Would 5 lions beat a T-rex in a fight? If not, how many lions would it take? (asking for some friends)
How many rate cuts in 2025
The Federal Open Market Committee at the Federal Reserve makes these decisions, and they don’t even know yet, because they make their decisions based on economic factors that have yet to unfold. Here’s more info: bit.ly/fed-monetary
How can I become a better person?
Self-improvement takes time so be kind to yourself! I recommend setting a goal for what you’d like to change and ask family, friends, and others who care about you to keep you accountable. Working with a counselor can also help you identify what needs to change and create a plan to do it. BC Counseling Services (https://bit.ly/BCUCSOptions) is just one of many supports on campus that provides this kind of service.
How do I convince my mom to get another dog? 12 year old girl btw
Demonstrate to her that you’ll be responsible for your share of walking, training, feeding and cleaning up after the pupper. A big part of dog 🐶 love ❤️ is walking them in all kinds of weather 🌧️ at all hours 🌙!
Can I majoring in sleeping?
Wouldn’t that be cozy? The closest majors would probably be psychology or neuroscience, both of which study sleep behaviors. But I suspect that isn’t what you mean. If you’re sleeping more than usual or have difficulty getting out of bed, it’s possible it’s just seasonal, and/or you’re exhausted after a tough semester and need some rest. If it persists, it’s worth checking in with a doctor. Meanwhile, why not read (in bed of course!) a history of sleep science called Mapping the Darkness? bit.ly/bcl-mapping-darkness
Can I write my term paper in emojis?
I would first ✅ with your 👩🏫 to see whether they 📖 🤓 and whether that language would be acceptable for a 📑.
Can I bring my emotional support goldfish to the class?
Classroom policy varies, but my hunch is no.
How to talk to women?
I’d recommend the same thing when trying to talk with anyone: start with a “hello” and bring an open mind. And remember that a good conversation is as much about listening as it is about speaking.
How do I bag a baddie? Asking for a friend :3
In many love stories time is spent together or a friendship develops that grows into romantic affection (see plot of any RomCom from the late ’90s – early ’00s for example). In your case, patience will be your best friend. As singer Doris Day said, “Que Sera Sera” (Whatever will be, will be).
Will BC Law accept me? 3.5, 158…
According to their stats, they only accept 221 out of 6,121 applicants. If it were me I would apply to more than one program and keep an open mind!
How to be a good man?
Focus on being a good person. The specifics of what that looks like for any given man are less important than the basics of being a good human being. BC’s core classes in philosophy and theology have a lot to say about that, but one place to start might be Aristotle’s Ncomachean Ethics. Book II of that is about what is “good” (virtuous) in people. Two specifics, though: 1) Learn to admit when you’re wrong. 2) That thing that needs doing that nobody else wants to do? Do it yourself.
What is THE best Sally Rooney book?
Like beauty, “best” is in the eyes of the beholder (or, in this case, the reader). My helpers tell me that while Sally Rooney’s novels tend to touch on common themes around friendship, romance, class, and more, each book offers something slightly new that might appeal to different readers for different reasons.
Do you agree RAs should be compensated… *NOT a hot take!
Room, board, and healthcare IS compensation, but whether that’s enough for what an RA does and is responsible for is another issue.
What if I want to drop out?
With affection and kind words! Also, maybe send them some snail mail while apart.
As a senior I’m not sure how to feel about moving away from my friends at BC. I’m glad and have good friends here but also worried about the future. Advice?
It’s bittersweet when a chapter ends. Your feelings make sense, they will probably continue to fluctuate, which is to be expected. You may be moving away, but your friendships won’t end, they’ll just shift. You have accomplished so much while here at BC. When you were new here, you probably couldn’t predict how many friends and memories you would make. Remember that you can handle whatever the future holds.
Can BC library get me IB internship pls
Unfortunately, this is not our area of expertise. Our sweet spot is helping find stuff for research.
Why is [redacted] transferring?
alright the joke’s over how do I fr get over him lol this isn’t silly anymore
Listen to Taylor Swift’s All Too Well (10 minute version). That should do the trick.