Anyways, I just got a girlfriend a few weeks ago. She’s really sweet and I want to do something for her for valentine’s day. But, this ONE mutual friend is slowly ruining everything by being a “Back and forth messenger”, and because we aren’t officially dating, and plan to ask her on a date on Valentine’s day, i’m not too sure this could be a good idea. As well as the fact that some of her “friends” are incredibly annoying (She recognizes this). She’s really nice and I don’t want to ruin things, but I also don’t want to come off as socially awkward. So, to summarize: 1. How do I give her what I want for Valentine’s day without being branded as a “Simp” 2. How do I do this without any of her friends getting in the way. 3. Any other general advice to help? THANK YOU SO MUCH WALL!
To answer your questions in order: 1. Anyone who uses the word “simp” as anything other than a joke is too immature to be commenting on anyone else’s relationship. Ignore those people and do what makes you and your girlfriend happy. 2. You can choose from two options here: either politely stop commenting on your relationship to these friends so that they have nothing to use as go-betweens and they can’t do anything to interrupt your plans. Or you could decide to involve them and ask for their help planning your Valentine’s date. If it seems like they’re just over-excited for their friend, they might be excited to give you ideas for what she’d enjoy doing as a date. You also don’t need to use their ideas, sometimes just allowing someone to feel heard will help them take a step back. 3. Try not to overthink things. Dating is all about getting to know someone new and having fun together, if you put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect you can end up getting in your own way because the person you’re dating won’t be getting to know the real you. Have a fantastic Valentine’s Day, hopefully everything works out for the best!