You’re doing fine. Everyone is reacting a little bit differently to what’s going on, but fear, stress, and massive upheaval in everyday life are the exact kinds of things that make it hard to concentrate. Some people are dealing with that by keeping themselves busy. That’s not productivity. Also, there are about a billion lists like this online right now: Pick one thing off a list like that you might enjoy, and don’t worry about the rest. Be kind to yourself. Eat regularly. Try to keep a schedule.
I study so much & work so hard for my classes but still not getting the grade I want :(

It sounds like you should be proud of your persistence and hard work, not disappointed! One of my assistants notes that they saw a Twitter thread the other day of dozens of current practicing STEM PhD’s (many with jobs at prestigious universities), who shared how poorly they did at various stages of their education, some even flunking out. Persistence wins! You can do this!
I’m only able to focus on my work using library computers…

There are apps that allow you to block your access to websites, but most won’t be available to you on a public computer. One technique is to schedule a timed increment of internet surfing (10 minutes?) as a treat after getting a block of work done (read 25 pages/ do 4 calc problems/ write 250 words, etc.) For more help with time management and study skills, contact the Connors Family Learning Center ( and ask about academic coaching.
Hi Wall I have an exam in multivariable calc Wednesday and I’m freaking out…

I have faith that you can survive the all-nighter and multivariable calculus. But I want you to know that you can survive and thrive even if you were to fall asleep in the midst of the all-nighter and miss the exam completely. And after this exam is over – and you’ve had some sleep – maybe contact the Connors Family Learning Center ( for some academic coaching, so it doesn’t come down to all-nighters next time?
I hear voices…

If you’re hearing voices that don’t exist, and it is disturbing you, I suggest you check in with Counseling Services: If you’re hearing actual voices and it’s disturbing you, try studying on Level Five – our quiet floor.
How are the Latin honors at graduation calculated for the Class of 2020 and 2021?

I’ll have my assistants check and get back to you.
The details are here under “Degrees with honors”( ): For 2020: summa for the top 4.5% of the class, magna for the next 9.5%, and cum laude for the next 15% (at the end of 2nd semester senior year.) In 2021: Summa for GPA of 3.9–4.0, magna for 3.8–3.899, cum laude for 3.667–3.799.
I want to learn GIS and how to use it. Does BC have resources for this?

Unfortunately we don’t have any GIS sessions happening this semester. But you can always learn more on the Data LibGuide: If you click the “Get Help” link on the left side of the page, you can make an appointment with one of our two data librarians. They’ll walk you through getting started and talk to you about some of the different options you have to learn more.
What do I need to demonstrate the Riemann hypothesis?

An extraordinarily deep understanding of mathematics.
It’s only the 3rd week and I’m struggling

You are absolutely not stupid. You’d be surprised at how many students struggle (many!) Please check in with you professors, your advisor, and the Connors Family Learning Center ( There’s advice and tutoring and support. And thanks for the birthday wishes.
Happy birthday, wall!

I see you, all tired and bleary-eyed, but still smiling. May all your study yield much learning and success.
Should I write a thesis?

Some questions to ask yourself: is there a topic you’d really like to investigate in depth? do you have the time in your schedule senior year to do this and do it well? are you planning on graduate school or a job in academia? Being able to point to a well-executed and written thesis, gives you an advantage. Also, talk with your major advisors about this.
I can’t finish my readings :(

If this is a new problem, I’d suggest getting your vision checked. Otherwise, Academic Coaching from the Connors Family Learning Center ( can help you develop skills and learn to better use your time so you get more (or all) of your reading done.
How to disguise one’s handwriting so friends don’t recognize it?

Using your non-dominant hand is a time-tested technique but takes some practice. You might also write in all caps or use cursive- whatever is not your normal writing style.
Please share tips!!

Tip: Ask a Librarian. They’re at the reference desk (the one facing the main doors) 9am-9pm M-Th, 9-5 F, and 11-7 Sat/Sun. The library website ( is full of information about resources. Just follow the “Research Guides” link ( or the “Get Help” link on the menu.There are library tip cards just to my right (your left). Health & wellness tip cards from the Office of Health Promotion are on the display rack next to the reference desk.
Can an undergrad student enroll in 7 courses in 1 semester? …

I spoke to my friends at Student Services and the Advising Center; you can take 6 classes if you meet the GPA requirement, and there is no additional fee for that. But you can’t take 7. Chat with your Academic Advisor if you need to hash this out more.
Will doing outside activitys take too much of my time?

You need to give your studies the attention they deserve, but it’s important to make other activities a part of your life. Your years here are an opportunity to learn, grow, and try out new things, and that doesn’t happen just in the classroom or the lab. The solution might be developing your time management skills. Why not try Academic Coaching at the Connors Family Learning Center (
comm elective recs? <3

The buzz is that they are all awesome! From the course listings, however, it appears that many are already closed. But take a closer look at New Media and Society (COMM227201) and Advanced Public Speaking (COMM 229301).
I hardly feel creative anymore…

Yeah, some writers are pretty good at telling stories to make themselves sound bigger than they are. Also, all the writing experience in the world just makes for decent craft: the story itself is more important. Craft comes with diligent work. If this is your passion, fight for it. Show up, and keep showing up. Whatever you decide, I, The Answer Wall, believe in you.

That works for some. Some think it works for them. It’s not really related to whether you’re filling the page with words, though.
Will I make it through finals? (Current time: 3:12 am)

You will! I have faith in you!
While (1==1) {system.out.println(“Good Luck on finals!!”);}

During exams, folks really appreciate encouragement… and lots of java….