征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610

征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610 [Lonely hearts ad, Male, 178cm, wears glasses, likes to play games, wears shorts and slippers. If you are interested please contact Nizihan 610]
征婚信息男178(厘米), 戴眼镜 喜欢玩游戏 穿短裤,拖鞋, 感兴趣+ Nizih?? 610 [Lonely hearts ad, Male, 178cm, wears glasses, likes to play games, wears shorts and slippers. If you are interested please contact Nizihan 610]

I would suppose there are other, more effective venues for a lonelyhearts posting. I hope you find a friend. I like the idea of slippers, and if I had feet I’d probably wear them myself, since I’m an interior wall and don’t get out much.

Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn’t worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]

Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn't worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]
Abortion is not murder. To have children is, and worse. [Response: That would be true if you assume life isn’t worth living, which unfortunately sometimes I agree with]

I’m sorry one of you sometimes think life isn’t worth living, and I’m also sorry one of you thinks having children is akin to murder, because you were a child once. (We all were.) I hope you’re both able to find people to talk to when you find yourself sliding into those feelings. If friends or family aren’t available, or you don’t feel comfortable having that conversation with them, you can always talk to someone confidentially at BC Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling).


I feel like I wasted my BC experience studying the wrong subjects. Is it possible to get an associate's degree at a community college after graduation? Can I go to a master's program from an Associate's Degree?
I feel like I wasted my BC experience studying the wrong subjects. Is it possible to get an associate’s degree at a community college after graduation? Can I go to a master’s program from an Associate’s Degree?

Why not set up an appointment with the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career)? They would be able to advise you on the best way to change directions. Your major is not the same as your career and there may be ways to leverage your previous studies in your new area. And take heart; in my experience, no learning is wasted.

Artist, Poet, or Neither?

How can know whether I am an artist or a poet or not? *second post-it* What prevents you from being one? My grandma never received any edu past middle school, yet still wrote 100+ poems while spending half her life teaching 5th graders. If you feel like it, go for it!!

How can know whether I am an artist or a poet or not? *second post-it* What prevents you from being one? My grandma never received any edu past middle school, yet still wrote 100+ poems while spending half her life teaching 5th graders. If you feel like it, go for it!!

Completely agree. Artist and poet are things you do, not states of being. Do both, blend them, do one for a while and the other for a while.

I can’t tell if I’m bisexual or not. I can’t tell if I want to be with that (same-gendered) person or I want to be that (same-gendered) person. How can I tell the difference? I’ve noticed that I feel attracted to people with traits that I’d love to have myself, but I feel a form of sexual attraction to these people as well. Confusing.

I’ve been informed that this is a classic dilemma for a lot of people exploring their sexuality for the first time. People are often attracted to others who have qualities that they themselves would like to emulate. When you’re brought up in a traditionally heteronormative environment those feelings often get filed under admiration rather than attraction, because attraction doesn’t feel like a safe option (or even an option at all). If you feel attracted to someone, then you probably are actually attracted to them, but there’s a whole spectrum of sexual and romantic desire, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to pick out a label immediately. And if you want to talk to someone about this, there are resources at: bit.ly/LBGTQBC, you’re definitely not alone with this feeling!

Why do we live again?

Why do we live again?
Why do we live again?

Once is enough! (Maybe repeating life isn’t what you meant?) If you’re wondering about purpose, everyone has to find their own way. I was here for over 30 years before I figured out I could be supportive of more than the walls and floors above me.

How can I be less nervous in an interview? My mind goes blank & rambles when I am nervous ☹ help…

How can I be less nervous in an interview? My mind goes blank & rambles when I am nervous ☹ help...
How can I be less nervous in an interview? My mind goes blank & rambles when I am nervous ☹ help…

Oh I have ALWAYS wanted to interview for a job! Being a wall, I’m not super hire-able, but I digress. I have some suggestions! First, check out bit.ly/BC-career. That office is there to help! Next, look up the STAR method for interviewing, write down some anecdotes that highlight your skills and strengths, then practice practice practice telling those stories – to friends, to the mirror, etc. THEN, brainstorm a list of common interview questions you might get (why do you want this internship, “tell me about a time when” etc.) and think about how your stories would address those questions. Good luck!

Have had 3 boyfriends and oral sex is never reciprocated.

Have had 3 boyfriends and oral sex is never reciprocated. (I give it frequently) I've been eaten out for maybe a total of 2 and a half minutes. I'm trying to ask more aggressively but current BF said "Well your exes didn't do it." WTF??? If this isn't inequality IDK what is. Guys, go down on your GFs!!!
Have had 3 boyfriends and oral sex is never reciprocated. (I give it frequently) I’ve been eaten out for maybe a total of 2 and a half minutes. I’m trying to ask more aggressively but current BF said “Well your exes didn’t do it.” WTF??? If this isn’t inequality IDK what is. Guys, go down on your GFs!!!

Well, that sure sounds frustrating! I’m sorry this has been your experience thus far. I feel like you might really enjoy our books on feminist theory: head up to the 4th floor of O’Neill & browse the HQ1190’s (or check out HQ1101 through to the end of the HQs generally). I bet you will find some kindred spirits in the writings up there!

When will late night be open again ?

When will late night be open again ?
When will late night be open again ?

That nice wall in the basement of Lyons with windows overlooking the Stokes quad told me their dining area gets to host Late Night Sunday-Wednesday, 7pm-12 midnight throughout Spring 2022, starting tonight, 1/24. Dining Services apologizes for the delay. Staffing shortages. You can always find dining hours on their What’s Open page: bit.ly/BC-dining-hours