If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?
If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

One of my helpers had a chat with UHS; they can bill your insurance if you want, or you can self-pay with a credit card. If you pay by credit card, it gets listed as something fairly unspecific, like “lab tests”, if that is the concern, Again, if that’s the concern, and you go through insurance, it depends on what you (and your parents, possibly) have set up – you might want to call the insurance company directly. You can also speak to UHS (2-3225).

Is asexuality really a sexual orientation if its primarily self-identification?

Is asexuality really a sexual orientation if its primarily self-identification?
Is asexuality really a sexual orientation if its primarily self-identification?

Self-identification of a sexuality does not delegitimize the sexuality, it is simply the act of selecting a sexuality that best describes one’s sexuality. Sexuality is complex and encompasses a broad spectrum of possibilities, and asexuality exists on that spectrum just like heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.

Should I confess through poetry before graduating?

Should I confess through poetry before graduating?
Should I confess through poetry before graduating?

If you think this would help you grow or be rewarding in some way, absolutely! There’s a long tradition of confessional poetry; the first to be labeled as such was Robert Lowell, a selection of whose poems you can find in O’Neill Library at call number PS3523.O89 A17 1976.

How do I get to the LGBTQ Resource Center?

How do I get to the LGBTQ Resource Center?
How do I get to the LGBTQ Resource Center?

While there isn’t a LGBTQ Resource Center on campus, if you head over to Mahoney Hall 448, you can meet with Caroline Davis, Assistant Dean for Student Outreach & Support or the Grad Assistant for LGBTQ+ Student Outreach and Support who works with her. They serve as a hub for resources on campus and are always happy to meet with community members and provide support. To get to Mahoney Hall 448, head to the first floor of O’Neill and walk across the bridge to Mahoney Hall. You will enter on the fourth floor of the building.

Is it okay to smoke weed on campus?

Is it okay to smoke weed on campus?
Is it okay to smoke weed on campus?

No, it is not. Section 4.3.2 of the Student Guide specifies that “…Boston College prohibits the possession and use of marijuana…” and goes on to say that “On November 8, 2016, Massachusetts became the fifth state to vote to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Despite this pending change in law, Boston College’s policy remains unchanged: the possession, use, consumption, manufacturing, sale or distribution of drugs, including marijuana, by students or employees is prohibited.” You can read more in the Student Guide: https://www.bc.edu/publications/studentguide/

Is water wet? Can fire be burned?

Is water wet? Can fire be burned?
Is water wet? Can fire be burned?

Wetness is a perception, not an objective fact, and perceptual clues for wetness are actually not so straightforward, as you can see in this physiology article: bit.ly/wetness-perception. So, is water wet? Sorta maybe. Can fire *be* burned? Though as a wall built partly of flammable material I wish fire could be burned, it can’t. Fire is just the light and heat resulting from oxidation of fuel; there is nothing in fire to oxidize, because fire itself isn’t a substance it’s a process.

As a wall, what architectural style are you most attracted to?

As a wall, what architectural style are you most attracted to?
As a wall, what architectural style are you most attracted to?

It seems to me that columns, cornices, balconies, windows, and rooflines have enough admirers. What about the walls that hold it all together? For this reason I lean towards Bauhaus, esp. Walter Gropius, who started The Architects Collaborative, the group that designed my walls (bit.ly/oneill-architects). Thumbs up for O’Neill Library!

How do I pass calc 2? :(

How do I pass calc 2? :(
How do I pass calc 2? 🙁

Study! Calculus gets very hard very quickly, and calc 2 tends to be a very big jump up from calc 1. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the studying process, you can always ask for help at the Connors Family Learning Center: bit.ly/BC-connors. They have wonderful tutors to help students succeed in every way possible.

Is it okay to be FWB w/ your best friend? lol

Is it okay to be FWB w/ your best friend? lol
Is it okay to be FWB w/ your best friend? lol

Adding a sexual component to your BFship is risky business, whether you are adding it as a component of morphing your friendship into love, or whether it’s just for… convenience. You would need to be very, very sure that s/he was on the same page as you are, even on the subconscious level. I’m not just being a prudish wall when I say I would advise looking for sex within a committed relationship, and not potentially ruining something as sweet as a best friend relationship for brief pleasure.

How much does it cost to redo the grass each year?

How much does it cost to redo the grass each year?
How much does it cost to redo the grass each year?

Here’s what facilities has to say about this: “… it’s not as much as everyone might think. Sod is a relatively inexpensive ground cover with a market unit price of around 28 cents a square ft. The amount of area we typically replace is 1.25 percent of the gross square footage in managed turf spaces across the campus which is around 3.8 million sq ft. … because of the operational size and disruption to campus folks are under the impression it is an expensive undertaking but relative to what else goes on here on a daily basis it’s really not.”

OK, but how much are the labor costs?
OK, but how much are the labor costs?

Facilities responds: That kind of specific expense information is not shared publicly, as it involves negotiated deals with private companies. Facilities recommends that if students are curious, they can call around to some different companies and explore the current marketplace. BC enters into a multi-year agreement with its vendor so there is price stabilization over a three year period. We have a really good agreement with our current vendor and when it was put out to bid with other vendors they were very competitive.

How can I get a better pick time next semester??

How can I get a better pick time next semester?
How can I get a better pick time next semester??

Academic Advising assures me, that while there is no way to game the system of the algorithm that determines individual pick times, you will have a better pick date next year, by dint of your class year. And do contact faculty for an override, if a class is really important to you. Here’s to getting into the classes you need!

Will long distance last?

Will long distance last?
Will long distance last?

Maybe. There are certainly couples that do make it work. But it takes work and commitment from both sides. I recommend setting up regular video chat dates so that you can see each other. Seeing a loved one’s facial expressions or the way the laugh is a lot more powerful than just hearing them talk. And have these dates regularly. So regularly that they get boring because you have nothing to talk about. That’s what an in-person relationship is like at times. It’s not always an exciting day.

Any explanation for the recent replacement of original M&Ms w/ Raisinets in all the vending machines?

Any explanation for the recent replacement of original M&Ms w/ Raisinets in all the vending machines? Where can I submit feedback and is God punishing me?
Any explanation for the recent replacement of original M&Ms w/ Raisinets in all the vending machines? Where can I submit feedback and is God punishing me?

Perhaps God is testing you. This is almost as horrific as biting into that amazing chocolate chip cookie, only to find it is, in fact {shudder} oatmeal raisin. You can (and should, for the well being of all) send feedback to service@abvendingco.com.