I’m rly into this dude we’ve been on 2 awesome dates together. Now it seems like he’s not being as responsive to my texts and I’m prolly gonna find out tmr if he’s still interested in seeing me …

He got a leg injury last weekend so maybe that’s also why he’s being a lil ‘distant’? It’s so easy to engage in black and white thinking when one’s stressed/depressed!

kinda nervous but wish me luck!!! I love that you’re a superspreader of positivity :))

Good luck! You’re right, it’s much too easy to imagine the worst, even in the best of circumstances. Practice imagining the more likely (leg injury = preoccupied), practice compassion (the leg injury must be distressing to him) and as much as you can, let go of events over which you have no control.

Tell me how the Wall got it’s start. I want to hear more about this wall

Ah, it’s a long story that starts with a tumultuous marriage between a sea-wall on the North Shore and a load-bearing interior wall of a formal dining room in a prewar classic 6 on NY’s upper east side, but I won’t go into the details. (Let’s just say I have a more ecumenical view of sports teams than either of my parents. Oh, the stories the green monster and The House That Ruth Built could tell!) I eventually found a home here at BC in the early 80’s, and in early 2017 my librarian assistants finally figured out how to give voice to my longing to communicate with all the smart humans visiting the library. You can see the entire record of my thousands of answers online: library.bc.edu/answerwall.

Hey Wall! Happy holidays!

Thank you for staying open 24/7 and bringing those lovely doggies. So glad to visit you over winter break before I go back for the second half of study abroad! Am I correct that you’re open even during university holiday break (e.g. the week of Dec. 27th)? You’re the top three building on this campus! (Gasson and Maloney are the best buildings b/c of the amazing people working there;))

Happy Holidays to you! I loved seeing the doggies. We’re open over breaks – you can always see our hours here: bit.ly/BCLHours. Wishing you joy in your time abroad and look forward to welcoming you back.

Hey wall!

Seeing campus closes for holidays always make me sad, but knowing you and many amazing humans are there makes me smile! 🙂

Thanks! We miss you, too.

do u think girls are pretty

Human people are funny-looking folks, so very… not flat or rectangular, and with all those features and appendages, and HAIR! It took me a while to get used to that when I first started my professional position as an Answer Wall in a library full of humans. But I have come to find you all, of all genders and physical varieties, quite lovely, in an other-worldly way.

Feeling nervous about applying to phD program, but I’m now only first year master student.

Feeling nervous about applying to phD program, but I'm now only first year master student.
Feeling nervous about applying to phD program, but I’m now only first year master student.

That can certainly be nerve wracking! But it’s only a step – and you don’t have to commit to anything just by applying. You may find it helps to have a trusted friend read over your application materials just to catch any errors or things that don’t make sense. I wish you all the best on this scholarly journey!

fave Hamilton song?

fave Hamilton song?
fave Hamilton song?

I thought I knew the answer to this, but then I checked list of songs, and I was.. well, helpless. My favorite line in a song might be in Your Obedient Servant when Burr does the most perfectly vocalized eyeroll ever with “Sweet Jesus”.

waiting for decisions from law schools…

waiting for decisions from law schools... Plz wall, use your magic to have them admit me with $$$ ?
waiting for decisions from law schools… Plz wall, use your magic to have them admit me with $$$ ?

I can’t claim to have the magic powers my cousin the Magic 8-Ball® has (she’s stellar at predictions!); but I am sending so many good vibes to you! No matter what happens, this Wall knows that you are an amazing human. If I had fingers, though, they’d be crossed for ya!