How to make long distance hurt less

How to make long distance hurt less
How to make long distance hurt less

I don’t think there’s an easy fix to make missing someone less painful. Trying to video call regularly, finding ways to do things together virtually over distance, are two ways that can help mitigate some of the ache. But a lot of it is just missing someone for a lot of the time.

Is there a support group for students who lose a parent?

My Mom died + I feel like I don't have anyone that really gets it. It's been a few months and I'm not over it still. Is there a support group for students who lose a parent? I need more support right now.
My Mom died + I feel like I don’t have anyone that really gets it. It’s been a few months and I’m not over it still. Is there a support group for students who lose a parent? I need more support right now.

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s clear you feel isolated, and it’s good to reach out to others. Here’s a helpful page about the journey of grieving in college provided by Campus Ministry:, who also sponsors a peer grief support network: Counseling is another option For counseling with a spiritual context: For regular counseling: I wish you peace and strength in your journey.

Feeling lonely. How can I fix this?

Feeling lonely. How can I fix this?
Feeling lonely. How can I fix this?

It’s important to remember that loneliness is a feeling, and feelings come and go. If you’d like to be with other people: call family, call old friends, call new friends, do things with new friends. Make friends by chatting with people who live near you, or are behind you in line at the Chocolate Bar, or if you’re a BC student, by joining BC clubs that interest you. I hope one of these helps alleviate those feelings!

What’s the best food here? I’m hungry

What's the best food here? I'm hungry [heart]
What’s the best food here? I’m hungry [heart]

If you’re hungry, isn’t anything good? No, but seriously, I’ve heard the soups are all excellent, and you kind of can’t beat the salad bar at Lower (remember it’s by bowl size, not weight, so go for the heavy stuff, like fresh mozzarella or artichoke hearts!).

Realest movie ever and why?

Realest movie ever and why?
Realest movie ever and why?

I can’t quite be sure what you mean, but I’ll take the opportunity to talk about a movie I liked. The library had a screening of The Farewell, directed by Lulu Wan. I haven’t stopped thinking about this heartfelt comedic drama. It is based on a true story, which made it feel very real to me.

What is the most important thing in life?

What is the most important thing in life?
What is the most important thing in life?

The answer to that will vary depending on who you talk to and what they value most. Overall, from my experience listening to you all and watching life in O’Neill lobby, I have seen that human connection, taking time for each other, listening, loving one another. and living with purpose seem to rank pretty high on the important scale.

Ik I shouldn’t think like this… but I really like giving compliments to my friends and rarely get any in return.

Ik I shouldn't think like this... but I really like giving compliments to my friends and rarely get any in return. Kinda makes me sad cos like... Do I really look/dress/do that bad?? This is such a small thing idk why it affects me so much
Ik I shouldn’t think like this… but I really like giving compliments to my friends and rarely get any in return. Kinda makes me sad cos like… Do I really look/dress/do that bad?? This is such a small thing idk why it affects me so much

What others have said is true: not everyone expresses love the same way and not everyone easily compliments. Even if you don’t feel any reciprocation, likely your words mean a great deal to those you compliment.

Not everyones love language is the same - they still care about you [heart]
Not everyones love language is the same – they still care about you ❤️


Know you're loved and I think you're cool!
Know you’re loved and I think you’re cool!

You made my day, thank you!

Eh tu? Brutus?

Eh tu? Brutus? Why did he betray Caesar?
Eh tu? Brutus? Why did he betray Caesar?

Caesar’s murder happened in the immediate aftermath of a civil war and sparked another generation of civil wars, so the actual whys are debated. But in general Romans hated tyrants, and one of Brutus’s ancestors had murdered the last of the Roman kings. If you want to get into the details I recommend this chapter in the Blackwell Companion to Juluis Caesar (, which will point you to various interpretations and the ancient source material. (p.s. The line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is “Et tu, Brute?” (“even you, Brutus?”). Plutarch has him say “kai su, o techne?” (“even you, my son?”)

How to cope with being absolutely terrible at a subject

How to cope with being absolutely terrible at a subject 🐱
How to cope with being absolutely terrible at a subject 🐱

Sigh… I’ve long been bedeviled by being in absolute last place in the Boston Marathon (I entered in 1985 and still haven’t even started!) so I get it. A wall will never break speed records. If it’s something you love, do it anyway, but don’t stake an income (or perhaps grades) on it. If you don’t love it, let it go and admire those who are good at it.

What should we name our group chat

What should we name our group chat
What should we name our group chat

Maybe Ocean’s X (where x=how many in the group). But my best reco is to ask the group! What are your shared interests? Favorite characters, places, or objects in films, music, novels, anime, or other artists? Political groups? Crime syndicates? Galaxies? Combinations thereof? (e.g. Maltese Millennium Falcon)

name recs for a plant?

name recs for a plant? for context, the plant is virtually unkillable (it survived me) -- need help coming up w/ a name that reflects that
name recs for a plant? for context, the plant is virtually unkillable (it survived me) — need help coming up w/ a name that reflects that

I’d be inclined to suggest a slasher-movie villain like Freddie or Jason, so you get something cute for polite company but you know the truth.

How do you get over your 1st heartbreak?

How do you get over your 1st heartbreak?
How do you get over your 1st heartbreak?

Every heartbreak feels terrible, no matter how many you have lived through. Feel your feelings. Make fun plans for the future. Don’t miss meals. And, if you find you need more TLC please don’t forget our friends in the Counseling Office. They are trained to help us all move through these human experiences that can be so hard to recover from.

Why is Man United so garbage? :(

Why is Man United so garbage? :(
Why is Man United so garbage? 🙁

Although he has been dealt a tough hand, ETH has demonstrated he is not up to the job. He is tactically naive and his reliance on signing players he has worked with before has led to some terrible editions to the squad (Anthony, Van Der Beek etc…). United will not improve until they bring in a new manager, develop a more intelligent recruitment system and accept that teams are no longer worried about a visit to Old Trafford.

How to stop feeling lonely on campus?

How to stop feeling lonely on campus?
How to stop feeling lonely on campus?

I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely! I don’t have arms, so I hope this hug emoji helps: ? To find people who share your interests, I recommend joining BC clubs that interest you (list on this page: For figuring out other ways to find new friends, I recommend talking to a BC wellness coach: In the meantime, keep in mind that in one way you’re not alone: lonely is a feeling that comes and goes even for people with friends.