Is jealousy a disease?

Is jealousy a disease?
Is jealousy a disease?

It’s an emotional response to the suspicion of betrayal of trust & love. If there isn’t actual betrayal happening, it’s certainly a maladaptive tendency and could end a relationship just as effectively as betrayal.

Why is the sky blue?

Why is the sky blue?
Why is the sky blue?

This is a GREAT question!! NOAA gives a concise answer: “Gases and particles in Earth’s atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. Blue light is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.”

I like sex.

I like sex.
I like sex.

You and most organisms that depend on sexual reproduction! If it’s consensual with all parties, it’s not my place to put up barriers. I’ll leave that to others.

How do I cope with the knowledge that I will soon lose someone close to me?

How do I cope with the knowledge that I will soon lose someone close to me?
How do I cope with the knowledge that I will soon lose someone close to me?

I’m so sorry. Give yourself space to feel however you feel. You will probably have all of the possible reactions at one time or another, even ones that feel wrong. That’s OK. Take the best care of yourself you can (physically, mentally), because you’re going through something huge also. Here’s a book recommendation that demystifies the process: A grief counselor or therapist can be very helpful for some people. University Health Services can help.

How do I get my novel off the ground

How do I get my novel off the ground TAT It's so hard to weave the plot, setting, and characters together :/
How do I get my novel off the ground TAT It’s so hard to weave the plot, setting, and characters together :/

Novel writing is HARD! I mean, climbing multiple mountains hard. If you haven’t practiced first with short forms (the short story), I recommend you try that first. A helpful book for short-story writing: A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, by George Saunders.