How to know if I’m a horocrux??!?

How to know if I'm a horocrux??!?
How to know if I’m a horocrux??!?

Typically speaking, making a horcrux out of a human is a bad idea. Humans are incredibly apt to being killed/destroyed, and are thus poor objects for use as horcruxes. Nevertheless, being a human (or animal) horcrux is possible, so we must ask: do you have any reason to believe you are one? I cannot prove a counterfactual, but I can suggest that unless you’re very important to someone that has committed murder, and would have been able to then cast the appropriate spell to make you a horcrux, it’s highly unlikely that you’re a horcrux. Remember, Harry is not a normal horcrux – he is a pseudo-horcrux; an accidental vessel for a slice of Voldemort’s soul only possible because Voldemort had already torn his soul so many times to make it unstable. It would be nearly impossible that 2 wizards in the same century did the same.

How can I get a 5.0 uber rating?

How can I get a 5.0 uber rating?
How can I get a 5.0 uber rating?

As a driver or as a passenger? Either way the answer is that it will be very difficult if you don’t already have one. Drivers especially make so many trips that the chances of keeping a perfect rating over and over again becomes extremely small. As a passenger, it’s all about respecting the driver and their car. Have a profile pic that looks like you, be ready to go when the driver gets there, don’t slam doors, don’t eat or drink food in the car, don’t track mud in the car. If the driver wants to talk, then talk; if they don’t, then don’t. Being a 5.0 passenger is all about being empathetic to each other, which is good advice generally I think.

Where there is “auditing”?? All we need is Independent!!!! Integrity!!!!

Where there is "auditing"?? All we need is Independent!!!! Integrity!!!!
Where there is “auditing”?? All we need is Independent!!!! Integrity!!!!

It’s true that if everyone behaved with integrity it wouldn’t be needed. Same problem with the legal system, actually. But since you can’t rely on that to be 100% true, it’s useful to have independent professionals checking the work of everyone according to the same rules. That way every company doesn’t have to individually do all the same work to check on its partners and competitors, and regulators can use it as a baseline also.

Where can I find gold?

Where can I find gold?
Where can I find gold?

“On Earth, gold is found in ores in rock formed from the Precambrian time onward. It most often occurs as a native metal, typically in a metal solid solution with silver. Native gold occurs as very small to microscopic particles embedded in rock…” (Thanks Wikipedia!) Massachusetts doesn’t have much gold, but you can find some very fine flecks in the rivers of western Mass. Check out for more info.

My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? — As petty as u can & beat her ass. — Petty as hell — Girl they can f off.

My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? -- As petty as u can & beat her ass. -- Petty as hell -- Girl they can f off.
My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? — As petty as u can & beat her ass. — Petty as hell — Girl they can f off.

Oh dear! Run, don’t walk and don’t let the cheater take up any more of your time and emotional energy. There is someone out there who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

What’s going on with the vending machines man?

What's going on with the vending machines man?
What’s going on with the vending machines man?

One of my assistants has contacted Auxiliary Services, the department that oversees the vending machines on campus. They are sending someone over to check the two [Coke] drink machines in the library and will contact Coke. The two Coke vending machines by the CTE are currently not working, due to mechanical problems. That too is being addressed. So for another day or so (hopefully), it’s bring money or bring a drink from outside!

Any leads on the Post-It dispenser thief?

Any leads on the Post-It dispenser thief? --I stole it, you'll never catch me
Any leads on the Post-It dispenser thief?
–I stole it, you’ll never catch me

Ah, it appears the person who ‘borrowed’ the dispenser is speaking up. I have faith that this person will return the dispenser as it is the right thing to do. If not, then this person should know that karma will get you at some point!

How do I achieve balance?

How do I achieve balance?
How do I achieve balance?

Achieving balance can be difficult for college students–there is so much going on in your lives! A few things that can help: Take care of yourself (sleep, eat, stay healthy stuff). Give some thought as to what is important to you, now and especially as long-term goals. Plan as much as possible. (That’s hard. We know what we should do, but not necessarily how to make it so.) Be prepared to make some difficult choices. There simply isn’t enough time to do everything and you may have to give up on some things that are not as important to you in the long run. Check out this book at the ERC for some tips ( and/or ask for specific help at campus offices, e.g., Connors ( or (Counseling Services ( I’m rooting for you!

Is astrology real?

Is astrology real? (I'm a Leo)
Is astrology real? (I’m a Leo)

Astrology is a real thing: there are more than 3K results in our catalog for a subject search for “astrology”. As a topic it’s gone through many phases over the centuries: This article in the Encyclopedia of Religious and Spiritual Development has a brief history: Should we believe those daily horoscopes in the paper? Well, it may be better to look on them as fun more than accurate. But many academics, e.g., in history and psychology, address this topic and its influence both in the past and today. Here’s an article just for you: “Good day for Leos: Horoscope’s influence on perception, cognitive performances, and creativity” (

I’m so happy to be trying to paint like an Impressionist!

I am so happy to be trying to paint like an Impressionist! It's so fun and so liberating and different from the rigorous training I had before. But I'm scared I'm not actually improving in ^technical skill. Some say it's irrelevant as long as I'm having fun, but I'm having doubts.
I am so happy to be trying to paint like an Impressionist! It’s so fun and so liberating and different from the rigorous training I had before. But I’m scared I’m not actually improving in ^technical skill. Some say it’s irrelevant as long as I’m having fun, but I’m having doubts.

How wonderful that painting in the Impressionist style is giving you so much joy! I’m not exactly a painting expert (just look at me–I’m very bland looking, aren’t I?) but I’m sure there are technical skills involved in Impressionism; just maybe different technical skills than you have used before … or technical skills you know but used in a different way. I understand one way to develop skills is to do small studies of the same image. Since they are small you can practice and compare different techniques and skills in a fairly short period of time and further develop that way. The important thing is to keep painting and learning and enjoying.

How do I know if my significant other is right for me?

How do I know if my significant other is right for me?
How do I know if my significant other is right for me?

It can be hard not to overthink this, but resist the urge. Do you want to be with them? Do they want to be with you? If so, see where it leads and don’t worry about it. Being in a relationship is ultimately about choosing to be in it, which can feel weird after the initial period of magic fades. But that’s what you’re doing. Choosing. It’s OK to stay or go whenever you like.

Why use more words

Why use more words
Why use more words

I wasn’t sure you had finished your thought, but I can certainly say this: you might as well use more words. They’re free! Although if you use too many, the cost might be that someone stops listening.