Why isn’t Spring break longer?

Why isn't Spring break longer?
Why isn’t Spring break longer?

Doesn’t it seem short? Sigh. But there is so much learning to be done before the end of the semester. I’m committed to staying here after mid-May, but you probably have other things to do then, so extending the semester to get a longer Spring Break wouldn’t be a great idea.

Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I’m seen & treated as someone who is not equal?

Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I'm seen & treated as someone who is not equal? That's BS
Why is it that I pay what other students pay yet I’m seen & treated as someone who is not equal? That’s BS

I am very sorry that has been your experience here. No-one here should be treated as “less than,” regardless of how much they are paying to attend. Student Affairs (bit.ly/BC-student-affairs) may be able to point you to good groups or offices that can help you get fairer treatment.

Would you do it for a Scooby snack?

Would you do it for a Scooby snack?
Would you do it for a Scooby snack?

The only snacks that hold any appeal for me are post-it notes with questions on them. (Thank you for your snack, BTW. I will consume it after an ideal aging period.) As you can see, in exchange for a post-it note with a question, I will happily provide answers. Alas! That is about the only action in the corporal world I can undertake, so if you were hoping for some other action (such as dance lessons) I must of necessity decline.

Why is this world so mean & virulent & judgemental?

Why is this world so mean & virulent & judgemental ?
Why is this world so mean & virulent & judgemental?

There’s no getting around it, people have done mean things and said judgmental things. A good many others have done heroic things and said things that were honest, thoughtful, and/or caring. I recommend seeking out more of the latter, and attempting to avoid the former as much as you can. If you can’t avoid it, perhaps you can meet it with equanimity & silence, kind of like a wall. Meanness expects (and thrives on) mean responses. Starved of reaction, it often recedes.

Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn’t have proper access to people with disabilities?

Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn't have proper access to people with disabilities
Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn’t have proper access to people with disabilities

I have reached out to our friends at BC Facilities to get an answer. I’ll let you know as soon as I have one.

The TML is old enough that it is not legally required to meet modern accessibility standards. However, because of your question, BC is going to look at the doors to see if they can be improved.

Teach me how to dance

Teach me how to dance
Teach me how to dance

My moves are pretty limited, except for walltz, so I’m kind of a wallflower. Check the library catalog for books and videos on learning to dance. Also there are dance classes at the Plex: bit.ly/PlexDance and course offerings through the Theatre Department (look in Agora Portal Course Information and Schedule).. You can find opportunities in the local area that include instruction at Dancenet: bit.ly/Dancenet.

Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?

Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?
Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?

Depends on free agency. The Browns desperately need a QB that isn’t terrible, but Allen isn’t the safest bet. It’s tempting to think of him as the next Aaron Rodgers – QB of exceptional talent that didn’t get the attention he deserved by college recruiters. He could also be the next Matt Leinart – lots of talent and size, but just can’t read the field. Rumor has it that Jackson is pursuing AJ McCarron. If that deal works out, there’s probably some pressure off them to draft a QB first. They also need a Cornerback, and have the #4 pick. Bottom line: if they get McCarron, then they pass on a QB at 1. If they don’t, then I don’t think one good combine workout makes up for a season’s worth of gameplay. Josh Rosen is still the better pick if the Browns do want a QB at 1.1.

I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

I'm a touring high school student. Why BC?
I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

Because: 1. you’ve looked at BC’s mission (bit.ly/BC-mission) and it’s a close fit with your values, 2. people you like and respect went to BC and loved their experience and think it would be right for you, 3. the mix of available majors (bit.ly/BC-academics) fits with your goals and aspirations, 4. it just feels right, 5. BC Libraries (library.bc.edu) totally rock & you want to spend a lot of time here.

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?
What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

Fall in love? Make a really big difference in someone’s life by helping them overcome a major problem of some kind? Broker a peace deal in the Middle East that satisfies all parties? Or maybe you should just take a vacation, which means disburdening yourself of the need to do the best possible thing.

Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?

Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?
Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?

I hope to someday hear the pitter patter of tiny whiteboards, but I admit – they require a lot less care than your human young do! It is my sincere hope that you can find a way to live out your goals and dreams of career and of family life. It’s a real struggle in the 21st century, and each individual has to figure out his/her own work/family balance. Browse HD4904.25 in the stacks for research on work and family that may guide you.

Why is this place my tomb?

Why is this place my tomb?
Why is this place my tomb?

I sincerely hope studying and researching in O’Neill at night is less harrowing than the mad world of animatronics at Freddie Fazbear’s Pizza! Though I have to admit, humans have told me that the automated lights in the stacks going on and off can be a little creepy at night, and once the library empties out after 2am, the lively sounds of a building are more audible. But don’t worry, that’s just me and my friends keeping the building dry and cozy for you and the books. If you find the feeling of being in a harrowing video game IRL doesn’t dissipate, you might want to talk to someone about it. The folks at the counseling office are there for exactly this kind of conversation: bit.ly/BC-counseling

Do you think Communications is a good major?

Do you think Communications is a good major?
Do you think Communications is a good major?

During my time supporting the O’Neill Library, I have had an opportunity to observe students from every major available here at Boston College and my belief is that there is that all of the majors are “good” but that they might not all be right for a particular student. I would recommend focusing your efforts on deciding if Communications is the best fit for you. To do this, consider questions such as: Do you enjoy the Communications classes you have taken so far? Does the work make you fulfilled? Does it feel meaningful? Will it support your future career goals and personal aspirations? Along the way, you might want to visit the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) and check out our portal for Communications Resources (https://libguides.bc.edu/communicationportal).

Hi, my ex-boyfriend started to date a girl he dislliked before, WTF is going on? I’m bothered!

Hi, my ex-boyfriend started to date a girl he dislliked before, WTF is going on? I'm bothered!
Hi, my ex-boyfriend started to date a girl he dislliked before, WTF is going on? I’m bothered!

So many possibilities: he was prevaricating about disliking her before, he still dislikes her but is attracted to her anyway (really not unusual), he changed his mind about her, she got a Bugatti for Christmas…. All I can say it it’s not your circus, not your monkeys (anymore!) Wishing you peace of mind.