Even if you have all the top grades and your application is excellent, it is still not a sure thing. That’s just the reality in a setting where so many qualified students apply. I hope you wind up somewhere awesome, even if it isn’t here.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
If you’re talking about audio recording, this looks like a comprehensive & clear explanation: bit.ly/sage-saturation-distortion
Very hard to say. Also: IANAD. “Morning breath” can result from a variety of causes, such as dry mouth because of sleeping with one’s mouth open or poor dental hygiene (bit.ly/sleep-bad-breath). Interrupted sleep cycles or poor sleep quality can result in bowel problems (bit.ly/sleep-ibs). If you’re planning on mentioning this, be kind. Perhaps tell her you’ve noticed your own odor & your plans for reducing it.
I’ve never had an invited speaker, though I did host the 2018 Red Sox World Series Trophy: bit.ly/bc-trophy . It’s an interesting thought. Get back to me when you inevitably achieve greatness, and we’ll talk!
The Center for Student Wellness has lots of good sleep resources and you can even set up wellness coaching to address the problem: bit.ly/BCStudentWell Wishing you sweet dreams!
There are very good arguments in favor of this theory (see: bit.ly/ChemicalLuv for a fun discussion), but lalalalalalala I’m an old romantic at ❤️ and I’m not listening! You can’t tell me my feelings for The Lobby Door all boil down to dopamine or vasopressin.
Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar’s Office and are related to class meeting times. If you have more than 2 exams on one day, or 2 exams scheduled for the same time, see the Multiple Exam Policy: bit.ly/BC2ManyExams. Wishing you as peaceful an exam period as possible!
I’ve provided several answers to questions like this over the years with lots of input from my library helpers. It depends on what you want. Sad movies? https://bit.ly/bcl-sad-movies1 Scary movies? https://bit.ly/bcl-scary-movies Greatest movies? https://bit.ly/bcl-greatest-movies Heist movies? https://bit.ly/bcl-heist-movies Comfort movies? https://bit.ly/bcl-comfort Movies set in Boston? https://bit.ly/books-films-boston And finally general recommendations: https://bit.ly/bcl-movie-recs1