Why is there something instead of nothing?

Why is there something instead of nothing? Can this be answered by science? By philosophy? Is philosophy being "killed" by science?
Why is there something instead of nothing? Can this be answered by science? By philosophy? Is philosophy being “killed” by science?

In the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the philosopher Roy Sorensen says, sensibly, “No experiment could support the hypothesis ‘There is nothing’ because any observation obviously implies the existence of an observer.” (For less empirical arguments, see: bit.ly/stanford-nothing.) BTW, philosophy is thriving. 700-1200 new academic jobs in philosophy have been posted annually in the US over the last 10 years according to the American Philosophical Association.

How to overcome low self-esteem?

How to overcome low self-esteem?
How to overcome low self-esteem?

First of all, you’re awesome! Low self-esteem can come from a variety of sources, so it depends partly on what’s causing it. A common cause is repeating negative stories about yourself, perhaps without even being aware that it’s happening. I recommend contacting Counseling Services to learn more about how you can function best. Meanwhile, there are some helpful apps, like Welltrack & Pacifica, that can help you learn about your own best ways for doing things, and a brand new service at BC called Lean on Me: text them at (617) 553-6655, or find out more at lean0n.me/bc/.

What is the secret to getting into Boston College?

What is the secret to getting into Boston College?
What is the secret to getting into Boston College?

It’s no real secret; it’s just become a very competitive process. You best bet is to follow the requirements (bit.ly/BC-admissions), and put good effort into your application and essays, and into choosing the teachers who will evaluate you. Wishing you all the luck!

How do I raise my GPA in 2 hours? Asking for a friend (help)

How do I raise my GPA in 2 hours? Asking for a friend (help)
How do I raise my GPA in 2 hours? Asking for a friend (help)

If the 2 hours in question are during a final exam, you may be able to make a small but measurable change by doing really, really well. However, as with most things in life, change takes time and effort. I highly recommend talking to your academic advisor, to your professors, and getting some peer tutoring – and possibly academic coaching – from the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors).

What is the best seafood restaurant nearby?

What is the best seafood restaurant nearby?
What is the best seafood restaurant nearby?

Alas, the only seafood restaurant close by is Legal Seafood over at the Street, which fortunately does do a good job. Other possibilities that are nearby (but may be difficult to get to without transportation) are Steamers at 311 Watertown Street in Newton, and Shaking Crab, also in Newton at 203 Adams Street. There are many good seafood restaurants if you want to hop on the T and go in town though, such as the classic Union Oyster House.

Is love a paradox?

Is love a paradox?
Is love a paradox?

As both a source of pain (when it’s rebuffed or withheld) and pleasure (when it’s reciprocated) it certainly contains multitudes & conflicts. If it weren’t a paradox, then Pascal Bruckner’s bestseller in France, Paradoxe Amoureux, or Paradox of Love (bit.ly/BC-paradox – click Books at JSTOR for English version), might not have been a bestseller. It’s also paradoxical in that the more you give, the more you have, and the less you give, the less you have.

Should I stop cracking my neck/back?

Should I stop cracking my neck/back?
Should I stop cracking my neck/back?

Cracking your neck and back can bring relief to a stiff joint, but it’s important to make sure that you aren’t forcing cracks by using your hands on your head or forcing a twist in your back beyond what is comfortable. There are many delicate nerves as well as ligaments that can be damaged by forced manipulation. If you feel as though your neck and back are stiff, try some gentle stretching, yoga, or using a foam roller. If you’re not getting any relief, look for a Chiropractor! They are properly trained in freeing up your joints.

how do you know if you’re in love?

how do you know if you're in love?
how do you know if you’re in love?

Everyone experiences love differently, and it tends to be a little different each time, so it’s hard to generalize. Do you want to be? Because even in a stereotypical romance, after the initial phase of blurry happiness, love is ultimately about choosing to be a particular way with a particular person.

Why can’t we get new library printers?

Why can't we get new library printers?
Why can’t we get new library printers?

The library printers are only 3 years old, but with about 10 million pages printed each year at BC, it’s no wonder that the printers are getting finicky. Library and ITS staff have already started exploring which printers and print management systems will replace what we currently have.

How do you like your potatoes?

How do you like your potatoes? Are we talking mashed, baked, fried, hash-y, ball-y? What do we think? Or sweet potato?!?!
How do you like your potatoes? Are we talking mashed, baked, fried, hash-y, ball-y? What do we think? Or sweet potato?!?!

Being a wall, my diet is composed almost entirely of post-its, though I do also enjoy the scents of food wafting through the library, and potatoes are a favorite in that department. Many of my human assistants enjoy potatoes. One has a partner who claims to have eaten potatoes prepared 52 different ways. The Potato in the Human Diet (O’Neill Library TX558.P8 W63 1987) says potatoes are grown in 132 of 167 independent countries. For the potato-obsessed, I must recommend reading Potato: a history of the propitious esculent. (O’Neill Library SB211 .P8 R43 2009).

How to balance health and academic. I am in lots of physical pain every day.

How to balance health and academic. am in lots of physical pain everyday.
How to balance health and academic. I am in lots of physical pain everyday.

Inside Chronic Pain (bit.ly/BC-inside-chronic-pain – click on Books at JSTOR) by Lous Heshusius, provides a first-hand account of 10 years of treating her chronic pain and talks about the importance of rooting oneself in the present. Another book, Mayo Clinic on Chronic Pain (bit.ly/mayo-chronic – click on EBSCOhost eBooks) provides strategies for finding the balance you’re looking for. I hope you’re using accommodations available to you under ADA rules; contact Disability Services (disabsrv@bc.edu) if you haven’t done so already. Your day-to-day efforts are truly heroic; make sure you let folks help you.

Why is the mens bathrooms in O’Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?

Why is the mens bathrooms in O'Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?
Why is the mens bathrooms in O’Neill so disgusting? Can BC clean more often?

You are not the first to complain about the condition of my long-suffering colleagues, the bathroom walls. Crews clean them several times a day, but that doesn’t always keep up with the heavy use. Requests to have the bathrooms refinished have been put on hold pending decisions on larger renovation plans. For now, I’ll ask you to please treat the bathrooms with the respect they deserve even if they don’t always show their appreciation.