You’re almost ready to make crabby patties, eager McBeaver!
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Official word from facilities on the landscaping budget is that “the University has operating expenses upwards of 980 million dollars annually. The landscaping operating costs are perhaps the smallest yearly investment made into the buildings and properties portfolio but it has a great return on investment…” The Wall agrees about the returns. If I weren’t so committed to being vertical, I’d go lie on the lawn and let the blossoms fall on me.
Try a change of direction or tone: (Short, brunette, nice. AND AWESOME). Add a quirky detail that says what’s different about you from others of similar size, hair color, and tone. Say what kind of photos you like. One memorable detail goes a long way.
I’m so glad everything is going so well for you! I’m always impressed by how talented BC students are, so it is hardly a surprise! Now that you have achieved success at everything you try, I would encourage you to consider two things. First, how can you be a supportive friend and classmate? This might mean serving a cheerleader for your friends or offering to serve as a tutor for those who aren’t having as easy of a time at it. Second, think about whether you might want to challenge yourself more. Are you good at everything because you are avoiding things that seem scary or difficult? If so, maybe you could set yourself a goal of trying one thing that seems interesting but potentially challenging. It’s a great way to avoid boredom and making sure that you aren’t missing out by playing it safe.
Hm…. Did you mean “in” Newton? My Newton area colleagues haven’t noticed a flower-wilting phenomenon there. In most years, spring flowers follow a succession – early bulbs (crocus & snowdrops), then the yellow explosions of forsythia, then later bulbs (daffodils and other narcissus), then fruit trees like apples and cherries. This year, the late spring meant everything bloomed all at once. It was a feast for the eyes (and a trial for some noses) and all subsided all at once. If there’s a problem specific to Newton Street in Brighton, IDK.
I’m not sure how you made it to college without learning this critical stage in human development, but the mechanics are fairly simple. Find a toilet, sit, and wait. It will eventually happen. Then wipe. And wash your hands. If you used to do this regularly but are now having trouble, University Health Services can suggest some over-the-counter remedies. If you need inspiration, check out Everyone Poops from the Educational Resource Center –Â bit.ly/book-poop
Yes, this seems like it is bad. IAAWNAP, but I would argue both that you deserve more than this, and that if he is placing his use of substances over his relationships, it’s a red flag that he should consider seeking help about it. Why not contact Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) and running your question by them?
There is no club at BC that covers your interest, although you can find a full list of BC Organizations here: bit.ly/BCOrgs. If you’re interested in the subject, it appears that Dr. Eric Weiskott is offering a course on Chaucer (ENG3393) this fall.
I’m not big on prognostication, but this could be a relatively easy one, if all of the conditions affecting tuition and fees from 2000 to the present remain consistent until 2040. (That could be a big IF.) The trend line is pretty straight: bit.ly/BC-tuition. I’ll let you do the extrapolation. Business Insider reports a different take by analysts at JP Morgan Funds, who think annual increases will be 5%: bit.ly/scary-college-cost.
Unfortunately, once you have had sex and lost your virginity, there is no way to get your virginity âbackâ. However, you always have the option of becoming a âborn again virginâ and remaining celibate from this point until you feel you are ready to engage in intercourse again, such as waiting until you are in love or married.
There’s a long church history on the question of celibacy and the clergy, some of which you can see in the New Catholic Encyclopedia: bit.ly/bc-celibacy. The early Church and Eastern Christianity had/have married clergy, and the Western Church recognizes them as priests. bit.ly/bc-celibacy2. Saint Augustine, prior to being a priest and then bishop, was apparently sexually active. (Confessions book 3, chapter 1): bit.ly/bc-celibacy3. So no, virginity is apparently not a requirement, but a vow of celibacy is. The Wall has reached out to other walls on campus for additional comment.
It is pretty easy once you know the trick. My assistants use this template: bit.ly/print-postit to create the ‘document’ (sometimes adapting the type size so the responses will fit on a post-it). Next they take a printed copy of the template and put post-it notes on it. Then they send the ‘document’ to the printer as a manual feed, put the template with sticky-notes into the printer’s manual feed tray, et voilĂ !
As a Wall, I don’t watch shows myself and I don’t often have shows projected onto me, but I have heard that some people project movies and shows onto other walls. My human friends have a wide range of interests in Netflix entertainment. Digital Trends has an article on “The Best Shows on Netflix Now,” bit.ly/netflix-best. The list is mostly dramas, but if you like quirky comedies some people like a show called “The Good Place,” starring Kirsten Bell and Ted Danson, and the Huffington Post has an article titled, “The 5 Netflix Shows to Watch if you Like The Office.” bit.ly/netflix-office. Enjoy your downtime!
He should be listening to you about what you like and what you don’t. Talk about what works for you on your own, or explore together if you don’t know. Dump him if he’s not interested in learning. If you’d like some reading material, the BC Libraries don’t have a great collection on sex instruction, but you can try searching for that in Worldcat (bc.on.worldcat.org) and have it delivered by interlibrary loan, or in the Boston Public Library, where all students are eligible for library cards (bpl.bibliocommons.com).