![BC needs 24/7 pancake service. How do I make this happen?](http://library.bc.edu/answerwall/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/022018-2.png)
The Wall’s acolytes are very excited about this idea. From our collection, you might enjoy this Culinary Arts Career Starter: bit.ly/bc-culinary, or this film on starting a catering business (bit.ly/bc-catering), or this catchy title from 1688: The gentlewomans cabinet unlocked. Wherein is contained many excellent receipts for neat dressing of divers sorts of meats; as flesh and fish, with their proper sauces· Also directions for the best way of making pancakes, fritters, tansies, puddings, custards, cheesecakes…. (bit.ly/bc-ca). You could suggest it to Dining Services, they’re nice: bit.ly/bc-dining. The Wall also has suggestions for places to go for more information on starting a business–ask again if that’s what you’re after.