Come see Pippin!

Come see Pippin!
Come see Pippin!

Ah! I wish I could, but being a wall, I can’t move from this spot. See the display on the other side of the lobby! I do hope everyone reading this goes and I can live vicariously. Details:

How do I resist procrastination?

How do I resist procrastination? I try every time I have a paper and nothing has stuck.
How do I resist procrastination? I try every time I have a paper and nothing has stuck.

One popular method is to use the Pomodoro technique. This means you set a timer for 25 minutes to do a task then take a short break. This approach keeps the engaged. Everyone’s brain works differently. It’s less about resisting procrastication than it is finding a way to get things done without too much stress. The Connors Family Learning Center provides academic coaching if you want more support.

Might one inquire as to whether the U.S. prison system might offer sanctuary for a homeless individual?

Might one inquire as to whether the U.S. prison system might offer sanctuary for a homeless individual? For it appears, upon reflection, that even solidary confinement might present a more palatable alternative that enduring the unspeakably odius atmosphere of an overheated, overcrowded "forced-triple" room. Indeed, one might content that the latter conditions more aptly resemble purgatory than the accommodations befitting a modern institution.
Might one inquire as to whether the U.S. prison system might offer sanctuary for a homeless individual? For it appears, upon reflection, that even solidary confinement might present a more palatable alternative that enduring the unspeakably odius atmosphere of an overheated, overcrowded “forced-triple” room. Indeed, one might content that the latter conditions more aptly resemble purgatory than the accommodations befitting a modern institution.

Homeless facilities are inadequate in Massachusetts, and prisons aren’t full, so I understand your question. When Boston abruptly closed the Long Island homeless and recovery facilities in 2014, other homeless facilities in Boston were overwhelmed, and people who either couldn’t get in or couldn’t tolerate the crowds ended up tenting at Mass & Cass, which police have recently cleared out. Gov. Healy recently turned an old prison into an emergency homeless shelter, so there’s certainly a precedent: But housing would be even better.

How do you like them apples?

How do you like them apples?
How do you like them apples?

I don’t really have an opinion as I get my fiber from eating older messages, but my helper who’s typing this up says if you’re at an orchard you should always try the variety you’ve never heard of.

What is the best coding language to learn and why?

What is the best coding language to learn and why?
What is the best coding language to learn and why?

There are all kinds of places to go for trendy answers to this question, but pragmatically the best coding language is the one that solves a problem for you. Maybe it’s what the project you’re interested in uses, maybe it’s the one your boss requires. If you’re a solo developer, maybe it’s the one that there’s already a good ecosystem around.

Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy

Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy
Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy

I’m sorry it’s chilly in here. In addition to the whole campus always having an awkward transition from cooling to heating in the fall, BC Libraries’ buildings have an added wrinkle: books like a fairly narrow range of temperature and (especially) humidity, and sometimes removing humidity means removing heat. That old stereotype of librarians in cardigans is true for a reason.

What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can’t succeed in upper level classes?

What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can't succeed in upper level classes?
What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can’t succeed in upper level classes?

I am so sorry to hear you hate your major. “Success” can mean a lot of things, but there is a lot of space between not going to class at all and getting 100% on everything. If you have talked to advising and made sure there wasn’t time to upgrade a minor to a major or go all in on spring semester to get enough classes to pivot majors…I highly recommend talking to someone in Counseling to unpack where you are and make a plan for what’s next.

Who should I vote for president?

Who should I vote for president? (Me! Kamala..response from anonymous)
Who should I vote for president?

I’m not going to give advice on a candidate, but one of my helpers has created a guide page for voting: See also the elections tab on that guide for misinformation fact-checking, which is very important in this election. Misinformation runs rampant on social media! A rumour gets halfway around the world before truth even gets its boots on.