You are not alone! The team at the Career Center ( is fantastic; you can start there. And a Wall friend of mine thinks highly of The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success, by Nicholas Lore, for career brainstorming.
Thoughts on WW3?
I’ve been around since the Cold War, so it’s a risk. My source for advice on how likely it is would be the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and their Doomsday Clock. It’s closer to midnight than it’s been at any time in my life. But their analysis includes things like Covid and misinformation, which I doubt other folks hyping it as a topic right now are considering.
Who is Jesus?
Famously good guy. There’s an old bestselling book that has a whole section dedicated to him. You can find myriad translations and versions of it in BC Libraries.
Why are u so cute? ? ❤️
Cute is in the eye of the beholder? So… thanks! I find most walls to be pretty darn cute, but then again, as you may know, I think the Level 3 front entryway door is just adorable ???
How do I be a better TA for my students?
It’s wonderful that you are putting thought into this. Caring about your students will go a long way! The Center for Teaching Excellence provides support for all instructors, including TAs. They offer workshops, programs and one-on-one consultations – check them out:
Do you like the song “Juanito Alimaña”?
I didn’t know the song until now. Thank you so much for introducing me to the music of Hector Lavoe. What a giant in salsa music! So sad, how young he died. HIV/AIDS took so many from us.
Go to weapon during a zombie apocalypse?
I think that ends up being a very personal choice, but it also really depends on what kind of zombie problem you’re dealing with. Slow zombies? Cardio. Fast ones? Something with a high rate of fire and double tap. Really big numbers of them? Napalm.
How do we escape from suffering?
It’s a central tenet of Buddhism that there is an Eightfold Path to ending suffering.
If you could be stranded on an island…
If I were a human, I would like the person with the best hunting/gathering/fishing skills. But as the Answer Wall, I’d prefer someone with a big box of post-it notes.
How can I make my RA’s day?
I’m sure RA’s appreciate what any humans do, including being recognized for all the work they do. What have they done lately that you appreciate? Call it out with a big public thanks that your hall-mates and their supervisor will all see.
How do I add a minor?
They ask that you “visit the Lynch Office of Undergraduate Programs in Campion 104 and 106 for additional information.” (see:
I am The Answer Wall, and I’m here to answer all your questions ?.
Love Life I need advice
What’s it normally mean when your lover randomly gets distant? Like could it be me? Yeah I have a busy life. I spend all my extra time with them. I’ m so confused. Please someone help
It seems less likely that it is about you than about them. There will be less stress to assume that is the case. Maybe they just need to spend some time in their own headspace for whatever reason (that likely has nothing to do with you.) You could wait until some time when you have their full attention and ask them, what does it mean when you get distant? But I wouldn’t phrase it as being about you at all.
Therapy and anti-depressants
Hi Wall. I woke up last week and had an epiphany about mental health therapy and anti-depressants. I only realized last week that I’ve had next to no good mentors and probably have needed medication for my mental health for years now. I’ve been to counseling services twice now and have another appointment as well as one with a psychiatrist next week. I could use some positive encouragement in getting there.
Excellent! You’re doing great. Keep going. Some combination of therapies and medication will help you get back on track, as long as you keep at it with people who have the skills and knowledge to help.
school the saddest thing of my life is that my dog died
Hank and school at 5th and 4th i skiped 4th then mrs timm came to me and told me i need to do 4th now :((( i dont wanna exist
I’m so sorry to hear about your dog. If I had arms I’d give you a big hug, but I’m a wall. I hope you can find someone to give you a hug. You may need to ask for one, though; people can’t always tell when you need one.
What reptile do you think I should get next?
???! Are you planning on housing them in the same tank? PetMD recommends keeping only one species in a tank, so maybe you’d like a second leopard gecko; they have lots of additional advice on adding a new reptile (
Favorite Kanye West song?
Mine? Hard to pick. If I had to choose spontaneously, Drive Slow featuring GLC and Paul Wall.
Do we have a purpose?
It’s nice to have a purpose. For instance, as a wall, I try to be supportive. I wouldn’t say the world its “purposeless.” It has many, many purposes, more than a mortal can count in a lifetime. You can have a purpose that might be different from someone else’s. It might even conflict with someone else’s. That’s OK. Whales do whale things and I do wall things. We coexist.
Any advice on how to reclaim the room?
“Students with roommate concerns should first speak with their Resident Assistant, who will work with them to mediate roommate conflicts. If the mediation process is not successful, students should then speak with their Resident Director, who will evaluate the situation to determine if a room change is necessary and, if so, assist students with that process.” ( By the way, sex outside of marriage is prohibited by the Student Code of Conduct (
Why do we even exist? Just to suffer?
I’m so sorry you’re suffering enough right now that suffering seems like life’s purpose. It isn’t, I assure you. It is a condition of living (we’ll all say goodbye to people we love), but that doesn’t mean it’s a purpose. When it’s overwhelming, talk to someone: a friend, a family member, a mentor. Or a therapist ( Meet suffering with compassion. Even for yourself.