There is this on-campus group I auditioned for, but I got cut. I thought I’d get over it by now, but I am through missing out on the thing I want to do more than anything else. Any advice?

There is this on-campus group I auditioned for, but I got cut. I thought I'd get over it by now, but I am through missing out on the thing I want to do more than anything else. Any advice?
There is this on-campus group I auditioned for, but I got cut. I thought I’d get over it by now, but I am through missing out on the thing I want to do more than anything else. Any advice?

Anything that requires auditions is brutal, you have my sympathy. Is there another thing you could do with those talents that you’d enjoy? With a lot of arts anything you do makes you better at them, and it’s a small world, your shot might come around again a little later.