Where can we go for a one day road trip?

Where can we go for a one day road trip?
Where can we go for a one day road trip?

We are well situated for day trips! Even NYC or Montreal are arguably do-able in a (long, exhausting) day. Closer to home, I’d recommend: the coast of Maine including Portland and one of the beaches within an easy drive; the Berkshires for some art, music, theater or dance; or Mystic Seaport if you like ships and history. Or try some of the quirkier trips suggested here: bit.ly/DayTripsOuttaBoston… Beer Can Museum?

PS4 or Xbox

PS4 or Xbox
PS4 or Xbox

This is one of those questions that won’t ever have a right answer and that people will argue about forever. Generally speaking, PS4 has more exclusives titles than XBOX. XBOX Live and Playstation Network are basically the same. However, XBOX live Gold allows users to keep the games they got for free even if their subscription lapses, which is pretty nice, but costs extra. XBOX also has interoperability with Microsoft Windows, allowing you to play some games on your laptop wherever you are, which I think is pretty clutch. And the XBOX controller just feels more comfortable than playstation. So I say XBOX.

Who’s mans?

Who's mans?
Who’s mans?

If you mean “mans” as in “Mans Not Hot,” the satirical song released last September, the performer is the British comedian Michael Dapaah, who performs as fictional rapper “Big Shaq.” Here is an entertaining video of him describing the song & lyrics: bit.ly/neverhot

Favorite Avenger?

Favorite Avenger?
Favorite Avenger?

I like Emma Peel a lot, but suppose you probably mean the Marvel movies. I admire the steadiness and good cheer of Captain America. You should also read Matt Fraction’s run of Hawkeye if you haven’t: great small-scale stories and fantastic art, with lots of purple. bit.ly/bc-avenger

In search of a Netflix show, what do you recommend? (comedy, action, drama)

In search of a Netflix show, what do you recommend? (Comedy, action, drama)
In search of a Netflix show, what do you recommend? (comedy, action, drama)

Are we talking specifically shows produced by Netflix? Comedy: Bojack, Friends From College, Master of None, and Grace & Frankie. Action: Marvel’s Luke Cage and Marvel’s Jessica Jones (don’t let the Marvel tag fool you, these are great shows in their own right). Drama: Stranger Things (of course), The Crown (of course), Narcos, and The Get Down. I’ll also plug Chef’s Table as a wonderful Docu-series on some of the world’s most influential chefs.

Apple music or Spotify?

Apple music or Spotify?
Apple music or Spotify?

Apple Music boasts more individual tracks than Spotify, and has far more exclusive content. Also, if you already use a Mac/iPhone, Apple Music will integrate seamlessly compared to Spotify. However, Spotify’s discovery tools (like Discover Weekly) make finding new artists easier and requires less intervention from you. That same discovery allows for better radio stations than Apple Music. Spotify also has a free tier, which Apple music doesn’t. Personally, I like Spotify for the radio reason alone. For a more detailed rundown, check out bit.ly/AppleSpotify-BC.

Do you have any movie to suggest me to watch?

Do you have any movie to suggest me to watch?
Do you have any movie to suggest me to watch?

It’s hard to recommend a movie without knowing what you like. I love the movie Wall Street (PN1997.2 .W35578 2010). Great tale of corporate greed, and any movie about walls is going to be good. Nothing good on Netflix? Check out movies.bc.edu for free streaming movies including recent films like Baby Driver, The Big Sick, or Dunkirk. It even has The Wolf of Wall Street. You can check out DVDs from the Library as well!

Where is the best pic-nic spot around?

Where is the best pic-nic spot around?
Where is the best pic-nic spot around?

So many great places to picnic around Boston. Beaches, parks, squares… Here’s a list to get you started: http://bit.ly/PickUrPicnic. Once the ferry starts back up in spring, try the Boston Harbor Islands at low tide, so you’re actually picnicking on the bottom of the harbor. Right now, you could picnic just about anywhere in a gorgeous winter wonderland, if you’re a hardy soul.

