Will there be any doggo visits any time soon? It’s been 3 days since I’ve seen my dog & I’m having withdrawals.

Will there be any doggo visits any time soon? It's been 3 days since I've seen my dog & I'm having withdrawals.
Will there be any doggo visits any time soon? It’s been 3 days since I’ve seen my dog & I’m having withdrawals.

Awwww. The doggos are coming to the O’Neill Reading Room. Follow @bclibraries on Instagram and FB for changes. 12/11 Maya 12:30-2:30,12/12 Joe 1:30-3:30,12/13 Juno 11:00-12:00,12/13 Jolie 7:00-9:00,12/14 Spencer?,12/15 Campbell 2:00-6:00,12/17 Charlie 5:00-7:00, 12/18 Sailor 7:00-9:00

Is the Market Basket in MA the same as in Bergen County NJ? They have different logos & different styles.

Is the Market Basket in MA the same as in Bergen County NJ? They have different logos & different styles.
Is the Market Basket in MA the same as in Bergen County NJ? They have different logos & different styles.

One way to answer questions like this is to look at databases on our Company Information research guide: libguides.bc.edu/companyinfo. They are separate chains. The Massachusetts chain has an amazing history; check out this book: We are Market Basket : the story of the unlikely grassroots movement that saved a beloved business. O’Neill Stacks HF5469.23.U64 M375 2015

I don’t think Hopkins would have loved emoji…but with his drafting background… perhaps???

I don't think Hopkins would loved emoji...but with his drafting background perhaps???
I don’t think Hopkins would have loved emoji…but with his drafting background… perhaps???

It’s hard to say… on the one hand, he was an artist and draftsman in addition to being a poet, and might therefore have appreciated tiny typescript images. On the other hand, although many poets have experimented with shape poems (such as this one by George Herbert in the 17th Century: bit.ly/easter-wings), Hopkins never seems to have made shape poems, suggesting that blending writing drawing wasn’t an interest.

Do we like snow or no?

Do we like snow or no?
Do we like snow or no?

I have polled my library colleagues, and the response was mixed, a little like our recent round of precipitation. But I think “Yes” wins the day. With 57 responses, 37 responded “Yes, it’s pretty and/or fun & sometimes gives me a day off,” 3 responded “No, it is a curse I must suffer because I live in New England,” and 17 responded “Other.” Here are the comments that came with Other:

  • A light dusting of snow is beautiful, anything more than that is a nuisance.
  • both
  • Both!
  • Both! Love watching it fall and coat the trees. Like it less on my car and driveway. I would bet that the Wall’s neighbor, the Floor has strong opinions against snow.
  • Both! Mostly I think it is beautiful and gets one in the mood for the holidays, but also it can make life difficult and I do not enjoy shoveling it.
  • Both. It depends on when it happens. The first 4 times, the answer is Yes, after that it’s No
  • Both. It’s nice and pretty at first. By the time we’re getting snow in mid-April, I’m over it.
  • From this day forward, if my only exposure to snow was via the art of Currier and Ives, I would be deliriously happy!
  • I like it before, and up until a few days after, Christmas-then I’m done!
  • I like snow. I dislike the 75% of Boston residents who don’t shovel their walks.
  • It’s a lot of fun. Love to downhill ski, cross country ski and fat mountain bike in the snow.
  • Love its beauty, but dread getting to work in it.
  • Mixed feelings: It’s pretty, but a hassle
  • My feelings about snow are non-binary and very complicated.
  • Nice to play in, not fun to commute and manage driveway.
  • Snow: Yay! Not quite melted snow surrounding deep puddles of slush: Boo! Snow plowed into mountains that freeze into icebergs, blocking crosswalks and growing every dirtier until July 4th: Oy vey iz mir…
  • Yes, when it’s pretty and/or fun & gives me a day off & I don’t have to drive in it.

How do I not look like a freshman? Also how do I find parties?

