Why do we put the $ sign before the amount?

Why do we put the $ sign before the amount? I don't say "dollars 45": I say "45 dollars." Shouldn't I write "45$"?
Why do we put the $ sign before the amount? I don’t say “dollars 45”: I say “45 dollars.” Shouldn’t I write “45$”?

Tradition, it seems. Many European countries place the euro sign (€) after the number. One interesting theory is that it follows from British usage for the pound (£) from the pre-decimal era of pounds/shillings/pence, when amounts were written with slashes, e.g. £ 3/5/6, or “three pounds, 5 shillings, sixpence.” It was understood that £ referred to the whole assembly of numbers denoting a system of currency, not just a qualifier of the first number. Interesting side note: the word “dollar” derives from Low German “taler,” short for “Joachimstaler,” the name of a coin from the silver mines of that name, once in Bohemia, now a town in the Czech Republic; it was adopted in the US because it was the British English word for the Spanish Peso, a common currency in the colonies at the time of the Revolution. bit.ly/whence-dollar

Why isn’t Spring break longer?

Why isn't Spring break longer?
Why isn’t Spring break longer?

Doesn’t it seem short? Sigh. But there is so much learning to be done before the end of the semester. I’m committed to staying here after mid-May, but you probably have other things to do then, so extending the semester to get a longer Spring Break wouldn’t be a great idea.

How do you draw a pony?

How do you draw a pony?
How do you draw a pony?

Not well. I’m a wall! But if you google, you will find there are many sites on the internet that will guide you in creating your diminutive equine artwork – caution that some are NSFW (or S)! Or, you could head to the Education Resource Center in Campion, where they have several books on drawing animals (for kids, but why let that stop you) in the NC600-900 call number ranges. But I can’t promise you a pony…

What do you think about Italians?

What do you think about Italians?

Italians invented the word “graffiti,” so as a wall, I’m a little mixed. Then again, they also were expert practitioners of “sgraffito,” an artistic close cousin of graffiti with well-known practitioners from the workshop of the artist Raphael. Here’s an example from Firenze: bit.ly/sgraffito-firenze. They knew how to treat a wall! I hear the food is also good, and the music. And did you see the Italian Olympic skating team? What a good-natured bunch, full of camaraderie!

How do you measure the circumference of a horse?

How do you measure the circumference of a horse?
How do you measure the circumference of a horse?

First assume the horse is a perfect sphere…. But seriously, if you mean the girth, that is measured with a tape measure “just behind the slope of the withers,” according to the Leatherdale Equine Center at UMinnesota. See (bit.ly/HorseySize) for more detail, and measuring neck circumference, etc.

Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for :)

Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for :)
Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for 🙂

Did you write WMD? I love Wikipedia for those pesky acronyms and initialisms. Search Wikipedia, and you will likely land on a disambiguation page like this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMD. Which, in this case, tells me it might be short for: weapon of mass destruction or weighted mean in statistics or wiggle-match-dating or wiggle matching in carbon dating or Westmead railway station, Sydney, Australia, station code or Wymondham railway station, Wymondham, England, station code or World Malaria Day!

Answer Wall! It’s so good to be back!

Answer Wall! It's so good to be back! I was just abroad and feel so grateful to have the resources the B.C. Libraries offer back at my disposal. Truly a privilege!
Answer Wall! It’s so good to be back! I was just abroad and feel so grateful to have the resources the B.C. Libraries offer back at my disposal. Truly a privilege!

It’s wonderful to have you back! We don’t like to be left behind when you travel, so do know that many of our resources are available across the globe. Go in through the library homepage (library.bc.edu), and you should be able to access our ejournals, eBooks, and databases. Reference help is also available by email, phone and 24/7 chat at libguides.bc.edu/ask-a-librarian.

NY Resolution: to have my brother be able to go here :)

NY Resolution: to have my brother be able to go here :)
NY Resolution: to have my brother be able to go here 🙂

That is a very sweet resolution. As you probably know, that’s not something you can accomplish for him, and even given what he can do, admission here is impossible to guarantee. But you can help by being a supportive sibling and answering his questions, and pointing him to resources at the admissions office, and maybe helping him keep on track with the admissions timetable. Best of luck!

Where do I get a fancy typewriter like yours?

Where do I get a fancy typewriter like yours?
Where do I get a fancy typewriter like yours?

Sorry to dispel your romantic notions of my glamorous life, but I just (well, I have my people just) type on regular computers, and then we have a template that allows printing on the post-its. Typewriters are having a vintage moment these days, so you could look on various vintage/bidding sites and see if there’s one that appeals to you.