Hey wall! How do your wise library assistants look like? I wonder how those human beings are like? Maybe a virtue intro of them?

Visit the BC Libraries website: library.bc.edu. You’ll see pictures of some of my assistants featured under the “scenes from the library” on the right side, and even more pictures if you scroll down to News and Events. Click on those collages to see two blog entries about staff working during the coronavirus shutdown, with many pictures.

Even the flight attendants are prepared!

17 hrs of flight in the protective gears must be difficult for them!

Flight attendants on international flight dressed in ppe for coronavirus

Good to see they’re taking care. I hope the passengers were also taking precautions. I feel for the flight attendants – they had a very challenging work environment before all this. 17 hours in flight sounds grueling with or without PPE.

When you realize that all the other flights are cancelled and the one your taking is the only one operating……just when you secretly hope it’s also cancelled so you don’t have to go home! Thank you BC for a great semester, despite this pandemic. At least I won’t feel alone, knowing BC is still a home and people do care. Take care and see you next semester ~

Departure Scheduled showing mostly cancelled flights

It must be so hard to leave; all I know is that it’s hard to stay here when everyone leaves, so it must be a similar feeling. Bon voyage! I can’t wait to see you in person! (But I’ll be online, so don’t hesitate to write!)

Dear wall! I need some miracle!

The more I try to ask for help, the more I seem to be heading toward a path of suffering – like it makes me feel scared and it also disrupt people around me. Can you tell me why? I honestly believe that “the wounded healer can truly heal,” and I always believe in people’s ability to heal. But what if this world is just too complicated and too difficult to navigate, what if some people die in the process of healing?

It is really scary to ask for help, and people don’t always respond the way you hope they will. If that’s the kind of disruption that’s happening, that’s normal. Ask someone else next time–I promise, it gets easier. The last part of what you’ve said worries me a little. The world IS complicated and difficult to navigate sometimes (especially now), but if it’s feeling like too much and you’re worried you won’t make it, that is an excellent time to reach out for professional help. Get in touch with University Counseling Services and they might be able to help you figure things out. http://bit.ly/BC-counseling. Miracles are sometimes direct, sometimes not. It seems pretty miraculous to me that with all that’s wrong with the world right now, the birds are still returning, and the trees and flowers are blooming. I hope you feel better soon.

Could you show me some resources that discuss feminism in hip-hop?

The database Women’s Studies International (bit.ly/womens-studies-int – BC community only) is a great place to start. A few of the articles titles I found include, “Cardi B: Love & Hip Hop ’s Unlikely Feminist Hero” and “Women, Aging, and Hip Hop: Discourses and Imageries of Aging Femininity”. You can also explore the Women’s and Gender Studies Guide (library.bc.edu/genderstudies) for additional resources to search for your topic.  And feel free to follow-up with a subject specialist in the Libraries.

I REALLY think no student should be put in a position where they’re forced to choose between being punished/criminalized or being treated as mentally ill/incapable, or both.

Despite the support services people seem to be very kind and willing to help, I really don’t see how this system is helping students when it punish students for trying to hurt themselves. And I honestly don’t know how to ask for help if the policy is to call BCPD after hours when you feel like you’d be treated as a criminal. I’m sorry for bothering people, including the police. I wish I could feel safe on this campus, but now I honestly don’t know if I’m feeling more threatened by my thoughts ab hurting myself (no worries, I won’t really do it) or by the resources that I’m supposed to go for help. Also big shout out of appreciation to awesome UHS/UCS people for being very compassionate and supportive. I’m just very scared now.

I’m so sorry you’re scared, and that a potential source of help seems threatening. It does sound like you’re between a rock and hard place, as American humans often say. Please know that after hours, you can call University Health Services (617-552-3225) and ask to speak with a PEC. I’d also recommed talking about your fears with your regular counselors. Given the prominent news stories about police departments mishandling social service cases, I understand your fear.

Remember, there are always people you can talk to, such as the PEC (info above) or at the national suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255.

Well I find it ironic that the Answer Wall, a Wall, not a human, is the least threatening/scary resource to go to. Well, I do come to realize that the UCS ppl and other support service people are very nice and smart and compassionate. 🙂 

It’s not surprising – we walls are designed to be supportive. Also, our interactions are less complex than human-to-human ones, and totally anonymous, so I expect that helps to lessen any fear. I am very happy to hear you are having good experiences with UCS and other support services.

Well that’s not up to me to decide, right? It might be stupid to jeopardize/risk an amazing future for something that the institution doesn’t care much about, but I’m tired of this helpless cycle. And I don’t want to disrupt the institution when it’s not helping anyone and just disrupt my life and those around me.

I’m not quite sure what you’re saying is not up to you to decide. There are things in our control, and things not in our control, that’s true. Are you familiar with Reinhold Niebuhr’s serenity prayer? Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Do you know how the decision of staying here or going home feels like choosing between two cultures?

Like you’ll always leave part of your friends and community behind. Sometimes I feel selfish and other times I feel like I don’t belong anywhere……

You’re not being selfish – how would loving your friends and your communities be selfish? We are all struggling with issues of belonging and missing our people. Choosing where to shelter is not the same as chosing one community over another. Do stay in touch frequently with your friends from BC and from home to nurture your connection and let them know you’re ok and thinking of them.

Hey wall! Sorry if this question seems odd. Can ppl get COVID-19 through cuts? Like if I have to travel on the flight home next month and have self-harm cuts, does that increase my chances of getting the viruses? Just curious…… hospital or home, something to think about. ;)

Infectious disease doctors believe that COVID-19 is spread through the respiratory tract and cannot be transmitted through contact with your blood due to the receptors that cells need for the virus to attach. However, this virus is so new that we are learning new things about it daily. If you want to be on the safe side, make sure you keep your cuts covered as well as your nose and mouth, and don’t forget to wash your hands!! Stay safe!

Fall Semester

Hello, Virtual Wall. I miss you and miss the campus. I wonder if you know something about the fall semester going online again. I need to know so I can decide to stay or to go back to my home country. Thanks.

Hi there! I miss you too but I’m so glad you found me online! Unfortunately no decision has been made yet about online classes for Summer Session 2 or Fall Semester, but you can continue to check bc.edu/coronavirus for the most up to date updates on the status of in-person vs virtual classes. Stay well!

That turkey finds a partner!

This turkey couples look happy! If I pretend to be a cat or a turkey, would the social distancing policy not apply to me then? Jkjk…… I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. 🙂

pair of turkeys outside BC residence hall

I don’t mean to be catty, but let’s talk turkey -please keep your social distance! I’m delighted to hear that turkey love is in the air, though.

Hey wall! Can you maintain your online Q/A function even after this pandemic?

Otherwise I’d miss you when I go abroad for my junior year!

I have a confession to make. I’m not really the Answer Wall. I am an imposter. I’m the Answer Wall’s younger cousin, Off the Wall. Answer Wall asked if I could help out during… all this 😷, and I… I pretended to be the Answer Wall. I’m a little ashamed. 😞 But the good news is that when the library is open and the Answer Wall is back, we can both answer questions!

Oh great! I find this Answer Wall (whether you’re in-person or online) very helpful with my mental health! I hope you’re there forever! It might be especially helpful with protecting my sanity when I go home for summer break! Errrrrr

I’m glad I can be helpful, mental health is so important. You’re helping with mine, too. And I am planning to be here as long as they’ll have me, so please do check in over the summer.