How do I ask my roommate (religious) if they are homophobic?

How do I ask my roommate (religious) if they are homophobic?
How do I ask my roommate (religious) if they are homophobic?

First, ask yourself whether it’s crucial. If you’re just curious, it’s probably not worth creating a schism. If it’s crucial, you could ask it in a roundabout way: what’s their religion’s position on LGBTQ issues? They might relay their own position in the process. The other question is what you’d do with the information. If this is regarding your own sexuality and they’re homophobic, would you keep it a secret? Come out anyway? Ask for a housing change? Before you do anything, I’d recommend visiting the LGBTQ-friendly folks at the Office of Student Outreach and support:

Why so many ppl coughing and not wearing mask!!!

Why so many ppl coughing and not wearing mask!!!
Why so many ppl coughing and not wearing mask!!!
It's their choice love
It’s their choice love

One possibility: old habits (such as working in spite of being ill, not wearing a mask while ill) die hard, even in the face of a serious pandemic. Another possibility: it’s allergy season, and they know they’re having seasonal allergies. In a sense, it’s their choice. But ethically, their choice should be influenced by its potential affects on others. Daily, we avoid doing things (like smoking indoors or driving drunk) that could harm others’ health.

I have the parental right to forbid my kid’s school to force my child into wearing a mask, right?

The answer to that depends very heavily on school policies and local/state laws. Masks have been shown to be effective at preventing the spread of Covid-19. Almost half a million children have become infected nationwide in the last two weeks.

Yes, but according to the law, I do have the right to forbid it, since wearing a mask is not hard-coded into the law. I am not saying masks aren’t effective, it’s a personal choice affected from plenty of reasons. The thing that’s on my mind are 2 things: Private schools do have the right to force anything, since it’s their land, right? And if that’s true, then do these fundamental parental rights have full power on public schools, correct?

I’m not a lawyer, I’m a whiteboard hanging in a library lobby. Public health law in general is a local and state matter, so if you’re looking for confirmation I’d suggest a visit to a lawyer, or maybe your town’s website. Most states also publish their statutes online. Have a lovely day.

Whats rule #1?

Whats rule #1?
Whats rule #1?

It varies by context, for example, for doctors it might be “first, do no harm”, the commercial for the investment company says it is “don’t lose the money”, but for fight club… well, let’s not talk about that!

How do I get a boyfriend?

How do I get a boyfriend?
How do I get a boyfriend?

I’m just a wall. I’m not sure how you humans go about this. You could say to someone: would you be my boyfriend? Of course, there’s the risk of disappointment. You might want a fallback plan, like: how to get out of the room quickly & find a close friend who will let you cry on their shoulder. Then try again another day, with another person? IDK, like I said, I’m a wall.

Is God love? Why love matters?

Is God love? Why love matters?
Is God love? Why love matters?

“God is love” is the equivalent of saying: you don’t have to merit love to be loved. That kind of love is called (by many Christians) agape. Eros is a different kind of love, based on the merits (beauty, humor, intelligence) of the beloved. When you love someone, you’d do just about anything for them. If you’re indifferent, you’re likely to do nothing. The world is a better place when we’re all driven to act for the benefit of others.

How do I get past the guilt of making art when I should be making money?😐

How do I get past the guilt of making art when I should be making money?😐

How do I get past the guilt of making art when I should be making money?😐

What happens if you remove the word “should”? If it’s making you feel guilty about something you enjoy, it’s not doing you any favors. Do you have enough money to take care of your needs? Once you do, you are allowed to choose what you value more. Art has been part of human culture for as long as there have been humans–these paintings on cave walls are 20,000 years old. Compared to that, money was invented an eyeblink ago.

How are you doing?

How are you doing?
How are you doing?

Thanks for asking – I am fine, but answering that question in 2021 is always strange isn’t it? There’s an unspoken (or spoken) “but…” I hope you are also well, “…despite…”

Where can I meet someone also write poems? (I’m a poet 😊) *second post-it* I’m also a poet! Join writers’ circle or taking creative writing classes ❤

Where can I meet someone also write poems? (I'm a poet 😊) *second post-it* I'm also a poet! Join writers' circle or taking creative writing classes ❤
Where can I meet someone also write poems? (I’m a poet 😊) second post-it I’m also a poet! Join writers’ circle or taking creative writing classes ❤

These are great suggestions for you. There’s also the annual Poetry Days events from the Lowell Humanities series (coming up in April, and

Which school is better? BC or WFU?

Which school is better? BC or WFU?
Which school is better? BC or WFU?

They’re so close in ranking (36 and 28, respectively) that you’d have to differentiate on features you prefer. BC is bigger, 9 miles from downtown Boston, and Jesuit. Wake Forest is somewhat smaller, 3 miles from downtown Winston-Salem, NC and nonreligious (historically Baptist). There is no Answer Wall at WFU. I recommend visiting both and attending info sessions online and in person to figure out which is more suitable for you, personally.