I don’t get to drink that lovely stuff, but I think I’d like a simple Thai iced tea. Maybe, if I were in the mood for something wild, I’d go for this Cereal Milk Shake with Boba Pearls: http://bit.ly/BobaWoww
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
I don’t get to drink that lovely stuff, but I think I’d like a simple Thai iced tea. Maybe, if I were in the mood for something wild, I’d go for this Cereal Milk Shake with Boba Pearls: http://bit.ly/BobaWoww
I asked one of my helpers about this, and she wrote back: LOL. She added AJ is a go-to soothing drink, think: after pre-k circle time, hospital recoveries, and easy on the tummy during flight. Even though it’s a crowd pleaser with the under 10 crowd, it’s still an acceptable big kid beverage. If you want to branch out, though, this is an excellent time of year for local apple cider.
Yup. One of my assistants tells me that if you’re after some good, easy-drinking, cheap cider, check out Downeast and Bantam as well. Other Boston cideries that are doing better things than any of those places are Artifact Cider (with a Stranger Things themed cider), Prospect Ciderworks, and Far From The Tree out in Salem. If you’re really looking for wild stuff, splurge for a bottle of Farnum Hill Cider. It’s a far cry more expensive than Angry Orchard, but it’s real good.
If you’re not hungry with your M/W/F classes, then we can probably rule out medical issues. Are you eating full and healthy meals? Can you bring a snack with you? It’s important not to be too hungry in class; not only is it distracting but without fuel the body gets tired and learning can suffer.
If a group of sufficient number is organized, you have yourself a protest. If the group is also creative and persistent and has clear demands, it may also result in changes. Do I think it’s overpriced? Well, I don’t eat, but a few of my assistants mentioned bringing lunches and getting off campus for lunch as ways to save $.
For comparison’s sake: at IHOP, a Belgian waffle is $8.59, as is the quick 2-egg breakfast (with bacon, hash browns, and toast.) Food prices are going up all over; my assistants have noticed this at Boston-area restaurants. For now, a burrito at El Pelon is still a cheaper lunch option than many dishes here at BC, though.
I can’t give a recommendation, but here are the search results for Yelp for Top 10 best merguez in Boston: http://bit.ly/BostonMerguez. Enjoy!
Counterpoint: cereal is a salad with waaayyy too much dressing.
I don’t actually get to eat (being a wall, and all…) But if I had to choose a pizza flavor, I think I’d choose margherita – so pretty and colorful. I have no idea how it tastes.
I’ll have my assistants look into this. Dining Services is not a for-profit company, so it likely reflects something about ingredient costs.
Sages often call for moderation in all things. The Wall is inclined to think this should include moderation also. Being kind to yourself is super important if you’re trying to do something hard. So give yourself a break and start from where you are.
Certainly, if you show signs of alcohol poisoning (from the Mayo Clinic bit.ly/HungoverOuch ): confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow or irregular breathing, blue-tinged skin or pale skin, low body temperature, difficulty remaining conscious or losing consciousness. Consider seeking help, maybe through the Ofc. of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BC-health-promo), for your drinking if this is not a one-time thing.
According to this 2017 article in The Heights (bit.ly/BCDiningProfit), “BC Dining has a break-even bottom line. It does not try to make a profit. If there is any surplus of money at the end of the year, it is used to improve dining facilities. ”
Popeye’s tweeted about their new chicken sandwich, and it was somewhat popular. About a week later, Chik-fil-A tweeted about love for the “original” chicken sandwich. Popeye’s replied to that tweet asking Chik-fil-A “y’all good?”. From there people started tweeting about Popeye’s vs. Chik-fil-A and a meme was born. Read more: bit.ly/KYMPopeyes
I’m sorry the cookies went so fast. One of the great things about being an adult (… and not being a wall) is you can generally get yourself a cookie if you really want one, so if you’re feeling cookie-deprivation, why not go visit my friend the vending machine on Level One and treat yourself?
I’d send plea to the vending company (service@abvendingco.com). Perhaps they can alleviate your plight.
Nothing. I exclusively eat post-it notes.
Since I’m a wall, I don’t eat. Sometimes I get a little envious of people when they talk of delicacies, but in this instance…. nope!
If the food remains in his mouth, he will still go to bed hungry. So, wake him up and make him swallow.
The boxer or the singer? I don’t eat, which is part of how I keep my slim profile, so I don’t really have an opinion about poblanos. Lots of people like them, though.
As a Wall with limited gastronomical variety (I only eat post-its), appetizing pictures of food aren’t a big interest for me, but I suspect many of my assistants & viewers would enjoy tantalizing themselves with pictures of delicious meals & desserts & clicking through to the restaurants where they can eat them.
Most toddlers’ gas is not much different than an adult’s gas, however toddlers may not have control over their gas, and therefore it may be more noticable. However, if a toddler has very foul smelling gas, it could be signs of a digestive track problem or allergy- a visit to the doctor may be in order.