How do I not look like a freshman? Also how do I find parties?
How do I not look like a freshman? Also how do I find parties?

Well you can’t control how old you look without going to some extreme measures that I wouldn’t advocate. Maybe wearing a fake mustache? As you grow older, you’ll look older (sorry that’s not helpful). As to where to find parties, you should think of it more as finding friends that you can go to parties with (or that can invite you). Check out some of the clubs around campus or volunteer for a service project.

How can I apply for your job (answer wall)

How can I apply for your job (answer wall)
How can I apply for your job (answer wall)

Well, first you have to learn how to transform into a pile of cinder blocks and some mortar. Then you have to listen and learn from everyone that walks by you for about 34 years. And then, if you work really hard, you can begin to communicate with humans via post-it.

Does counseling really work?

Does counseling really work? I was more miserable when I had it. Now I'm much happier when I'm devoting time to friends.
Does counseling really work? I was more miserable when I had it. Now I’m much happier when I’m devoting time to friends.

Everyone has different reactions to it, but yes, it does work for lots of people. It also can make a big difference who your counselor is and whether you get along with them–finding the right one can be tough, but it’s worth it if you can. If you’re getting good results in other ways, that’s excellent and I hope it continues.

How could one get the most inebriated for the least amount of money $?

How could one get the most inebriated for the least amount of money $?
How could one get the most inebriated for the least amount of money $?

That will depend in exactly what kind of deals you can get, but it roughly looks like cheap vodka is your best bet. A good listing of alcoholic beverage by cost per oz of pure alcohol is here: http://bit.ly/cheapBooze.
There is a tiny little voice in the back of my….well I don’t have a head or a brain, but my fiberglass insulation, that compels me to remind you to drink responsibly. Social drinking can be fun with friends, but alcohol poisoning isn’t.

Why is SMTP built on TCP?

Why is SMTP built on TCP?
Why is SMTP built on TCP?

Pretty much all of the modern Internet as we think of it is built on the TCP transport layer protocol. SMTP is an application layer protocol (email) that uses the TCP protocol to push information around the world. Other application layers include HTTP (webpages), FTP (direct file transfer), and DNS (like the phonebook of the Internet). All of these different types of request travel over TCP because it’s what everyone agreed upon. For more information on the all the different layers communication software that make up the Internet see http://bit.ly/InternetProtocol

How do I constructively deal with “Imposter Syndrome”?

How do I constructively deal with "Imposter Syndrome"? Especially when BC sometimes undermines my value...
How do I constructively deal with “Imposter Syndrome”? Especially when BC sometimes undermines my value…

Imposter syndrome can be hard. But the mere fact that you feel that way is good – it means you know you have more to learn. The much worse situation for everyone is when someone thinks they know everything. I assure you that everyone else is pretty much just making it up as well.
I’m sorry that you feel like BC undermines your value. The people that work here want the students to feel confident in their abilities – both as students and after they graduate. If there are particular instances when some one or some thing is making you feel small, you should try to to either confront those situations or remove yourself from them to the extent possible. If they become overwhelming or you’re not sure where to go, check out BC’s counseling services for some ideas. bit.ly/BC-counseling

How to break up a couple??


How to break up a couple?? Peace!!
How to break up a couple?? Peace!!

That’s a really bad idea, though there is a funny Friends episode on that theme (S1:E14). Seriously though. There’s a variation of “treat others the way you want to be treated” in almost every religious tradition for pretty good reasons. And pragmatically, if you’re hoping to date one of the parties, consider whether you’d expect that to last if it worked. Peace also to you.

Why is [name redacted] so smart?

Why is [name redacted] so smart?
Why is [name redacted] so smart?

It’s sad and unjust, but the good things of this world are not evenly distributed, whether they are smarts, or wealth, or looks, or clean water. Being smart is the product of so many factors; smart student may have genetics, early childhood opportunities, and maybe even studying a lot to thank for it. (I’ve removed the name of your brilliant fellow student to maintain privacy.)