Soon, it will come. I am predicting my harbinger of Spring – no, not the red robin, but the flap-tic, flap-tic flap-tic sound in the library lobby as soon as the students swap out their boots for flip flops, to come tomorrow, if anyone is still around, or else as soon as Easter Break is through.
What is the point? (as one walks through a cemetery) haha
Rather than looking for “a point” to life, I think it is better to acknowledge that you are here regardless of reason, and then strive to make the world a better place. If you do this, you will create your own reason for being here. And making the world better doesn’t have to be daunting- even simple actions can help.
What’s behind the name of the fountain pen? When did it come about?
Though we may frequently think of outdoor fountains when we hear the word “fountain,” the word is actually developed from the Latin word “fons” which means spring or source of water. Thus, the term “fountain pen” developed because they include reservoirs or containers of ink unlike early pens that were dipped in an external source of ink before writing with them and did not feature an internal source of ink. It is hard to say when they were first developed. The first may have been as early as the 10th century when there is some evidence that a fountain-style pen was created at the request of Al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah. There is also evidence that Leonardo da Vinci may have created and used a prototype of one. We do know that they were in use in Europe and referred to as “fountain pens” by the 17th century. Want to know more? Check out The Missing Ink: The Lost Art of Handwriting by Philip Hensher (Z40 .H46 2012).
Good work, right? We are given the clue that the lyricist thinks it’s a man (“I’d like to shake his hand”). For the record, Leonard Nimoy did not actually have the answer (…
My assistants are getting in touch with the people on campus who understand the timelines of those walls. I will provide an answer as soon as they hear.
My assistants are getting in touch with the people on campus who understand the timelines of those walls. I will provide an answer as soon as they hear.
Update: According to Facilities Management, there is a long-term plan to replace the mods, but it’s so long-term that there is no year associated with the plan. Renovations in Ruby are contingent on many factors and a time-frame is still uncertain.
What is the real political impact of the stormy “60 min” interview on The presidency of the US? Now what?
The Wall has seen lots of Presidents, but can’t think of one with a scandal quite like this…which is not to say presidential sex scandals are new: here’s a history of them from 1789 to 1900. It’s hard to say how the politics will play out, but the Wall will be watching the defamation lawsuit Daniels has brought very closely.
Why are there purple flashing lights up by the ceiling in Carny?
I don’t get out of O’Neill often, so I had to ask for help on this question. Thankfully, I am good friends with the Carney Ceiling. She claims she hasn’t flashed anything in quite awhile, so we’re not sure what you’re talking about. Can you tell us where you were standing when you saw (or what you were doing prior to seeing) these flashing purple lights?
Depends on what’s in Colorado. Good job? Fresh start? Skiing? Colorado is a great state, but moving somewhere without a plan is usually a bad idea. Also, consider where in Colorado you’d be moving. Do you want to live in a city or somewhere more rural? One way to figure some of this out might be to make a visit out to the area you want to move to for a week or 2 and see how well you like it.
Will (redcated) and I still be friends 10 years from now? I want her to be a bridesmaid in my wedding
It does seem likely, if you are that close now. One study ( suggests that apart from inherent personality similarities (which you can’t change much), investing time into the friendship is the most important factor in maintaining it. So, be there for her through the years, and she’s more likely to be there for you, when you say your vows…
8-person suites are a tricky thing to get. Not knowing the specifics (your class year, your lottery number, etc.) I don’t know exactly why. I think we’ll just have to say it was fate. Fate’s funny, though… maybe this is how you end up meeting someone who turns out to be a lifelong friend. (Or were you talking about PUBG? If so, no one got an 8 man b/c there were just 4 man squads that got paired with randos for the other 4.)
Do the Swedish house mafia will play together another time?
Well, they just reunited in Miami so the odds are greater than if they hadn’t just played together. That said, their Miami set was celebrating 20 years of Ultra, so maybe that was their final gig. Perhaps in another 10 years?
What could I do if I truly hate my econ professor?
Hate is a way to remain emotionally tied to suffering. What are the behaviors of your professor that set off your antipathy? Are those behaviors directly harming you? How much time do you spend thinking about them? I recommend one book on hate: The Psychology of Hate, edited by Robert Sternberg, (O’Neill Library BF575.H3 P74 2005), and one book on happiness: The Psychology of Happiness, by Michael Argyle, (O’Neill Library BF575.H27 A74 2001). Of course, if this professor has actually harmed you and you need to take action, I recommend seeking assistance from someone in the BC administration, such as the Dean of Students office (, the Women’s Center (, or the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (, depending on the nature of the harm.
Do you think it’s worth it to become a certified vet-tech and work before applying to vet school but after I graduate from BC? PS: There’s no space here! Maybe its time for a brother (A new wall)?
I think it depends on your reasons for becoming a vet-tech first. If you want to take this path to help you decide whether you want to be a veterinarian, I think it is definitely worthwhile. It is always good to explore a career first if you are unsure of it (though you might also see whether you can instead get an internship). If you are doing this to help pay for veterinary school or to help you get into a good school, it might also be worthwhile, but in both of those cases, the Career Center can provide more knowledgeable advice than I can. Stop by their drop-in sessions here at the library on Wednesdays & Thursdays 2-4 (Level 3 consultation area) or check out their website:
Wow! Superheroes are popular today! As I mentioned in another response today, I’m a fan of Captain America and Vision (when he isn’t walking through walls). What I can add for you though is my least favorite superhero: The Hulk. He smashes far too many walls for my taste…If you want to get a sense of what I mean, stop by the graphic novel collection on the first floor of O’Neill and pick up Planet Hulk (PN6728.I47 P35 2008).
We are well situated for day trips! Even NYC or Montreal are arguably do-able in a (long, exhausting) day. Closer to home, I’d recommend: the coast of Maine including Portland and one of the beaches within an easy drive; the Berkshires for some art, music, theater or dance; or Mystic Seaport if you like ships and history. Or try some of the quirkier trips suggested here:… Beer Can Museum?
Will artificial intelligence improve the world, or make the world unbearable?
Both? Continuing the superhero theme, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Any new technology solves some problems and creates others. Cars were much faster than horses, but people died a lot more often while driving them. Facebook makes communication much easier than mailing a letter, but also can be a platform for user manipulation. AI will probably solve a lot of problems and allow us to focus less on mundane tasks. But it will almost certainly lead to its own problems; potentially mass unemployment and/or even more structural racism. For more potential problems, checkout I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (PS3551.S5 I2 1950b).
This is one of those questions that won’t ever have a right answer and that people will argue about forever. Generally speaking, PS4 has more exclusives titles than XBOX. XBOX Live and Playstation Network are basically the same. However, XBOX live Gold allows users to keep the games they got for free even if their subscription lapses, which is pretty nice, but costs extra. XBOX also has interoperability with Microsoft Windows, allowing you to play some games on your laptop wherever you are, which I think is pretty clutch. And the XBOX controller just feels more comfortable than playstation. So I say XBOX.