I think baseball player Oscar Gamble said it best: they don’t think it be like it is but it do.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Great question. Since it’s nice out, getting outside for a date can be great. You can always get a ferry to the Harbor Islands (some of them have some pretty cools walls I’ve been told). Or you could always find one of the many ice cream places around Boston. Or, ask her if she’s got something she’s been wanting to do.
Wheeeeeeels! As I noted in my answer a few years ago: bit.ly/bcl-doors-wheels. I love a debate with low stakes and high ambiguity, because redefinition keeps it alive. All the gears in clocks and watches beat doors without the help of lego or car wheels! But if eyes are the doors to the soul… .
Commencement is such a bittersweet time of year. We are happy for the new beginnings while we honor that it is an ending of sorts. Keep the group chat going! All friendships shift over time, but that doesn’t mean there are not more adventures in your future. Be gentle with yourself and your friends while you navigate this transition period. Practice good self-care!
I try not to play favorites and I also love lots of different kinds of books, so if you ask me on another day I’ll probably give a different answer. Today I’ll say my favorite is The Landmark Thucydides. It’s a history of the war between Athens and Sparta and a lot of it is about armies moving back and forth around really small towns in every part of ancient Greece. What makes me love it is the maps, which show you where all those places are, and the chapters explaining all of the things about Greek armies the author assumes you know. Least favorite? We’ve got some stuff on eugenics that was classified as science when it was published in the 19th century–not even going to name names. My fave is the red book on the shelf to my left.
Thanks for the love! ❤️ In brief: you can get an alumni library card for borrowing books at the O’Neill main desk, and there are several databases available through the Alumni Association. Here are more details: https://bit.ly/alumni_guests.
No worries, you’re not alone–lots of my helpers feel that way every time they do a search. A couple of pieces of advice. 1) Your application should be about how you help them solve a problem or problems. 2) Use your cover letter to point to how your resume and experience match what they’re asking for, or rewrite your resume so it’s in their terms (or both). 3) Do not be shy about applying if you don’t meet all of the qualifications. Good luck!
I can’t tell you what the right decision for you is, but I can absolutely tell you that you will have plenty of occasions to make up and change your mind about what your life is for. This might be one of those moments for you. Talk to some people you trust about it (thanks for including me!) and see if it feels like a good idea. If it does, go for it!
Very few non-residents of St. Mary’s have seen the apartments. But walls DO talk, and I’ve been told that they are very similar to a 300-350 square foot hotel room, with a combined bedroom/living space, bathroom and closet.