学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can’t study anymore]

学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can't study anymore]
学不下去啦xué bù xià qù la [I can’t study anymore] 快回家养老吧: D kuài huí jiā yǎng lǎo ba: D [Let’s go home and retire :D] 加油加油我可以jiā yóu jiā yóu wǒ kě yǐ [Cheer up! Cheer up! I can.] 加油加油我最棒呀(呀=鸭duck) jiā yóu jiā yóu wǒ zuì bàng ya [Cheer up! Cheer up! I’m the best.]

Yes, Cheer up! There will be a rest from studying soon!

Bee bop, skiddaly dop.

Bee bop, skiddaly dop, doo wop, doo wop. Thoughts? ❤️ F+M+A
Bee bop, skiddaly dop, doo wop, doo wop. Thoughts? ❤️ F+M+A

My favorite kind of scat! Did you mean F=ma? I picture Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, scat-singing until an apple falls on his head.

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? Graduating senior feeling uncertain and unaccomplished.
What is the meaning of life? Graduating senior feeling uncertain and unaccomplished.

It isn’t something you need to know before you graduate… as you move on in life it may become clearer to you. Don’t stress about past accomplishments, look towards what you want to accomplish ahead. And congratulations!

Why are my boobs tender?

Why are my boobs tender?
Why are my boobs tender?

I’m not sure! Probably not a serious health concern as this is often related to hormone fluctuations, but if it’s weighing on you, definitely go talk to someone from Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth) or if you are going home for the summer soon, talk to your PCP.

Should I get back together with my ex?

Should I get back together with my ex?
Should I get back together with my ex?

If you believe there’s a way to bridge the gulf, consider it. Only you know why your ex is your ex. Good luck.


That’s often the best answer to that question, but I would argue it isn’t always, and the questioner needs to look deep into what went wrong and whether real change has occured since then.

Can u teach me Spanish

Can u teach me Spanish por favor?
Can u teach me Spanish por favor?

So many great opportunities these days. Take classes here at BC. Make use of the Language Lab (bit.ly/LangLabBC). Free apps like Duolingo (one of my helpers recommends SpanishDict). There’s also online courses via the BPL (you can get a free eCard) at bit.ly/MangoBPL. Watch spanish language videos on YouTube or other platforms (with subtitles). ¡Buena suerte!

My parents have never been to DC.

My parents have never been to DC. What are good things to do in DC, that are less common?
My parents have never been to DC. What are good things to do in DC, that are less common?

So many things to do. A couple of suggestions: take the walk all the way out to the Jefferson Memorial. Definitely check out the Smithsonian, but also try one or more of the smaller museums: the National Gallery of Art, the Holocaust Museum, and the Spy Museum are all great. Have lunch or dinner in Little Saigon in Arlington. Take a walk in the gardens at Dumbarton Oaks. More great suggestions here: https://bit.ly/bc-dc. Have fun!

How do I know if I am in love?

How do I know if I am in love?
How do I know if I am in love?

It’s a little different for different people, but common signs are: excitement or nervousness upon seeing or thinking about someone, an urge to find out everything about them and tell them everything about yourself, wanting to be in their presence more than anyone else’s, and talking about them until your friends tell you to shut up. Look for the Chinese verse on the wall right now; it describes love poetically.

We are slaves to history

We are slaves to history, puppets of fate herself, there is no freedom, no liberation, no salvation. We are born to be doomed?
We are slaves to history, puppets of fate herself, there is no freedom, no liberation, no salvation. We are born to be doomed?

Nah. It’s all way too messy for that to be the case.

When will Therapy dogs come?

I’m sorry to say therapy dog visits are on paws right now, but there are other ways to destress. Here are some furry & feathered staff pets: library.bc.edu/virtual-pets-2021. Coffee and cookies will be available every night in the O’Neill lobby through the exam period. Might I also suggest group hugs with friends? Getting outside in the beautiful spring sunshine and smelling the plum blossoms is also therapeutic.

I don’t want to graduate help

I don't want to graduate help
I don’t want to graduate help

Transitions can be scary, I know. My neighbor was once a book display case and transformed to a video monitor. You made a home here, which means you’re good at making a home in new spaces, and you’ll do it again.