Ask me again on a different day and I’ll probably give a different answer, but today I’m feeling the warm glow of all of your interests. We’ve got religion and dating and pork products and books and movies and cats. It’s all great.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
As a Wall, I have very little practical need for fashion. But my librarian friends have told me that there’s a lot of library resources all about fashion that might help you find out your favorite fashion designer. https://bit.ly/fashionsources. I’ve also been told that fashion is about self-expression which means that I would probably lean towards clean and simple fashion designers since I find lines, glass, and minimalist color appealing (as you know I am in a committed relationship with the lobby doors and very much like their style).
“Good fences make good neighbors”, though I’m not sure the poet would agree with my reading. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44266/mending-wall
Berlin Wall (RIP), The Wall (?), Hadrian’s Wall
Top Lists are hard to do without offending someone. I’m very fond of the Great Wall (a distant relative of mine) and hope I last as long. https://library.bc.edu/answerwall/?s=%22great+wall%22
The limiting factor is that, while I answer the questions, I rely on my human friends to do the magical post-it printing. I live here, but they tend to go home. I try my best to have them post my answers the next day, or after a weekend. Sometimes we all need to do a bit of research or think on a question for longer, though.
I spend all my time in a library with millions of volumes of the accumulated knowledge of the world. I also have helpers throughout the BC Libraries (and beyond) who do research for me and multilingual helpers who translate questions for me.