Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!! We pay thousands each semester!
Though I am certainly many things, I must admit that I am far from omnipotent. When it comes to influencing BC’s Dining Services, I am quite certain the collective voices of disgruntled students have far more sway than my own humble requests. Please make your collective wishes known directly to Dining Services:
Close by, I understand Lee’s Burgers, with locations in both Newton Centre and Coolidge Corner, ( has tasty burgers that are reasonably priced.
Thanks for your answer on where to find milkshakes. They were great!!
Glad you liked them! My helper, the Snacks Librarian ;-), enjoyed doing the research. Helper wanted me to add “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,” but was too shy to go for it.
Though I am the mighty Answer Wall, my powers are limited, and I doubt I have the capability of single-handedly bringing Late Nights back to what it was. I can, however, have my human assistants pass your request along to Dining Services, and perhaps you can do so yourself as well:
They took hersheys with almonds out of the Stokes S vending machines and my quality of life has significantly decreased. how can I make them put them back?
So sad! Feedback to the vending company ( is probably your best line of action. Also, the Campus Bookstore in McElroy, just steps away from Stokes S, does carry your favorite treat (during far more limited hours – maybe get one now!)
According to the company website (; pork with ham, salt, water, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrite. If you mean the pink meaty stuff in the can. But if you mean in the email… that can be very scary stuff indeed! Don’t click on it!
Why is our dining hall food always so oily? Is it possible for us to get some new options?
BC Dining loves to get feedback – I’d contact them at My helper tells me there are good low/no fat options available at the salad bar in Lower. I hope you’re able to find food that meets your needs!
Dining Services responds: “The lines have been longer than we have experienced in the past so we are working on some menu changes to increase the speed of service. The first few days of classes at dinner were particularly challenging but we have noticed some improvement. We will be offering Mobile Ordering at Addie’s Loft soon so that will help students in a hurry since they can order in advance and then just pick up without waiting in line. We plan to have this up and running soon.”
Employees enjoy bringing snacks from home, buying them in the vending machines on O’Neill level 1, going for a short walk on campus to Hillside, Stokes Chocolate Bar, Lyons, McElroy, or Lower, or strolling down to the eateries near the BC T stop. Some have even been found grazing as far afield as Cleveland Circle or Newton Centre.
There are do-it-yourself shakes (“freal”) available in a freezer case near the cashiers at Lower Live; you pick out the one you want and there is a machine nearby to make it into a shake. Some tasty flavors, too – cookies and cream, peanut butter cup… Other sites on main campus did milkshakes in the past but alas, no more..
Why can’t they just bring back late night like how it used to be…Addie’s late night is horrible
I’ll pass your feedback along to Dining Services. If you’d like to do so yourself with more specificity about how or why Addie’s late night is horrible, use this form:
The Wall isn’t sure if you mean employees as snacks, or snacks for employees. The former is alarming; I would not recommend it. As for the latter, some of my helpers spend too much time and money with my buddies, the lovely vending machines on Level 1. There’s a wide variety, and you don’t have to leave O’Neill. Pro tip from anonymous expert snacker: Level 2, across the atrium, turn right: This one has Twizzlers!
As a wall, I’ve never had coffee myself. But my human friends make a good argument that the Chocolate Bar in Stokes has the best coffee, followed closely by Hillside.
Please help me understand why they’re changing late night! Make it healthy options weekdays & keep old late night on weekends!!
Dining Services made the changes partly because of staffing issues, but partly because the move presented an opportunity. Some menu changes are still in the works based on feedback they received through class year Facebook pages. Watch for more news coming soon from Dining Services.
Alcohol licensing in MA is pretty arcane. It is generally divided into 2 categories: retail and on-site consumption, and those are sub-divided into “Wine and Beer only” and “Wine, Beer, and Liquor”. Each city has a finite number of each kind of license to sell, after which no one else can serve/sell alcohol. Walking distance from campus are 2 bars: CitySide and Mary Ann’s which both serve alcohol. Reservoir Wine and Spirits is the closest retail outlet.
As a wall, I don’t get to experience that joy, but I asked one of my helpers and she told me it was the perfect marriage of a delicious drink and chewy goodness. It does tend to be pricey, though, so you might want to explore the various make your own recipes on the internet.
Why does drinking Monster give me flashbacks of getting cut from my school’s varsity basketball team?
I’m sorry Monster triggers unpleasant memories for you. Taste can be strongly tied to memories. This short article in Science Daily ( explains some of the underlying mechanisms. Maybe get your hydration and caffeination needs met with something else that doesn’t bring you back to a bad time?
Do you like Taiwan? Why? What is your favorite food in Taiwan (:? From OCAC_Boston 🙂 I’m Taiwan not Thai
I love Taiwan. It’s such a crazy blend of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese culture, with Buddhist, Confucian, and Daoist temples of all kinds, all of which have intricately carved & colorfully painted walls. I don’t eat (I am a wall), but one of my library assistants says to get scallion pancakes from one of the many walk-up windows, oolong tea, and if you’re into that kind of thing, squid-on-a-stick, a popular snack at seaside places like Yehliu. But you need more walls on tall subway platforms in Taipei, or else all the babies will blow away!
Flatbread is unleavened, right? (More seriously, thinking of God in human terms is called anthropomorphism and it’s an interesting theological problem. More discussion here: