It’s hard! When work slips out from under you, the first question to ask is “why”: is it the difficulty (difficult concepts or processes) or the volume? (Or… argh! both) If difficulty, arrange a tutor through the CFLC: Tutors are really good at breaking complex problems into easier-to-digest component parts. If volume, a) plan out your study times, carefully allotting how much time it *actually* takes (not how much time you wish it would take), b) arrange a tutor. Tutors are good at identifying ways to be more efficient. And go easy on yourself if you can’t finish absolutely everything. It happens.
Can you recommend a book on meditation (or of meditations) that is not religious? I’m a nonbeliever looking for ways to be more mindful?
Plenty of options! Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Coming to our senses : healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness (BL627 .K33 2004, 5th Floor, shelf 58), as well as many other books right near by in the BL627s. Also, Chris Germer’s Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, which is available online (
What are your feelings on Amy Poehler?
Ah, Amy.. I remember her fondly. When I was young, she & her friends’ laughter graced this building on occasion. I know she’s become quite the star because we have many tv series and films that feature her, and her book Yes Please (O’Neill PN2287.P565 A3 2014). Little known story: her road to stardom started with seeing an audition poster for the BC improv troupe My Mother’s Fleabag taped to a walkway, and spontaneously deciding to try improv (and acting) for the first time. Read more in this 1991 Heights article:
How do you celebrate Chinese New Year?
I’ll be celebrating Chinese New Year with the entire library on February 16th when we are having multiple therapy dogs visit (in honor of the Year of the Dog, of course) as well as a new year’s wishing activity and some traditional giveaways. All of the events will be in the Reading Room on the 3rd floor of O’Neill. Watch the space across the lobby from me for a related book display too!
Where is Didi?
According to, 30° 49′ 12″ N 57° 04′ 34″ E.
How can I prevent my (currently mentally and emotionally taxing) personal life from ruining my academics?
It can be difficult to balance struggles in one’s personal life with academics and other responsibilities, but you don’t have to try to do it alone. BC has trained professionals at Counseling Services ( who can help you to find balance between your personal life and your academic life and can give you strategies for both.
How do I rekindle my relationship?
I found love in the HQ801s, up on the fourth floor. But I’m not sure you’d find an easy answer there. Skimming through relationship advice columns, I culled some pointers: listen actively, learn new things about your partner, watch romantic movies together… And give it some time – feelings ebb and flow.
Do you think Migos is better than the Beatles?
Apples & oranges, or if we’re can compare record labels, Apple and Quality Control Music. If you’re going to go comparing remarkably different pop music groups, you’ll have to define what you mean by “better.” More popular? Reviewed more favorably? Broader appeal? More musically diverse? More musically unified? More culturally embedded? More culturally challenging? You might also want to give Migos some time to establish themselves… the Beatles have had a 50 year head start for their music to infiltrate every nook and cranny of the world.
Why did the Administration cancel the Romance Language Floor in Vouté?
According to the article in the Heights yesterday (, the administration decided too few students were benefiting from the program to justify the resources necessary to keep it going. Sounds like many students are quite unhappy about this; I think it’s a good idea to let the decision-makers know how their decisions impact you.
Can yr vending mach plz take credit/debit cards? Thx!
The machines can’t be programmed to accept credit cards, however they do take Eagle Bucks and Optional Dining Bucks, which you can buy with a credit card via the Eagle One Card services on Agora.
Just hanging out. Or on. wuu2?
Hi Wall R u religious?
You should read my bio on I am not merely religious; I have acolytes. No, but seriously. I am religious, but I’m a little private about such things. It’s easy to get caught up in Wall mysticism: walls protect, and yet we also divide. Suffice it to say I believe everyone has the capacity to be and do good for themselves and others by being generous with knowledge & love.
Could you recommend a good book of personal essays (an author you like)?
I don’t know your interests, so I’ll recommend several. For humorous & honest essays about writing, it’s hard to beat Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (O’Neill PN147 .L315 1994). For intriguing & dreamlike essays about personal growth, art, and the loss of a difficult mother: The Faraway Nearby, by Rebecca Solnit. (O’Neill PS3569.O585 Z46 2013) For powerful essays about race, either the well-known Between the World & Me, by Ta Nehisi Coates (BC Libraries, check catalog for many listings) or the lesser-known but equally powerful How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America, by Kiese Laymon (O’Neill PS3612.A959 Z46 2013), both of which owe a major debt to James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time (O’Neill & TML E185.61 .B195 1993). If any are unavailable, any other books by these authors are worth pursuing. Happy reading!
I don’t think I belong here in BC
I’m sorry you’re feeling that way – it’s hard to feel like you don’t belong. Depending on your reasons for thinking you don’t belong, you may want to speak to your academic advisor, Advising Center staff (, or Counseling Services ( I hope that they are able to give you a reason to stay, but if you find your best option is to transfer, I wish you all the best!
Who makes the music playlist in Mac?
My assistants have tracked down an answer! Music is played in McElroy during dinner, though some late-night managers also choose to play music. The dinner and late night managers in McElroy get to choose it; they usually stream either a YouTube set list or Pandora. The choice is entirely up to them, as long as it’s appropriate.
Why is BC willing to ignore all of its Jesuit values when dealing with the grad student union?
That would be a good question to ask Father Leahy. BC’s public position is similar to arguments made by Columbia ( recently. A BC FAQ ( addresses questions about Catholic social teaching and other issues from the administration’s perspective. The BC Graduate Student Employees Union addresses those issues this way: You might also be interested in the work of the Catholic Labor Network (, and this brief history of Catholic institutions and collective bargaining in America: The Jesuit Review (
How would I find a boyfriend as a guy?
While there are places and apps that make hooking up easy, they don’t work well for someone trying to find a meaningful same-sex relationship. The best way to find a partner is the same for any gender configuration– join groups that bring together people that share your interests or ask friends to introduce you to potential mates. Above all be casual about the process; it always takes longer than you want. Just remember that there is someone out there who is also looking for you, and you will find each other. You might start with BC resources: and even the Commonwealth has a website for LGBTQ youth:
Is carrot season over?
Vegetable availability often relies on the region you live in – in the North East, carrots are technically a fall season crop, harvested between late July and mid-December. However, carrots are usually available in shops all year round since farmers are able to protect their crops from frost and harvest them during the winter season as well. Additionally, they can be shipped in from other regions when the local harvest is over. You should be able to find carrots quite easily at your local grocer’s or market.
How many languages do you speak? | Also why do u choose this font?
There are speakers of at least 26 languages from Akan to Vietnamese willing to help me out, but if a question comes in in a language that is not one of these, I am shameless in reaching out for help beyond the library! And the font? It made me nostalgic for my old typewriter.