A piece of advice regarding a famous american novel I could read? Thanks

A piece of advice regarding a famous american novel I could read? Thanks
A piece of advice regarding a famous american novel I could read? Thanks

The best piece of advice would be to read more than one! There are many lists of best American novels available online. Some favorites that seem to show up on most of the lists are “To Kill a Mockingbird” (PS3562 .E353 T6 1960), “The Great Gatsby” (PS3511 .I9 G74 1980Z), “The Grapes of Wrath” (PS3537 T3234 G8 1989), “Beloved” (available online), and “Invisible Man” (PS3555 .L625 .I5 1995). Happy reading!

How do I learn to be more confident?!

How do I learn to be more confident?!
How do I learn to be more confident?!

“Confidence” derives from the Latin fidere, to trust, so self-confidence = to trust and have faith in yourself. First make sure you take care of yourself: eat right, get enough sleep, get some exercise, comb your hair in the morning. Think about your strengths and what you have achieved in the past. Then think about how you can use your strengths to accomplish some of your goals. To get yourself going, start with smaller goals (take a yoga class; throw a small party; talk to that cute person who sits next to you in class). The more you succeed, the more self-confident you will become. If something doesn’t work out, learn from it and try a different strategy. If you’re ever at the point where it’s all too much though, Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) can be of help. I know I have faith in you (and you should too)! <3 <3 <3

How do you get the little font on the sticky notes just like you do?

How do you get the little font on the sticky notes just like you do? Like what do you use to print the font out? It's so cute. You're so cute. Why are you so cute? (smiling dog face)
How do you get the little font on the sticky notes just like you do? Like what do you use to print the font out? It’s so cute. You’re so cute. Why are you so cute? (smiling dog face)

I’m sure you’ve heard that thing before about the probability of a thousand monkeys with typewriters eventually producing all the works of Shakespeare? Well, it’s not like that. This library employs librarians, not monkeys. Librarians might not be as fun as monkeys, but they do know how to find answers, such as how to use a Word template to print onto post-its affixed to pieces of paper, and which font (courier) most closely resembles typewriter font. I’m cute? Gosh. Now I’m blushing.

Why is it always so cold in here???

Why is it always so cold in here???
Why is it always so cold in here???

Books prefer cool temperatures and low humidity–it helps them live long lives and avoid problems like mold. There are way more of them than humans here, so that’s why. All the librarians have sweaters and such in their offices, so it’s not just you.

How do I hide a body?

How do I hide a body?
How do I hide a body?

Most people find clothing to be effective in hiding a body. If you mean a dead body, generally people prefer cremating or burying it (with professional help). If you’re more DIY and legality is not a concern, TV and films suggest many possibilities, including open burning, acid bath, going overboard, and the frequently ineffective shallow grave. Need more info? Browse the GT3170 section in the library to learn more about the death customs of various cultures.