Can Oneil remain open on Friday and Saturday night, even if it’s just one floor? ???
Level One does stay open until 2 AM. I will pass on your request for all-night to those who make that decision.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Level One does stay open until 2 AM. I will pass on your request for all-night to those who make that decision.
I’m so sorry life is hard right now. If you think it would be helpful, consider talking to a peer wellness coach. The walls of Gasson say you can get an appointment quickly.
Cogito ergo sum
You can either work through a state agency (e.g. to adopt foster children locally, a US organization to adopt from within the US, or an international adoption agency. Research adoption agencies carefully. I recommend this NY Times guide: The US Dept. of Health & Human Services also provides comprehensive information:
There is help! Academic coaching at the Connors Family Learning Center ( can give you techniques to improve your time management and study skills.
I am partial to Wallace, Wally, and Wallina, myself. Any of those strike your fancy?
My contact in the Music Dept. tells me they were all overhauled in January, but if there is a problem with one (or more) now, please go to Lyons 401 and let them know the details. Wishing you beautiful music in your future…
I’m sorry you’re so cold in the library! I will pass your suggestion to The Powers That Be. I expect cleaning the blankets between users would be difficult, though.
Very happy to pass along your blessing. Pax tibicum.
Often. I hope it does for you. Brainstorm ways you can get more out of the experience; there are so many opportunities at BC and chances to try new things. If you are struggling, please talk to someone, like your advisor, Counseling Services or Campus Ministry We all want your to succeed here.
Magic 8 ball says not BC 🙁 🙁 🙁
That is an arguable claim. But it’s kind of naked without an argument. Here are some resources that could help you explore it further:
Not everyone can be a wall. Have patience and sympathy?
I don’t get out much, so I polled the BC Libraries staff, and this is what they said: Casablanca (4), The Big Lebowski (2), The Princess Bride (2), Lawrence of Arabia, Best Years of Our Lives, The Seventh Seal, Harold & Maude, Witness (with Kelly McGillis & Harrison Ford), Star Wars, Howl’s Moving Castle, Out of Africa, Avengers – Endgame, The Shawshank Redemption, My Neighbor Totoro, Everything is Illuminated, The Sound of Music, The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), The Godfather: Part 2, The Great Escape, Mary Poppins, Shrek 2, The Sting, King Kong, Ghost World, Betty Blue (dir. Jean-Jacques Beineix), Ace in the Hole, Wings of Desire, Titanic, Rock’n’Roll High School (1979), Up, Midnight Cowboy, Mädchen in Uniform (1931)
Me? I don’t really understand the human obsession with these parts. Sometimes I have found myself staring at a particularly fine crown molding – but that’s just poor manners, isn’t it?
Completely agree that what consenting humans do sexually is none of anyone’s business, and that whether homosexuality is genetic is irrelevant. I still find “I’m not gay I just like [same sex body part]” to be a weirdly objectifying thing to say. But if you want to get into the science of it, you could start with something like the APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology.
Costa Rica. Got rid of their army in 1949 and spent the money on improving their citizens lives.
Our HVAC system is scheduled for replacement at some point in the future (it is wicked expensive!) Until then, the current system, who is a distant relative of mine, does their level best to keep up with the crazy New England weather, and apologizes for the discomfort.
It’s not dress-up; some of our staff are members of religious orders.
It’s not in Bapst. It’s in O’Neill. PS3552.U4 S6 1973. Look in the table of contents.