Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there’s a horrible clicking noise, like there’s a mice-[crossout]

Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there's a horrible clicking noise, like there's a mice-[crossout]
Fourth floor next to the grouped cubicles/Elevator side there’s a horrible clicking noise, like there’s a mice-[crossout]

Thanks for the update on possible small furry quadruped guests. I prefer larger bipedal guests, who don’t tend to chew on wiring. (It tickles.) I will pass along your observations to those who can do something about the situation.

My roommate smells bad i don’t know what to do about it. Help

My roommate smells bad i don't know what to do about it. Help
My roommate smells bad i don’t know what to do about it. Help

Smelling bad could just be a result of a casual approach to hygiene – IOW they don’t shower as often as the norm, or don’t use as many products to obscure body odor. I’ve known people with sensitivities to a lot of those products & can’t use them. OTOH, if it’s really strong, perhaps there’s a contributing medical condition. Tread carefully: scent is linked primally to feelings of self-consciousness. Maybe The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College, by Harlan Cohen (O’Neill Library LB2343.3 .C62 2017) has some sage advice.

How do you get happiness?

How do you get happiness?
How do you get happiness?

Happiness research is totally a thing. We have many books which can guide you on that path; try searching the catalog for happiness in the subject. And here are some practical tips from the New York Times:

Show us a pic of you & your family

Show us a pic of you & your family
Show us a pic of you & your family

To be honest, I don’t have a family portrait. We walls all take our jobs very seriously so never have the opportunity to get together. (Can you imagine what would happen if we took off for a family reunion?!) Except for those I am closest to I don’t really see my BC relatives wall-to-wall. This brief clip, however, shows some of the family on the outside: They are quite elegant, aren’t they?

Where can I find a list of the top Latin American Studies M.A. programs?

Where can I find a list of the top Latin American Studies M.A. programs?
Where can I find a list of the top Latin American Studies M.A. programs?

You could start with US News & World Report rankings of Latin American History programs:, but even better, because grad school quality is all about which scholars are where, would be conversations with Hispanic Studies faculty here at BC: I’m sure they know the inside scoop about who’s where, where fellowship & TA-ship stipends are available, and which programs are growing & which shrinking.

Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?

Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?
Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?

No. The aims of modern feminism, judging by the 3,420 results in a catalog search using “feminism” as a subject (, cannot be summed up so briefly.

Where is the love?

Where is the love?
Where is the love? </3 x <3

It is sad that we are still reflecting on that question and I wish I could provide the one and perfect answer. Perhaps the best advice for us all is found in the song ( “Take control of your mind, just meditate And let your soul just gravitate to the love So the whole world celebrate it” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!!

Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!! We pay thousands each semester!
Please, O omnipotent wall of all wisdom and sincerity, please tell BC Dining to put Late Night back at Lower!! We pay thousands each semester!

Though I am certainly many things, I must admit that I am far from omnipotent. When it comes to influencing BC’s Dining Services, I am quite certain the collective voices of disgruntled students have far more sway than my own humble requests. Please make your collective wishes known directly to Dining Services:

Why am I so tired? :(

Why am I so tired?
Why am I so tired? 🙁

The start of the fall semester, while very exciting, can also be exhausting! If you’ve covered the bases (eating well, exercising regularly, getting at least 7 hours of sleep – all so easy to do in college, right?), and feel you’re still fatigued, maybe visit University Health Services ( Also check out options with Ofc. of Health Promotion (