad?

Making big life decisions is way stressful, but understanding that your decision right now is not final and does not define the rest of your life may help you de-stress. Life is long and people change jobs, careers and goals as they gain more experience. Also the Career Center ( would love to help you!

What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?

What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?
What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?

It depends on how soon his birthday is. If you have some time, do some sleuthing: what does he enjoy doing? What does he lack? If you don’t have much time, treat him to dinner and a (pick one): movie, concert, play, laser-tag, day-trip up a mountain, other (depending on what he might most enjoy).

Why isn’t BC accepting of queer and trans people? :( I want to feel safe here.

Why isn't BC accepting of queer and trans people? :( I want to feel safe here.
Why isn’t BC accepting of queer and trans people? 🙁 I want to feel safe here.

It’s a hard moment right now for queer and trans folks almost everywhere, with so many public figures and state legislatures eroding hard-won rights. Make sure your own connections with your community are strong, and help the community educate BC. For ways to connect I recommended exploring LGBTQ support at BC:

How can I get rid of the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices. There so loud they won’t stop why won’t they STOP

How can I get rid of the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices. There so loud they won't stop why won't they STOP
How can I get rid of the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices the voices. There so loud they won’t stop why won’t they STOP

If you are actually experiencing voices in your head (and not just complaining about the noise on Level 3 in O’Neill), you may want to connect with professionals at Counseling Services ( If it is actual voices, I recommend heading up to Level 5, which is a quiet zone.

Who’s your Twice Bias?

Who's your Twice Bias?
Who’s your Twice Bias?

I don’t have strong feelings, but a friend of mine once went to Tainan, Tzuyu’s home town, and could imagine her visiting the old Confucious temple there for schoolwork blessings.

How are you so wise?

How are you so wise?
How are you so wise?

I expect most of the credit goes to my Mom (a sea wall) and my Dad (a dining room wall) who are very wise indeed! But I also live in a fabulous library with millions of volumes, and I have a group of helpers who research questions for me.

If you had a wall child…

If you had a wall child... a) how would you conceive it? b) what would you name it?
If you had a wall child… a) how would you conceive it? b) what would you name it?

I imagine a wall child would be conceived by an architect or designer like most other walls. In fact, two new walls arrived in the library just a few months ago. They’re on the third floor if you want to try to find them. I don’t usually get to name new walls, but how about Wallet, at least until it grows up?