Teach me how to dance

Teach me how to dance
Teach me how to dance

My moves are pretty limited, except for walltz, so I’m kind of a wallflower. Check the library catalog for books and videos on learning to dance. Also there are dance classes at the Plex: bit.ly/PlexDance and course offerings through the Theatre Department (look in Agora Portal Course Information and Schedule).. You can find opportunities in the local area that include instruction at Dancenet: bit.ly/Dancenet.

Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?

Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?
Will Josh Allen go #1 in the draft?

Depends on free agency. The Browns desperately need a QB that isn’t terrible, but Allen isn’t the safest bet. It’s tempting to think of him as the next Aaron Rodgers – QB of exceptional talent that didn’t get the attention he deserved by college recruiters. He could also be the next Matt Leinart – lots of talent and size, but just can’t read the field. Rumor has it that Jackson is pursuing AJ McCarron. If that deal works out, there’s probably some pressure off them to draft a QB first. They also need a Cornerback, and have the #4 pick. Bottom line: if they get McCarron, then they pass on a QB at 1. If they don’t, then I don’t think one good combine workout makes up for a season’s worth of gameplay. Josh Rosen is still the better pick if the Browns do want a QB at 1.1.

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?
What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?

Fall in love? Make a really big difference in someone’s life by helping them overcome a major problem of some kind? Broker a peace deal in the Middle East that satisfies all parties? Or maybe you should just take a vacation, which means disburdening yourself of the need to do the best possible thing.

Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?

Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?
Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?

The only supported information my assistants could find on Tom Brady’s religiosity is on hollowverse.com – not exactly a librarian’s reference source of choice, but backed up by citations to popular publications. He was raised Catholic, had a Catholic marriage to Gisele Bundchen, and christened his son as a Catholic. If he’s a scientologist, he’s being so secretive about it that no gossip columnist or papparazi has yet unearthed it.

Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?

Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?
Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?

Maybe visit Everglades National Park – the wildlife is outstanding – and/or kayak off Key Largo. Mangrove tunnels and manatees, oh my! We also just got this book “Geology of the Florida Keys”(QE100.F56 S55 2018) if you want to learn more about The Keys. And while you’re soaking up the sun in Miami, soak up some Cuban culture (and Cuban coffee); if you’re still there Sunday of Spring Break (3/11), you’re in luck – it’s Carnaval Miami on Calle Ocho (bit.ly/Calle8Fest). It’s worth considering, though, that some of the survivors of the Parkland shooting have asked for a boycott of Florida tourism until their legislature passes tougher gun laws.

How can I meet Amy Poehler?

How can I meet Amy Poehler?
How can I meet Amy Poehler?

IDK, but it might help that you’re at BC, because she *has* accepted offers to visit in the past, such as when she accepted an award at the annual arts festival in 2006 & was interviewed live in Devlin Hall: at.bc.edu/comictiming/. It doesn’t seem as if she’s been a commencement speaker here yet, even though she delivered one at Harvard in 2011. Maybe it’s time. And if you lead the charge… .

What to do as a single on Valentine’s day?

What to do as a single on Valentine's day?
What to do as a single on Valentine’s day?

I know Valentine’s Day can seem like it’s only for those in romantic relationships, but there’s plenty to do with friends or flying solo. Did you know BC students get free admission to a number of museums in the Boston-area? bit.ly/BCMuseums If you’d rather hang out with Olympians (or at least enthusiasts), this list of Winter Olympics-themed spots and events in Boston looks like it might be fun: bit.ly/BostonOlympics. Whatever you end up doing, you’ve always got an admirer in me!

Why Giammario is still single?

Why Giammario is still single?
Why Giammario is still single?

I have been asked several times about how one finds true love and when one can be sure they have found their life partner. The answers are never simple. So, perhaps Giammario is also still trying to figure this out.

Was Matt Patricia a good defensive coordinator for the Patriots?

Was Matt Patricia a good defensive coordinator for the Patriots?
Was Matt Patricia a good defensive coordinator for the Patriots?

There’s an old adage in football that ” walls defenses win championships” – according to NFL.com, the average defensive rank for Super Bowl champions has been 7th in the league (out of a current 32 teams). In the 6 seasons Patricia was the Patriot’s DC, they won the Super Bowl 2 times. 33% Super Bowl win rate in a position is pretty good. If you’re referencing the Butler incident during this past Super Bowl, I suspect that Patricia had relatively little say in the decision to bench him.