![Favorite type of apple?](https://library.bc.edu/answerwall/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/AW04172024-1.jpg)
As a wall, I don’t actually eat. Still, the newish (2020) release from Cornell Orchards, NY73 ” Pink Luster”, bred for its “bright pink-red skin, crisp texture and juiciness” sounds very appealing.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Wealth and fame are not pre-requisites for bunny adoption! As long as you do your research about proper care, diet, and enrichment, a bunny can be a great companion. It’s pretty different from adopting a dog or a cat, but still completely within reach if you’re well-prepared. House Rabbit Network is an excellent resource to learn more about adopting a bun.
ALL EYES HERE! Seems like we have a lot of you who haven’t found your peeps yet, and it is hard, I know. I am putting a call out to all BC students to try and include some new people in your lives, be brave, ask someone to go have lunch or join your activity. It is a small but oh so powerful way to make the world better.
ALL EYES HERE! Seems like we have a lot of you who haven’t found your peeps yet, and it is hard, I know. I am putting a call out to all BC students to try and include some new people in your lives, be brave, ask someone to go have lunch or join your activity. It is a small but oh so powerful way to make the world better.
Yes, everyone, go see the upcoming play Be More Chill at Robsham! April 19, 20, and 21: https://bit.ly/bc-robsham-events
If you’re talking about audio recording, this looks like a comprehensive & clear explanation: bit.ly/sage-saturation-distortion
Very hard to say. Also: IANAD. “Morning breath” can result from a variety of causes, such as dry mouth because of sleeping with one’s mouth open or poor dental hygiene (bit.ly/sleep-bad-breath). Interrupted sleep cycles or poor sleep quality can result in bowel problems (bit.ly/sleep-ibs). If you’re planning on mentioning this, be kind. Perhaps tell her you’ve noticed your own odor & your plans for reducing it.
I’ve never had an invited speaker, though I did host the 2018 Red Sox World Series Trophy: bit.ly/bc-trophy . It’s an interesting thought. Get back to me when you inevitably achieve greatness, and we’ll talk!