How do I find a boyfriend?

How do I find a boyfriend?
How do I find a boyfriend?

Am I wrong in thinking humans find boyfriends under cabbage leaves? This is what my parents told me. Perhaps there are many potential boyfriends *not* under cabbage leaves. I should think finding them would be something like finding friends: speak to a variety, and when you find common interests, let more conversations follow. Keep in mind, however, that I am a Wall, and Walls might not act quite like humans.

How do I know if someone is going to make a good roommate?

How do I know if someone is going to make a good roommate?
How do I know if someone is going to make a good roommate?

Rather than trying to find a good roommate, think about whether they are a compatible roommate for you. Consider your personality and what you want in a roommate and then have a candid conversation with your potential roommate. Be open as part of that process. It can be tempting to focus on the other person as the root of any conflict, but try to acknowledge how your future roommate will see your habits and actions as well. If you find someone that you can have this sort of honest conversation with, I think you’ll find you’re on the right path to a successful roommate relationship.

Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?

Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?
Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?

My understanding is that hookups can happen with people someone knows well or with people they just met. There doesn’t seem to be a social protocol around this issue. So, you should wait until YOU are comfortable approaching him about having a hookup. Then it’s up to him to tell you whether or not HE is comfortable. The key is for both of you to wait until you are both comfortable and not under the influence of substances or external pressures.

Wall, I don’t want to work at an investment bank, I just want to dance!

Wall, I don't want to work at an investment bank, I just want to dance!
Wall, I don’t want to work at an investment bank, I just want to dance!

There is no need to work in an investment bank if you don’t want to! You should talk to the BC Career Center ( They can help you to figure out a career path that will let you use your passions. In the meantime, you should also consider joining one of BC’s many dance-related student organizations (

How do I get smaller toes?

How do I get smaller toes?
How do I get smaller toes?

Sorry to say that you can’t make your toes smaller. And please don’t try to. People have crippled themselves trying to make their toes and feet smaller. Give your toes lots of room and enjoy their glorious shape. If anyone makes fun of your toes, you have my permission to give them a (gentle) kick.

Who in all of history has most acutely felt Woe?

Who in all of history has most acutely felt Woe?
Who in all of history has most acutely felt Woe?

I often turn to the OED when I’m curious about the history of a word like “woe” ( – sign-in required). It’s quite an old word, dating at least back to bronze age proto-Iranian, and appears independently in non-Indo-European languages as well, suggesting its derivation is onomatopoetic, that is, it’s based on the sound of human expressions of sadness & grief. The Yiddish form (“Weh,” as in “Oy Weh!”) probably has more currency now than the English “Woe,” which is a little archaic. In recent history, Jews have good reason to be standouts in acute woe, and yet they’re also standouts in expressions of humor. It’s a mystery. Unfortunately, humankind seems to distribute woe generously, so there is no one group or person who can claim to be the most woeful in all of history.

Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.

Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.
Why are parking permits so expensive?!? There is no way I could afford one.

According to the Wall’s friends at Parking and Transportation, it’s mostly two things. The first is lack of space on campus, which creates a lot more demand than supply. The second is more subtle: prices are partly high to encourage people who can to use other ways to get to campus, like the campus bus system, public transit, bikes, or feet–that makes for a greener campus, a healthier community…but it also helps with the first issue. The walls at T & P are sympathetic, as is this Wall.

Can I work here? (e.g. a position where I am in charge of answering Q’s on this wall?)

Can I work here? (e.g. a position where I am in charge of answering Q’s on this wall?)
Can I work here? (e.g. a position where I am in charge of answering Q’s on this wall?)

If you aspire to do this type of work – and who wouldn’t – perhaps you would like to look into a career in libraries. Reference Librarians specialize in being prepared to answer any questions that come at them, and the excitement of never knowing what you’ll need to research (and learn) next is real.

Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?

Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?
Where can I find people that are into acting, performing and showbusiness on campus?

Join a student group! BC is fortunate to have a ton of great student groups that you can connect with, including groups on everything from acting (Dramatics Society) to musical theater (Musical Theatre Wing) to the oldest collegiate improv group in the country (My Mother’s Fleabag). Check out the Student Organizations website for these & others:

How do I find respectable employment? :(

How do I find respectable employment? :(
How do I find respectable employment? 🙁

I would argue that most employment can be approached in an honorable manner. You will have to come to your own understanding of what is “respectable” and the standards you need to maintain to respect yourself. Do contact the BC Career Center ( for help in your search.



One of the Wall’s acolytes reports that this phrase dates back to before World War II in Britain. Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia have pretty good articles, and there are lots of awesome tattoos online.

How do you become an NBC page?

How do you become an NBC page?
How do you become an NBC page?

I recommend three things. 1: go to the NBC Page program website:, and 2: talk to the friendly folks at the BC Career Center. 3: Go to the Spring Career Fair (Now! 1/24-25) at the Heights Room in Corcoran Commons. On Thursday, 1/25, there will be representatives from entertainment companies. Maybe NBC will be there. Ask the Career Center.

What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are their classes easier?

What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are there classes easier?
What is the Woods College? Is that a part of BC? Are there classes easier?

The Woods College of Advancing Studies ( is part of BC. It offers 13 undergraduate majors, 5 graduate programs, and 9 professional  studies certificate  programs. It is designed for students who have to work full time or have other daytime commitments. The courses are as rigorous as any others at BC (many of the professors also teach regular graduate and undergraduate courses.) Notable alumnus: Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.