A close friend of mine is about to graduate–what if we lose touch?

A close friend of mine is about to graduate--what if we lose touch?
A close friend of mine is about to graduate–what if we lose touch?

It’s a matter of doing the “work” necessary to keep in touch – and today, it’s easier than ever. Social media can really help you to at least have an idea what they’re up to and where they are. And let them know maintaining the friendship is important to you. Maybe set up a meeting at a not too distant time in the future, for starters?

Does reductionalism exist?

Does reductionism exist?
Does reductionalism exist?

Do you mean reductionism? (without the “al”?) Yes. It’s a thing, and and appears mostly in the context of philosophical treatments of empiricism and positivism. Here’s a helpful entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP): http://bit.ly/sep-reduction. “Reductionalism” appears once in error in the SEP in the title of an article by Richard Rorty in a bibliographic entry. It should be “Reductionism.”

I was recently told that I was “too honest” by a close friend of mine.

I was recently told that I was "too honest" by a close friend of mine. How can I still be honest without being hurtful?
I was recently told that I was “too honest” by a close friend of mine. How can I still be honest without being hurtful?

What you’re looking for is how to be more tactful in your communication. And there’s probably a combination of learning how to let some things go without saying anything. Generally speaking, I don’t say anything at all unless someone asks me to. And some of this will just come with time and practice. But, since you’re looking for help today, there are plenty of resources here to help you. I recommend starting with Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition (O’Neill Library: BF637.C45 C78 2012).

Why I don’t feel like studying anymore??

Why I don't feel like studying anymore??
Why I don’t feel like studying anymore??

IDK, reasons can vary widely. Senioritis? Spring Fever? Overwhelmed? Burnout? I wish you luck identifying the cause(s), so you can address the root problem. I recommend a visit to the Connors Family Learning Center (CFLC), where an academic coach can help you figure out what’s going on. bit.ly/BC-connors

Do nice boys really exist?

Do nice boys really exist?
Do nice boys really exist?

Yes. If you need your faith restored, watch Won’t You Be My Neighbor, the film about Fred Rogers. Some men really do try to live values like that. It’s possible that they don’t frequent the events or groups where you’re looking. Get involved in programs or groups that try to live values like those of Mr. Rogers’ (or other men you admire), and you might find some.

I really like this boy but he blew me off twice and I thought he liked me too.

I really like this boy but he blew me off twice and I thought he liked me too. Should I try again?
I really like this boy but he blew me off twice and I thought he liked me too. Should I try again?

It depends on how much rejection you feel you can handle, and also the nature of “he blew me off.” Did it seem like he wanted to get together with you but was actually too busy? Or that he was really not interested? In the latter case, twice seems like you’ve given it a fair try, and I would worry that more than that may come across as annoying or unwanted attention.

Pros and cons of dating in college?

Pros and cons of dating in college?
Pros and cons of dating in college?

Pros: Someone to hang out with, the potential joys of true love and/or physical intimacy, the possibility of meeting someone you’ll want to spend your life with (it sometimes happens here!). Cons: Takes time away from your studies and extra-curriculars, you might find your other friendships suffer if you’re not careful to prioritize them, you run the risk of a broken heart, and if everything goes perfectly – what happens when you graduate?

How can I pursue my passion when climate change is all that matters?

How can I pursue my passion when climate change is all that matters?
How can I pursue my passion when climate change is all that matters?

It sounds like climate change might be your passion. If you care that deeply about a cause, it’s very much worth your time (and everyone else’s) to do some work for the cause. Remember, you can have multiple things that you care about. Having varied interests is not only OK, it’s preferable. Diversity in your focus is what keeps you from burning out.

Are plays good?

Are plays good?
Are plays good?

Yes. A live performance is a totally different thing than a movie–it makes the audience part of the show, which is an amazing thing with a good group of actors. Lots of local theaters have student discounts, and there’s a good list of upcoming shows here: bit.ly/bc-stage.

Loyalty. Ever hear of it?

Loyalty. Every hear of it?
Loyalty. Every hear of it?

It’s an admirable virtue. As with many virtues, use it in moderation. In excess, loyalty could become unquestioning obedience. Without it, though, social ties crumble. Mutual respect, patience, and tolerance help loyalty blossom organically.

How to realize world peace?

How to realize world peace?
How to realize world peace?

Tall order! Start local: be an examplar of how to live with minimal harm, with respect for others. (And when that fails, at least patience & tolerance.) Do more asking and listening than making yourself heard. Make room for voices that aren’t often heard. Grant those around you dignity and agency. When you encounter injustice, say so, and do what you can to correct it, because peace is unlikely without justice. When you make mistakes, apologize and make amends. There are many courses at BC in political science, philosophy, sociology, and theology that address issues of peace and justice.

How Much Does A Gram of Cocaine Cost?

How Much Does A Gram of Cocaine Cost?
How Much Does A Gram of Cocaine Cost?

That would cost you about one year in jail and up to a $1000 fine if arrested as a first time offender, not to mention the risk you run of being expelled from Boston College. Subsequent offenders double that risk with a 2 year jail sentence and $2000 fine for each additional offense. You also run the risk of getting cocaine laced with fentanyl, which is deadly (RIP Mac Miller). I’d have to say that none of that is worth the purchase price.