How do I get over her w/out becoming a menace?

How do I get over her w/out becoming a menace?
How do I get over her w/out becoming a menace?

Good for you for thinking about others while you are in the depths of pain. Breakups can be dreadful, but in time it will hurt less. Meanwhile it isn’t kind, fair or mature to act out at other people. Be gentle with yourself and others, and seek help ( if you are having trouble maintaining control.

How do I stop being self destructive & start focusing on being proactive?

How do I stop being self destructive & start focusing on being proactive?
How do I stop being self destructive & start focusing on being proactive?

First, go easy on yourself. Change isn’t easy. A rule I try to follow is to treat myself as well as I’d like my friends to be treated, kind of the obverse of the golden rule. With that in mind, it’s also likely best not to attempt changing alone. Counseling is always a good place to start:

I think the institution of marriage is a scam to exploit women’s bodies and labor. Change my mind :)

I think the institution of marriage is a scam to exploit women's bodies and labor. Change my mind :)
I think the institution of marriage is a scam to exploit women’s bodies and labor. Change my mind 🙂

In some marriages–perhaps even many–that is quite possible. If you want to make a case for this claim, Historical Abstracts could be a place to begin ( Try searching marriage and economic history as subject terms, and you’ll begin to see the edges of the volumes of research on this topic.

Who’s Zhang?

Who's [redacted] Zhang?
Who’s [redacted] Zhang?

Well, there seem to be many people named ***** Zhang, so there are too many answers to fit on this wall. Also, please remember that questions should not include personal identifying information.

Why is BC so cliquey?

Why is BC so cliquey? It's so hard to make friends at this school :(
Why is BC so cliquey? It’s so hard to make friends at this school 🙁

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time making friends here. 🙁 Every community will be full of sub-communities; humans are tribal that way. Walls both protect and exclude, and groups do the same thing. I’ve noticed that doors in residence halls close automatically. That’s kind of isolating all by itself. Maybe you could read or study in a lounge, or prop your door open, and be open to what transpires, including conversation.

Thoughts on string theory?

Thoughts on string theory?
Thoughts on string theory?

The jury’s still out, but it has given many researchers a lot of fascinating areas to explore. You might enjoy String Theory and the Real World by G. L. Kane (2017) QC794.6.S85 K367 2017 (in O’Neill Library, Level 3 on row 52.)

Why does suffering exist in the world? *different post-it response* It might be the tasks given by God. If we don’t go through suffering than we won’t treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won’t take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing

Why does suffering exist in the world?  *different post-it response*  It might be the tasks given by God. If we don't go through suffering than we won't treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won't take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing
Why does suffering exist in the world? *different post-it response* It might be the tasks given by God. If we don’t go through suffering than we won’t treat this kind of experience seriously which means we won’t take the lessons. The suffering, tasks given by God is handable stuff he trust us. After the suffering, we learn & grow. Eventually, suffering is a kind of blessing

Suffering is a hard problem in philosophy and religion, and there are lots of possible explanations. Here are a few from my friend, the Encyclopedia of Religion:

What is your spirit animal?

What is your spirit animal?
What is your spirit animal?

I won’t call it a “spirit animal” since this is an important concept in cultures of which I am not a member. However, I will say that I have an odd fondness for wallabies, walleyes and the extinct spring snail, Wallaua flexiplicata .

Do I go for it?

Do I go for it?
Do I go for it?

Will it harm you or others? Does it compromise your principles? Will failure be too difficult to overcome? If you answer “no” to these questions, then sure, go for it.