Can long distance work?? (I’m talking about Boston-Sydney)

Can long distance work?? (I'm talking about Boston-Sydney) Thx, wall :)
Can long distance work?? (I’m talking about Boston-Sydney) Thx, wall 🙂

If you are referring to a long-distance relationship, I did some research but could not find evidence that long-distance relationships work or don’t. However, this doesn’t mean it’s worth a try. Like any relationship, communication is key, so I first suggest finding a regular time for you and your partner to call or video-chat each other so that you don’t feel as far. Also, if either of you can afford it, I suggest planning to visit one another in person to maintain a physical connection. There’s also a few titles in our collection on long-distance relationships that are worth checking out: Maintaining long-distance and cross-residential Relationships by Laura Strafford (O’Neill Library Call # HM1106 .S753 2005), Dear John by Nicholas Sparks (O’Neill Library Call # PS3569.P363 D43 2024), and Landing by Emma Donoghue (O’Neill Library Call # PR6054 .O547 L36 2007)

Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?

Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?
Do you think people should be forgiven even when they have done so much harm to others?

If you’re talking about religious forgiveness, I suggest talking with a pastoral counselor ( It might also be worth exploring restorative or transformative justice, and the kind of truth and reconciliation processes that helped make peace in S. Africa and Rwanda. One helper recommended On Repentance and Repair by Danya Ruttenberg (O’Neill Library Call # BL476.7 .R88 2022) for the point of view of the one who did harm and how to make amends. Another recommended Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace, by Miroslav Volf.

Who watches the Watchmen?

Who watches the Watchmen?
Who watches the Watchmen?

Indeed! If others are wondering, you might want to read the graphic novel, Watchmen, by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, and John Higgins. There are two copies on reserve that can be requested at the O’Neill patron services desk on Level 3. 

My partner is avoidant when we fight. I tried to communicate with him multiple times but it never worked. He did do a lot for me in daily life, but when we fight, he always leaves and never comforts/confronts me. Should I leave?

My partner is avoidant when we fight. I tried to communicate with him multiple times but it never worked. He did do a lot for me in daily life, but when we fight, he always leaves and never comforts/confronts me. Should I leave?

I’m sorry to hear you have some relationship struggles. Communication struggles are not impossible to overcome but do require patience. It’s hard to give relationship advice from my position as a wall, so I highly recommend talking to someone, perhaps in Counseling Services: