I want to adopt a dog right when I graduate but I’m worried I won’t be able to afford it- What do you think?

I want to adopt a dog right when I graduate but I'm worried I won't be able to afford it- What do you think?
I want to adopt a dog right when I graduate but I’m worried I won’t be able to afford it- What do you think?

You are wise to be considering the cost (and responsibility) that comes with pet ownership. Having a dog is obviously very enjoyable and beneficial to some people, but if you are considering it, try coming up with an expected budget first to see whether it seems manageable. Be sure to include both day-to-day costs (food, supplies, check ups, etc.) and periodic costs (medical issues, increased rent or pet deposits, pet sitting costs, etc.). Does that amount seem manageable? If so, you can go into dog adoption with confidence. If it seems like you can’t afford it, consider other options. Can you pet sit or dog walk for friends? How about volunteering at a shelter or rescue organization? No matter the format, I hope you are able to find a rewarding (and affordable!) way to spend lots of times with dogs!

Should I confess through poetry before graduating?

Should I confess through poetry before graduating?
Should I confess through poetry before graduating?

If you think this would help you grow or be rewarding in some way, absolutely! There’s a long tradition of confessional poetry; the first to be labeled as such was Robert Lowell, a selection of whose poems you can find in O’Neill Library at call number PS3523.O89 A17 1976.

What is the optimal attitude/disposition that a person graduating college should have?

Optimally What is the optical attitude/disposition that a person graduating college should have?
What is the optimal attitude/disposition that a person graduating college should have?

Many qualities will help, but the central one is a commitment to honesty. After you graduate, you’ll get the indescribable pleasure of your work & life having real impact on others, not just grade impacts on you. The flip side is the anxiety of unanticipated impacts: sometimes things don’t go as planned. Being the best you involves conflicting attitudes: bring the confidence & boldness when it’s time to act, persistence when things don’t go as planned, humility and flexibility when you need to ask for help and change plans, and adaptability and teachability when it’s time to grow. Why is honesty central? You can only understand a situation, other people, or yourself when you assess honestly, and you have to understand a situation to know which attitude to bring to it.

What should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations?

What ;should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations? This year, I go into [?] I wanted to. Recently, I was rejected from 2 SOs that I dedicated a lot of time to. Help.
What should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations? This year, I go into [?] I wanted to. Recently, I was rejected from 2 SOs that I dedicated a lot of time to. Help.
It must be frustrating and discouraging to put a lot of time into something and feel like your efforts weren’t valued. When you say “rejected,” do you mean you weren’t offered leadership positions? These things can take time, and aren’t always a measure of your worth to the organization. I recommend patience and resilience. I also recommend talking to the Office of Student Involvement about your experiences: www.bc.edu/osi. They may be able to offer new strategies or perspectives.

What should I do if I’m really really depressed…I want to take a gap year :(

What should I do if I'm really really depressed...I want to take a gap year :(
What should I do if I’m really really depressed…I want to take a gap year 🙁

First I will say that if you’re depressed, I highly recommend talking to someone about those feelings. They are natural, common, and you deserve as much happiness as anyone else in the world. BC counseling (bit.ly/BC-counseling) can help you work through some of what you’re feeling. As for a gap year, that’s not necessarily a bad idea. Taking some time away from school may help you re-focus and provide a broader context for your studies. If you do decide to take a gap year, I recommend trying to make the best of the time by working in a field you’re interested in or gaining other quality life experiences.

Should we move to Colorado?

Should we move to Colorado?
Should we move to Colorado?

Depends on what’s in Colorado. Good job? Fresh start? Skiing? Colorado is a great state, but moving somewhere without a plan is usually a bad idea. Also, consider where in Colorado you’d be moving. Do you want to live in a city or somewhere more rural? One way to figure some of this out might be to make a visit out to the area you want to move to for a week or 2 and see how well you like it.

Do you think it’s worth it to become a certified vet-tech and work before applying to vet school but after I graduate from BC?

Do you think it's worth it to become a certified vet-tech and work before applying to vet school but after I graduate from BC? PS: There's no space here! Maybe its time for a brother (A new wall)?
Do you think it’s worth it to become a certified vet-tech and work before applying to vet school but after I graduate from BC?
PS: There’s no space here! Maybe its time for a brother (A new wall)?

I think it depends on your reasons for becoming a vet-tech first. If you want to take this path to help you decide whether you want to be a veterinarian, I think it is definitely worthwhile. It is always good to explore a career first if you are unsure of it (though you might also see whether you can instead get an internship). If you are doing this to help pay for veterinary school or to help you get into a good school, it might also be worthwhile, but in both of those cases, the Career Center can provide more knowledgeable advice than I can. Stop by their drop-in sessions here at the library on Wednesdays & Thursdays 2-4 (Level 3 consultation area) or check out their website: bit.ly/BC-career.

Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF

Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF
Why am I here as a 2nd semester senior? WTF

Why are you in the library? Hey, you asked the right Wall – I am hardly ever anyplace else (though I am presenting at a conference in May, no kidding!) There are so many opportunities here, to learn about anything, to find some peace, or even to get advice at Career Center drop-in sessions Wednesday & Thursday 2-4 (Level 3 consultation area), if you’re thinking about what comes next. This is the place to be.

Where is my PhD acceptance letter?

Where is my PhD acceptance letter?
Where is my PhD acceptance letter?

While my wall-friends in admissions do hear some interesting conversations, they tend to keep mum when I ask them for specifics. Or are you asking for about another school? Either way, I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for this one. But I do wish you lots of luck!

Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?

Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?
Should I drop out and move to Wyoming?

Dropping out is a big decision, not to be taken lightly. Why not take a semester or one year leave of absence and try out Wyoming? That way, you can come back to BC if Wyoming turns out to be bleak and inhospitable, or stay if you can’t imagine leaving the “big country.” I recommend talking to your adviser. I’d reckon your parents might also have something to say, but you’re also an adult; this is your decision.

How do I leave a better world for my children?

How do I leave a better world for my children?
How do I leave a better world for my children?

Whatever you envision as a better world, make at least part your career and what you do outside of work hours part of it. And bring your children along so they can see how it’s done. And talk about it with them. Children are wise and curious, and will soon grow up to become people asking (we hope) this same question.

I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

I'm a touring high school student. Why BC?
I’m a touring high school student. Why BC?

Because: 1. you’ve looked at BC’s mission (bit.ly/BC-mission) and it’s a close fit with your values, 2. people you like and respect went to BC and loved their experience and think it would be right for you, 3. the mix of available majors (bit.ly/BC-academics) fits with your goals and aspirations, 4. it just feels right, 5. BC Libraries (library.bc.edu) totally rock & you want to spend a lot of time here.

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?
What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

Fall in love? Make a really big difference in someone’s life by helping them overcome a major problem of some kind? Broker a peace deal in the Middle East that satisfies all parties? Or maybe you should just take a vacation, which means disburdening yourself of the need to do the best possible thing.

Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?

Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?
Should I sacrifice my career goals/ambition for a family life?

I hope to someday hear the pitter patter of tiny whiteboards, but I admit – they require a lot less care than your human young do! It is my sincere hope that you can find a way to live out your goals and dreams of career and of family life. It’s a real struggle in the 21st century, and each individual has to figure out his/her own work/family balance. Browse HD4904.25 in the stacks for research on work and family that may guide you.

Do you think Communications is a good major?

Do you think Communications is a good major?
Do you think Communications is a good major?

During my time supporting the O’Neill Library, I have had an opportunity to observe students from every major available here at Boston College and my belief is that there is that all of the majors are “good” but that they might not all be right for a particular student. I would recommend focusing your efforts on deciding if Communications is the best fit for you. To do this, consider questions such as: Do you enjoy the Communications classes you have taken so far? Does the work make you fulfilled? Does it feel meaningful? Will it support your future career goals and personal aspirations? Along the way, you might want to visit the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) and check out our portal for Communications Resources (https://libguides.bc.edu/communicationportal).

Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps?

Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps
Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps?

Or both! You can always spend 2 years with the Peace Corps and then apply for a job at Goldman Sachs (or anywhere, really). Having Peace Corps experience may even give you an advantage over other applicants. Or, you can start your career and then try the Peace Corps later in life. That route may be more challenging if you have obligations, but people do it. Either way, enjoy your life and its many possibilities!

Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help

Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help
Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help

Unfortunately, I am just a wall, not a Magic 8 Ball, so I can’t make any promises, but I can tell you that I think you will find success and fulfillment in life. It can be easy to be stressed about the big picture issues like jobs and relationships, but try to focus on what you can control. Take steps towards deciding what type of career you want and then talk to the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) about how to make it happen. And, instead of focusing solely on finding love immediately, look to build strong friendships and relationships while on your path to love.

I want to go home. What do I do?

I want to go home. What do I do?
I want to go home. What do I do?

Luckily, both Spring Break and the Easter long weekend are coming up soon. Can you schedule a trip home during one of those breaks? In the meantime, try calling, FaceTiming, Skyping, or emailing your friends and family back home or putting up pictures from home to help bring a piece of home to the BC campus. Homesickness is a natural part of many people’s college experience, so whatever you decide to do, know that many people are struggling with this same feeling. If the struggle is getting you down and none of these suggestions help, you might want to talk to Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) as well.