Puberty? Explain?

Puberty? Explain?
Puberty? Explain?

What a wild ride puberty is, right?! I think you might want to check out books with the call number QP84.4 to start. The Educational Resource Center has a number of these, but you’ll also find them on O’Neill 3rd floor.



Boston College is a leading Catholic Jesuit university; the religious artwork and crucifixes are visual reminders of and an affirmation of that identity. I hope this does not drive you away!

I sneak into the BC Library.

I sneak into the BC Library. Complaint: NO KIDS SECTION!!!
I sneak into the BC Library. Complaint: NO KIDS SECTION!!!

Next time you’re walking around campus, check out the Educational Resource Center (ERC) in Campion. I hear they have a great selection of children’s and young adult lit!

When could I be rich? ?

When could I be rich? ?
<!-When could I be rich? ?

You are already rich in life experiences, learning, and (I hope) friends and family. Whether you accumulate an abundance of money will depend on choices you make about using your existing wealth and your time to that end, and somewhat upon luck. Good luck!

Do it FART?

Do it FART?
Do it FART?

You can find out which organisms fart on this collaborative spreadsheet by scientists:, which includes such gems as this one about copperheads: “Elicits a small squeak, so small that you think you may be mistaken…until it hits you. Very dry and feral, with a slight hint of stale Copperhead musk.” For up-to-the-minute tweets on the subject, search twitter hashtag #DoesItFart:

Hello! I have a predicament…

Hello! I have a predicament... (let's call them A!) So recently there's this person I really like and have feelings for, but they are in a relationship. The thing is, A also likes me a lot as well, but they are hesitant on telling their partner (let's call them B!) that we like each other and have already done stuff with each other. Should I personally tell B? Do I tell A to tell B about us? I'm afraid to tell B, but at the same time, I feel very bad for B since they are being hurt even more as time goes on. Life is hard and complicated
Hello! I have a predicament… (let’s call them A!) So recently there’s this person I really like and have feelings for, but they are in a relationship. The thing is, A also likes me a lot as well, but they are hesitant on telling their partner (let’s call them B!) that we like each other and have already done stuff with each other. Should I personally tell B? Do I tell A to tell B about us? I’m afraid to tell B, but at the same time, I feel very bad for B since they are being hurt even more as time goes on. Life is hard and complicated

You should tell B because no one deserves to be treated the way you and A are treating them. Person A clearly needs to work on their maturity and their values before being in a committed relationship with anyone again. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone willing to cheat on and lie to their current partner?

How come couples live together but not having impulses of wanting to kill each other? I mean wanting. It seems so impossible to me. How??

How come couples live together but not having impulses of wanting to kill each other? I mean wanting. It seems so impossible to me. How??
How come couples live together but not having impulses of wanting to kill each other? I mean wanting. It seems so impossible to me. How??

If you are often having the desire to kill the person you are living with, you might want to reconsider the relationship altogether, for both your sakes. And seek help ( if you really mean it. I hope you find someone who, though they will surely anger/annoy/disappoint you from time to time, does not make you feel like killing them.

希望和平 (xī wàng hé píng) ❤️ 人人都能有爱的生活就好了 (rén rén dōu néng yǒu ài de shēng huó jiù hǎo le) [English: Hope for peace. Life is great if everyone has love.] PS: Thank u for everything: This wall is a wonderful and warm space ❤️

希望和平 (xī wàng hé píng) ❤️ 人人都能有爱的生活就好了 (rén rén dōu néng yǒu ài de shēng huó jiù hǎo le) [English: Hope for peace. Life is great if everyone has love.] PS: Thank u for everything: This wall is a wonderful and warm space ❤️
希望和平 (xī wàng hé píng) ❤️ 人人都能有爱的生活就好了 (rén rén dōu néng yǒu ài de shēng huó jiù hǎo le) [English: Hope for peace. Life is great if everyone has love.] PS: Thank u for everything: This wall is a wonderful and warm space ❤️

I, too, desperately hope for peace. Thank you for this note. <3

Where can I meet beautiful ladies?

Where can I meet beautiful ladies?
Where can I meet beautiful ladies?

I want you to spin slowly around keeping your eyes level until you come back to looking at me. A college campus is a fantastic place to meet people. Go to campus events, join a student group, talk to people after class, hang out with some different people than you usually do.

I think I’m in love with my professor, what should I do?

I think I'm in love with my professor, what should I do?
I think I’m in love with my professor, what should I do?

Doing nothing would be the best course of action. Keeping it in the realm of your fantasy life is an option, though I fear that could make you less attentive to course material. Trying to get your professor to be involved with you could be very harmful to their career and cause unnecessary grief for you, so please do not do this!

My drawing skills are way down since 2017… I wanna cry

My drawing skills are way down since 2017... I wanna cry
My drawing skills are way down since 2017… I wanna cry

It’s so discouraging when a skill goes downhill! I can’t draw at all, but I’ve heard that drawing is one of those skills (like playing an instrument) that takes diligent practice. May I suggest an elective that satisfies an arts core requirement? Drawing I: Foundations (ARTS1101-01)