Its my exchange semester, I don’t want to leave

Its my exchange semester, I don't want to leave (drawing of crying face)
Its my exchange semester, I don’t want to leave (drawing of crying face)

Hey, friend. I am so glad you have had the kind of experiences and found the kind of community here that bring you joy. I know it’s hard to leave after spending several months at this place where you found *your* place, but my hope for you is that wherever you are going next you find love, peace, and more wonderful community <3 And you’ll always have BC in your life! Come back and visit any time!

How do I cope with the fact that my exchange semester is ending?

How do I cope with the fact that my exchange semester is ending?
How do I cope with the fact that my exchange semester is ending?

Keep in contact with your BC peeps (and professors) and make a plan to come back and visit – or study – or work here in your future Don’t forget to visit me and update me on what’s going on.

(arrow pointing up to sticky note responding to) I was abroad last fall and am still not over mine, haha. Just know that these are memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life. May a playlist of songs that remind you of this, journal your experiences, of luck. ❤️
(arrow pointing up to sticky note responding to) I was abroad last fall and am still not over mine, haha. Just know that these are memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life. May a playlist of songs that remind you of this, journal your experiences, scrapbook…best of luck. ❤️

Excellent advice. Keep the memories fresh!

I don’t really like this whole school thing.

I don't really like this whole school thing. Too late for a refund?
I don’t really like this whole school thing. Too late for a refund?

Almost certainly too late for a refund. Not too late to start exploring what your options are; I recommend connecting with the Career Center and having a thorough and honest conversation (

How do you get better at transitions?

How do you get better at transitions? Someone Else: (listen to fly love by Jamie Foxx) good luck on finals!
How do you get better at transitions? Someone Else: (listen to fly love by Jamie Foxx) good luck on finals!

The annoying answer is that they get better with practice. But what you’re practicing is what you need to deal with them, so pay attention to what makes you feel better about it

Fortnite or study 4 finals?

Fortnite or study 4 finals?
Fortnite or study 4 finals?

My recommendation is to study for finals. Good luck!

Thx, you too
Thx, you too

Thanks – I am done with my formal education, so no finals for me, but committed to lifelong learning (which might explain why I live here!)

What does it mean to move on?

What does it mean to move on? If it still hurts does it mean I haven't?
What does it mean to move on? If it still hurts does it mean I haven’t?

The hurting doesn’t have to go away completely to have moved on, but it should be less intense and take up less of your mindspace. If you are struggling, you could make an appointment with Counseling services (

Can I get a hug?

Can I get a hug?
Can I get a hug?

As a Wall, I don’t really have arms to give a hug, but if I did, I would. It’s a hard time in the semester – and I am thinking about you and everyone as you all rock those final papers and exams and projects! <3

why don’t my parents call me? (don’t tell me to call them first.)

why don't my parents call me? (don't tell me to call them first.)
why don’t my parents call me? (don’t tell me to call them first.)

Ask for what you want. Let them know that it means a lot to you to have them call you, and you would like them them to do so. You could even recommend a schedule (Sundays at 7 PM for example.)

They love you but are not sure if you want the calls. They trust your abilities + management.
They love you but are not sure if you want the calls. They trust your abilities + management.

Could very well be. Making it clear to them that you value their calls and welcome them could make them feel more secure about picking up the phone.

how do you pass your finals

how do you pass your finals
how do you pass your finals

The best advice you can get is from the CFLC: Call now for an appointment! In brief: plan your priorities and time over the next few weeks. Schedule the biggest items first, then fit in smaller ones. Be sure to schedule rest and meals. You can do this!

Is it possible to reverse entropy?

Is it possible to reverse entropy?
Is it possible to reverse entropy?

Generally no (but not for lack of trying!) We have a number of books on the subject (some highly technical and some less so) in the QC318 .E57 call numbers (O’Neill Library, Level 3, row 46.)

Opinion on Crime and Punishment?

Opinion on Crime and Punishment?
Opinion on Crime and Punishment?

GOAT: “…But I am talking too much. It’s because I chatter that I do nothing. Or perhaps it is that I chatter because I do nothing. I’ve learned to chatter this last month, lying for days together in my den thinking… of Jack the Giant-killer. Why am I going there now? Am I capable of that? Is that serious? It is not serious at all. It’s simply a fantasy to amuse myself; a plaything! Yes, maybe it is a plaything.”

U smoke?

U smoke? [someone else: Naw]
U smoke? [someone else: Naw]

No, and I hope you don’t either. According to the CDC, “People who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke.” And I want to see you live a long and healthy life.

How do I decide if I want to transfer

How do I decide if I want to transfer to a Bach Program at Pratt/RISD vrs get a liberal arts edu @ BC? Idk If I want to leave
How do I decide if I want to transfer to a Bach Program at Pratt/RISD vrs get a liberal arts edu @ BC? Idk If I want to leave

That’s got to be a hard decision. I would advise getting advice from your academic advisor, and also making a pro/con list. Do you have a gut sense of which choice you would regret if you didn’t choose it?