It’s not unusual that the idea of death should cross our minds on occasion. There is much to alarm us in the news (deaths from flu; school shootings, etc.) Or perhaps someone we love or know is ill or has recently passed. Or perhaps we’re just in an existential frame of mind. The Libraries has a range of material that might be useful in grappling with this issue, including “Nothing to be frightened of,” a memoir by Julian Barnes (O’Neill PR6052 A6657 Z46 2008); or perhaps “Treating health anxiety and fear of death: A practitioner’s guide,” which is more of a toolset for clinicians and counselors (Social Work Library RC531 F87 2007); or “Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death (Theology & Ministry Library BT825 A69 2002), a compilation of stories of people who did just that. If you find that your fear is persistent and/or interfering with your daily life, please contact Counseling Services at for help.
Why no one cares about his external aspect?
If you’re wondering why people don’t care about their appearance, IDK. Probably many reasons, one of which might be that they’re concerned about more important things than how they look to other people; however, sometimes those “more important” things are depression & anxiety. If you’re concerned about someone in particular, if the opportunity presents itself, ask them how they’re doing. Sometimes, just an expression of concern can really brighten someone’s day. (I hope I’ve understood your question correctly!)
BC needs 24/7 Pancake Service. How do I make this happen?
The Wall’s acolytes are very excited about this idea. From our collection, you might enjoy this Culinary Arts Career Starter:, or this film on starting a catering business (, or this catchy title from 1688: The gentlewomans cabinet unlocked. Wherein is contained many excellent receipts for neat dressing of divers sorts of meats; as flesh and fish, with their proper sauces· Also directions for the best way of making pancakes, fritters, tansies, puddings, custards, cheesecakes…. ( You could suggest it to Dining Services, they’re nice: The Wall also has suggestions for places to go for more information on starting a business–ask again if that’s what you’re after.
How do you draw a pony?
Not well. I’m a wall! But if you google, you will find there are many sites on the internet that will guide you in creating your diminutive equine artwork – caution that some are NSFW (or S)! Or, you could head to the Education Resource Center in Campion, where they have several books on drawing animals (for kids, but why let that stop you) in the NC600-900 call number ranges. But I can’t promise you a pony…
Why venture into a romantic relationship if risks include losing the existing friendship?
Ah. But what if your friend could become your world? Making the decision to risk a friendship for something more is tough. But this is a classic example of “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. There’s no guarantee that you would lose the friendship if the relationship goes poorly. And there’s no guarantee the friendship would survive whether there’s a relationship or not. We don’t know what the future holds, but it would be a shame to look back and wonder what could have been.
新年快乐!(Happy Lunar New Year) to the doggies too :)
Thank you! 新年快乐!to you as well. May you be healthy and prosperous! I’ll make sure the human companions of the doggies pass along your wishes.
William looks like the goodest boy. I just had to put my little guy down last Monday + seeing these guys helped a lot!
Oh friend, my heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry about Cypress. Wishing you peace and the comfort of the memories of your good times together.
Following up on that, who is in charge of picking commencement speakers? Can students get involved?
The Board of Trustees picks the Commencement Speaker, but it sounds like they’re open to suggestions. From the commencement director: “Students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends are all welcome to send suggestions for speakers and honorary degree candidates to the University Commencement Office, 110 College Road.”
¿Porque no los dos?
A veces, ya tiene que decidir.
Why no Presidents’ Day off?
Every school is a little different about which holidays are days off. Colleges and universities have to fit a certain amount of classroom time into each semester to keep their accreditation, and it’s a balancing act. Lots of schools don’t get Good Friday off, which we do.
È solo a rischio della tua stessa umiliazione che mi chiami <<trmon>>. Sono un muro. Non ho estremità, ma ho molti amici.
I want to get an airpod from the BC Bookstore. However, there’re no one left. How could I deal with that?
You could speak to someone at the bookstore (2-0900 or in person) and ask them if they can order one for you, or you could go all 21st century on us and get one from one of the many sources online (Apple, Amazon, etc…) Best of luck!
Why do we have certain dreams? What is our brain doing?
Starting with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Western psychologists have had a lot to say about dreams. (The Interpretation of Dreams, by Freud: O’Neill BF1078 .F748 1999, Dreams by Carl Jung: online at Of course, humans have been interpreting dreams for millennia. For a very different perspective, you might also be interested in Ancestral power: the Dreaming, consciousness and aboriginal Australians, by Lynne Hume (O’Neill BL2610 .H86 2002) Neurologists generally take a more functional view: the brain reshuffles neural connections from the recent past to cement memories. The brain also uses certain sleep cycles to rinse toxins out of the brain ( that otherwise might lead to conditions like Huntington’s Disease or Alzheimer’s. IOW your dreams are for brainwashing.
Is every simply connected, close 3- manifold homeomorphic to the 3-sphere? If yes, please provide proof.
Yes. Poincaré’s conjecture (formerly a Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Prize Problem) was proved by Grigori Perelman using Richard Hamilton’s Ricci flow program and confirmed in 2006 following review ( Read the complete proof in the Asian Journal of Mathematics (
Should the revolution be permanent?
Nothing should ever have permanence other than change. No revolution has the right ideas for every generation. Some revolutions have the right ideas for that generation.
Do you think spending $1M on taking care of our grass is financially responsible
A million dollars is a lot of money for a person, but not for an organization the size of BC. According to the BC Fact Book ( the university had almost a billion dollars in expenses last year. A million pennies stacked on top of each other would be about a mile high. A billion would be 870 miles high. ( It doesn’t seem to the Wall like a bad investment in keeping campus looking nice, or out of proportion to the rest of what BC spends money on–see the Fact Book for more detail.
How do you get the printer to print on post-its?
Putting a post-it by itself in the paper tray would probably be a very bad idea, but I’ve had very good results with my method. My helpers have a template: to create the ‘document’ and then send it to the printer as a manual feed. Then they put the actual template of sticky-notes into the printer’s manual feed tray.
They’re all good boys and girls wall!
12/10. They’re good dogs Brent.
新年快乐!(Happy Lunar New Year!)
Thank you! 新年快乐!Happy Lunar New Year to you, too! Wishing all good health and happiness in the Year of the Dog!
Are the reasons people give for not using the Oxford comma compelling?
The reasons they give are nonsensical, irrational, and silly. But seriously, this topic is quite divisive. Do follow the style guide your professor or journal requires. For an amusing discussion of the pros and cons, see: