The desks themselves were taken by Facilities for donation or discard. They were replaced by bigger desks when the space was enlarged. Now more people can enjoy the view of Boston while studying. If you really miss the smaller desks and their configuration, check out the 4th floor overlooking Commonwealth Ave and Maloney Hall.
Have you met Joe?
I’m sorry to say I’ve never met Joe. I look forward to meeting them.
Dear wall, I hope you had a nice day ? ❤️
Thank you! It was very pleasant seeing all of you.???
Leburn or MJ?
They both have streets named after them, and both have murals painted on the walls of buildings, so it’s a hard choice for this wall. Why not both?
Why doesn’t BC have an LGBT resource center?
BC has an Office of Student Outreach & Support that offers LGBTQ+ programs & support: Why isn’t a resource center part of their services? If you join your voice with theirs, maybe together you can make a difference.
How do you stay awake in class?? Any tips?
The key thing is to make sure you are getting enough sleep. I recommend the advice from the Office of Health Promotion ( If you’re unusually tired though, please get medical advice ( I always found participating more in class helped to keep me awake, so you might want to consider that.
? I’m dying inside….
I’m so sorry. It sounds like you wear a smile; that can help, to a point, to trick yourself into actually becoming happier. But only to a point. Problem: it also tricks other people into thinking you don’t need support. When, clearly, you do. We all do. Please get it. If not from friends and family, then from someone skilled in listening, like a counselor:
Brooks or Bryson?
We’ll all just have to wait until the plates are cleared away on Thanksgiving, won’t we? In the meantime, it’s possible all the fight will have gone out of the feud.
Can’t we all drop out and watch youtube videos to learn
I can see that working for some people and some subjects, but lots of professions have legal requirements for formal education, so that’s a thing to consider.
when is the right time to cut off a relationship?
It all depends on so many things. What are you expecting from the relationship? What is the other person expecting? Have you been clear with each other? Can you imagine life without their virtues? Can you imagine living with their faults? Are you capable of saying, “I’m sorry, I was wrong”? And have you said it? Are you expecting the other person to change in certain ways, or are you willing to let the other person be their authentic self, and grow and change at their own pace?
Lovely Image
Do say more…..
Thoughts on the stigmatization of mental health and seeking therapy?
It’s terrible. There should be zero stigma about seeking therapy, and zero stigma for mental health issues. There should only be compassion. Is there a stigma for taking ibuprofen for a headache?
Why does my leg hurt?
I’m sorry you’re in pain… IAAWNAD (I am a wall, not a doctor), so my advice is to set up an appointment with University Health Services ( so you can get some help and stop worrying.
Total War?
I’m not in the prediction game. You’ll need to visit one of my cousins: either the magic 8 ball ( or the doomsday clock ( ).
How to Help
Symptoms of depression include a sense of hopelessness and an inability to concentrate or make decisions, so seeking help can be very difficult even if someone wants it. One way to be helpful is to remove or reduce any barriers that may seem overwhelming to someone who is depressed. Be very specific in what you can offer rather than generally asking “How can I help?” Ask them if they would go to an appointment if you make it for them. Ask them if they will go if you go with them.
Favorite Zayn Malik Song?
He’s got a wonderful growl in his voice that I like in every song, but that really comes through in Dusk to Dawn. (And as a wall, I get chills in the first verse: Can you feel where the wind is?/ Can you feel it through/ All of the windows/ Inside this room?)
Business Law test in 3 hours pray for me?
???????????????? Hope it reached you in time!
96,000 people died by overdose in 2020. Why do we only have 1 course on substance use disorder?
It’s a horrifying number, all the more so because it’s increasing and avoidable. Here are some charts at the CDC: Unfortunately, this problem is so recent in its explosive scope that few universities have yet been able to respond with more robust course offerings. The one course on offer here is through the School of Social Work, which also offers several other courses that touch on substance abuse issues. If you make your concerns known to deans of respective schools, your voice may help them build a case for adding faculty with that specialty.
So, today was my first heavy Hamilton dream since I got addicted in January. I don’t know why it took that long for my hamilphilic brain to start dreaming about it.
I had a dream where I met Lin The Great, but that wasn’t really Hamilton related. Today I dreamed that I was on a Hamilton expo/con/event and it was the best thing ever. I was so happy. The closest to this are the holy Ham4Ham’s, but I don’t have the time to go there. Why are there no other Hamilton events?! ? And why do I have to wait 2 years for my booked ticket?! ? Why didn’t Lin The Great respond to my Instagram message?! ?Why is Disney+ a paid service?! ?
It’s often hard to wait for something you really want to do. It’ll come. And in the meantime, maybe you’ll have more dream experiences to look forward to.
Isn’t the discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated people against the fundamental human rights? I understand why it’s made, but I have the feeling that our overlords, known as politics, are starting to abuse their power a little bit.
It’s really, really not. Here’s a quote from the 1905 Supreme Court ruling which heard that set of arguments and ruled in favor of Cambridge MA being able to enforce a vaccine requirement. “The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.” Jacobson vs. Massachusetts.