Do you like the way it sounds?

Do you like the way it sounds?
Do you like the way it sounds?

I like the way everything sounds. R. Murray Schafer, in The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World (O’Neill Library ML3805 .S3 1994) relates how he would customarily have everyone in his class meditate, and then afterwards, when relaxed, hum together a note of “prime unity” and they always converged on the same note, roughly B. He was invited to teach in Germany one year and had his class there do the same, but they converged on a different, lower note, closer to G. It turned out the note of prime unity was just a reflection of the electrical system’s frequency; Germany is 50 Hz, and the US 60 Hz. Students were unconsciously reproducing the note of the faint buzz of the fluorescent lights. Me, I especially love the clicks and hum of the automatic lights turning on in the stacks, because it means someone’s in hot pursuit of knowledge.

Is the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal justifiable?

Is the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal justifiable?
Is the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal justifiable?

That probably depends a lot on your point of view and on what part of the arrangement you’re looking at. The US, UK, and Australia are old allies concerned about what they perceive as a growing Chinese threat. China for military/political reasons and France for commercial ones are much less happy about the deal.

Which one do you prefer: Jesus or Muhammad?

Which one do you prefer: Jesus or Muhammad?
Which one do you prefer: Jesus or Muhammad?

A Christian or Muslim would presumably have a clear preference. Someone who’s neither would likely say “neither,” “no preference,” or prefer one simply based on familiarity. My own perspective as a wall in a library is that all religions have lots of really interesting scholarship about them, so they must all be really interesting.

Drake or Kanye?

Drake or Kanye?
Drake or Kanye?

This wall has heard a lot of Kanye and Drake over the years. Personally, I prefer Drake’s smooth melodies and heartfelt lyrics reverberating through many headphones within O’Neill. While Kanye’s artistry might be respected, some of his ideologies clash with this wall’s values.