Probably there is no “now what”. Capitalism, for all its flaws, is the only system that humans have ever known, and probably ever will know as long as we live on a planet with finite resources. Even in supposed “non-capitalist” regimes, the fundamentals of capitalism still exist in gray and black markets. It is fair to say that it has killed a lot of people by extension, but more than it helps? I dunno. A lot of people are alive today due to technological advances created in order to make a buck (or even to make a buck while being more effective at killing the other guy in war). I think that all of the candidates for 2020 are good people doing their best to make our country better as they see fit (how’s that for dodging a question?). You sound like you might enjoy reading Thomas Piketty’s The Economics of Inequality (O’Neill HB523 .P54713 2015).