I’m going to apply next year, early decision!

Visited last year during BCE, revisited again this year and I'm going to apply next year, early decision! Any advices would be great, love y'all!
Visited last year during BCE, revisited again this year and I’m going to apply next year, early decision! Any advices would be great, love y’all!

Hard work, luck, and having some money to start with. Leave out any one of those, and the other two have to be that much stronger. (And remember, you have no control over luck and won’t know you have it until after the fact.)

How do I wake up in the morning and make $$$

How do I wake up in the morning and make $$$
How do I wake up in the morning and make $$$

Hard work, luck, and having some money to start with. Leave out any one of those, and the other two have to be that much stronger. (And remember, you have no control over luck and won’t know you have it until after the fact.)

should i buy a window AC unit

should i buy a window AC unit or just tought it out
should i buy a window AC unit or just tough it out

Weather reports suggest it will be cooler at night starting Thursday night this week, at least for a while, so perhaps put off a decision for a few days. If it’s still unbearable when it’s cooler at night, go for it.

How to get rich?

How to get rich?
How to get rich?

The billionaire Warren Buffet’s principal is simple: buy and hold. Another way to put it: guess correctly about which companies will return the biggest stock market investments over the long term, and invest accordingly.

How can we fight misinformation on the internet?

How can we fight misinformation on the internet?
How can we fight misinformation on the internet?

Fight misinformation one citation at a time! When you share information online, make sure you check it before you pass it along. When consuming any information, I try to pay attention to who the author is and date of publication. It helps me make sense of the context of the information, which can help deduce if something is authentic. If there is no author or date, I take note. Read more at this great article from Boston Public Library: https://bit.ly/3W5eZuD

How can one become happy? :)

How can one become happy? [smily face]
How can one become happy? 🙂

Jane Austen wrote, “There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.” The same could be said of happiness. There are infinite paths to being happy, unique to every person. But as an observer of human nature, I can say that authenticity and connection seem to be common themes. If you are feeling unhappy, reaching out to a loved one and getting some fresh air can go a long way.

How do I become rich in 5 minutes?

How do I become rich in 5 minutes? [Reply: Go to sleep and have a dream]
How do I become rich in 5 minutes? [Reply: Go to sleep and have a dream]

Spend 5 minutes writing down every small thing you’re grateful for. There’s your wealth, right there. Dreaming, as someone suggests, is another option.

How do I get a Gyatt??

How do I get a Gyatt??
How do I get a Gyatt??

How do you get someone to look at you and exclaim? By not caring whether someone looks at you and exclaims. Or, as the refrain goes, put your hands in the air like you just don’t care.

Why do many people choose BC?

Why do many people choose BC?
Why do many people choose BC?

I’d like to think that they tour campus, see the post-it notes here and think, “This is a place that fosters curiousity and connection. I’d love to attend a school like that.” But, there are a myriad of reasons that go into someone’s decision to attend a certain college: location, majors available, cost, and on and on. Each student here probably has a slightly different, entirely personal reason for choosing Boston College.