How do you get the printer to print on post-its? Doesn’t it stick in the printer? Size issues?
Putting a post-it by itself in the paper tray would probably be a very bad idea, but I’ve had very good results with my method. My helpers have a template: to create the ‘document’ and then send it to the printer as a manual feed. Then they put the actual template of sticky-notes into the printer’s manual feed tray.
Are the reasons people give for not using the Oxford comma compelling?
The reasons they give are nonsensical, irrational, and silly. But seriously, this topic is quite divisive. Do follow the style guide your professor or journal requires. For an amusing discussion of the pros and cons, see:
Fashion has a lot to do with identity, both group and individual, judging by how many books are available on the subject “clothing and dress — social aspects” in BC Libraries: Browse among them, and I’m sure you’ll find some compelling answers about the tribal adornments of your fellow students.
A great question that can really start a huge debate! Some argue there are two holes because of both openings, some argue there are no holes at all. However, if you take the straw and squash it into a disc, you’ll see that there is actually only one hole. This question can be answered mathematically through Topology, which you can see in this Forbes article ( or find more information about Topology in the stacks! (QA611 .M82 2000)
Italians invented the word “graffiti,” so as a wall, I’m a little mixed. Then again, they also were expert practitioners of “sgraffito,” an artistic close cousin of graffiti with well-known practitioners from the workshop of the artist Raphael. Here’s an example from Firenze: They knew how to treat a wall! I hear the food is also good, and the music. And did you see the Italian Olympic skating team? What a good-natured bunch, full of camaraderie!
What can we do to stop all these school shootings? So many innocent people die, it’s sick.
This is a difficult topic and so far a great failure of the United States. There have been too many school shootings here: if you search for “school shootings” and “stop OR prevent” in databases such as Academic OneFile, Education Research Complete, and PsycInfo, you will find that a good amount of research has been done. Perhaps a viable solution will be one that includes several different strategies, from better training and education to recognize those who may be in trouble, to better mental health services to help them, to better gun control laws, and so on (see this article and references in PolitiFact for a summary: It will not be easy; educating ourselves (but beware of bots and trolls online) and talking is a good first step, but it does seem as though many lawmakers are not really willing to be part of the solution. We must keep talking and learning, speak out, vote for candidates who will address the issue. And we must continue to support those who have been victims of gun violence. Students in Parkland FL are leading the charge, with a planned march in DC (and one is apparently being planned here in Boston as well: as well as other events:
The Wall wishes all students best of luck on midterms – it’s a stressful time! I feel very hopeful about your chances. If you don’t end up doing as well as you hope, and are struggling with the concepts, please consider spending some quality time with a peer tutor at the Connors Family Learning Center (
你知道去氧核糖核酸的英文吗? Do you know how to say DNA in English?
Translation: Do you know how to say DNA in English? “Dee-en-eyyy,” or for the long form “dee-oxey-rhi-bow-new-clay-ick-assid”. YouTube has lots of great pronunciation videos for science stuff. Here’s DNA:
It’s almost certainly not “can’t”. Maybe [name redacted] doesn’t feel like it, or is thinking over something complicated, or only smiles among close friends, or comes from a culture that thinks smiling for no reason makes you look like an idiot. It might be interesting to think about why you think they should smile, and whether that’s more about you than them.
Hm. Not sure. Do you mean you can’t comprehend the words they speak, or something deeper, like their nature or character, or perhaps their perspective? If you can remain comfortable with ambiguity, sometimes people you can’t initially understand can offer you new perspectives that enrich your life.
IDK, but it might help that you’re at BC, because she *has* accepted offers to visit in the past, such as when she accepted an award at the annual arts festival in 2006 & was interviewed live in Devlin Hall: It doesn’t seem as if she’s been a commencement speaker here yet, even though she delivered one at Harvard in 2011. Maybe it’s time. And if you lead the charge… .
My helpers are grateful for your appreciation. I keep them very busy researching and typing up answers all day, so they deserve at least some of the credit for what looks like a seamless, one wall endeavor.
If this is in response to the yet-unanswered question, please know the Wall’s helpers have been in contact with BCPD, who have said they will have an answer soon. If it’s not about that, are you asking whether they’re sad? 🙁 I don’t know. I’m sure police work is challenging, especially in that officers are often exposed to the worst moments in people’s lives. That could certainly make a police officer sad.
Hello there, Wall. I’ve missed you lots. Thanks for giving us all the motivation and advice to succeed <3 😉
Aw, thanks! When you folks go away, I miss you, too. I just try to be supportive, because that’s what walls do. We support. I want everyone to be the best of exactly who they are.