Life is hard

Ahhhhhhhhhhh Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Life is hard ??????

I’m so sorry life is hard right now. If you think it would be helpful, consider talking to a peer wellness coach. The walls of Gasson say you can get an appointment quickly.

Why doesn’t oneil provide blanket?

They’re quite comforting and can shield us from the cold AC!

I’m sorry you’re so cold in the library! I will pass your suggestion to The Powers That Be. I expect cleaning the blankets between users would be difficult, though.

What’s the greatest movie of all time?

What's the greatest movie of all time?
What’s the greatest movie of all time?

I don’t get out much, so I polled the BC Libraries staff, and this is what they said: Casablanca (4), The Big Lebowski (2), The Princess Bride (2), Lawrence of Arabia, Best Years of Our Lives, The Seventh Seal, Harold & Maude, Witness (with Kelly McGillis & Harrison Ford), Star Wars, Howl’s Moving Castle, Out of Africa, Avengers – Endgame, The Shawshank Redemption, My Neighbor Totoro, Everything is Illuminated, The Sound of Music, The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), The Godfather: Part 2, The Great Escape, Mary Poppins, Shrek 2, The Sting, King Kong, Ghost World, Betty Blue (dir. Jean-Jacques Beineix), Ace in the Hole, Wings of Desire, Titanic, Rock’n’Roll High School (1979), Up, Midnight Cowboy, Mädchen in Uniform (1931)

Boobs or Ass?

Boobs or Ass?
Boobs or Ass?

Me? I don’t really understand the human obsession with these parts. Sometimes I have found myself staring at a particularly fine crown molding – but that’s just poor manners, isn’t it?

I’ve been having a discussion online whether homosexuality…

(not being homoromantic, just someone being sexually attracted to a body part of the same gender) is a paraphilia. I myself am gay, so for me, it’s not, but the opposite team did make a few fair points. I wanted to hear your opinion on it. I mean, I don’t think it matters whether homosexuality is a paraphilia or not, no one needs to know what you do in bed with whom and why, if there is consent. And the thing I hate about trying to find the “gay gene” is that, when we find it, what? Why do we need to be born gay to need to be accepted? 

Completely agree that what consenting humans do sexually is none of anyone’s business, and that whether homosexuality is genetic is irrelevant. I still find “I’m not gay I just like [same sex body part]” to be a weirdly objectifying thing to say. But if you want to get into the science of it, you could start with something like the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology.

It’s too hot in BC library I am sweaty

It's too hot in BC library I am sweaty ? [IKR!]
It’s too hot in BC library I am sweaty ? [IKR!]

Our HVAC system is scheduled for replacement at some point in the future (it is wicked expensive!) Until then, the current system, who is a distant relative of mine, does their level best to keep up with the crazy New England weather, and apologizes for the discomfort.